• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Flower pics

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Been playing around with the new camera (Nikon D850) and am pretty impressed with the photos I am getting from it. I'm not even doing any sort of post processing of the images. Mostly been using the Nikkor 105mm micro lens for the close-up shots, but have also been using the 60mm and 200mm micro lenses here and there too.

Here are some pics of the flowers blooming on our fruit trees right now.

This first one is the first citrus bloom we've gotten so far this year. It's on one of Connie's Meyers lemon trees.


Had a lot of leaf loss from the cold January we had, so I'm glad to see it if bouncing back nicely.

Some of the other citrus trees are about ready to explode with blooms. This is one of the new navel trees we put in.


The following pics are of the pear tree blooms and the last is from one of our asian pear trees.



Yeah, it sure does. And the quality of the lenses play a big part too. I've been zooming in looking at cropped 1:1 images and it's pretty remarkable how sharp the images still are at that level. And that is with the camera being hand held! Even with my old shaky hands holding this beast, which weighs a LOT with the flashes and bracket mounted on it.

This is the setup I am using, with the 200mm micro lens attached.



It's quite the hand full trying to hold it all steady while getting the shot. Using the smaller 105mm or 60mm does help a little, but the longer lens is better for shooting something a little further away that is difficult to get closer to. I've had all three of these lenses for years, and only used the 105mm on occasion with my old Fuji camera body when I needed closeups of something or another. This new Nikon D850 camera body beats that old Fuji all to hell and back again in the quality department. And I have barely scratched the surface of what this camera can actually do. Heck, I haven't even been doing any post processing on the photos they are turning out so well. Exposure with the flashes seems pretty much dead on as it is straight from the camera.
Connie and I noticed that we had quite a few wild azaleas blooming near the stream on the north end of our property, so I wanted to get some pics of them before the blooms were gone for the season. Seems the flowering season zips on by sometimes, so I didn't want to delay.

We also saw some wild clematis blooms the I believe are called "leather flowers" for some reason. And I got some pics of some other flowers here and there too, while I had the camera in hand.

These were taken with the Nikon D850 with the 105mm micro lens, if anyone is interested.






The irises we planted a long while back are starting to bloom.
