• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

2018 midterm elections

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Looks like DeSantis won the governor's seat.

Unless all of the remaining 0.1% total votes yet uncounted (9 precincts in Palm Beach County) are 100% for Nelson, Scott will win the senate seat.
Yeah, I was hoping for both DeSantis and Scott to win. But the Republicans didn't fare so well nationwide in the House, unfortunately.

On a side note, I have to admit that I'm a bit uncomfortable with the growing utilization of voting on amendments in these elections. Especially when they are putting multiple issues in separate voting capsules, so you have to vote yes or no for ALL of them as a bundle. That allows special interests to get something they really want to have passed simply by bundling it along with something that they know most people will vote for. And especially if an amendment is particularly complicated, and you really don't know what you are voting on unless you read the entire thing, which most people just are not going to do.

So both Connie and I have been just voting NO across the board for the amendments. Not that it seems to have mattered much. But still, bypassing our legislative system in this manner is a very dangerous thing for us to be doing. IMHO.
I guess I don't understand. When Connie and I go to the polls, we have to show our voter registration card and a driver's license before we even get a ballot. Our names are checked off on a list of eligible voters in our district/precinct.

Isn't that true all across the state, even in Broward County? A voter needs to prove their eligibility to vote, don't they? And it needs to be able to be verified during an audit or so-called "recount". If a vote by a legitimate voter cannot be verified, then the vote shouldn't count.

And isn't there a deadline for votes to be counted? If that deadline passes, any *new* votes are ineligible to be counted. Otherwise why have a deadline? I could claim next month that I have a ton of uncounted votes in my shed that I didn't notice earlier, otherwise.

Of course, the democrats have already stated that they need to do "whatever it takes" to win.

So if the American public loses faith completely on getting fair elections, what is going to become the only real alternative? Anarchy? Voting via the barrel of a gun? Something else?
I guess I don't understand. When Connie and I go to the polls, we have to show our voter registration card and a driver's license before we even get a ballot. Our names are checked off on a list of eligible voters in our district/precinct.

Isn't that true all across the state, even in Broward County? A voter needs to prove their eligibility to vote, don't they? And it needs to be able to be verified during an audit or so-called "recount". If a vote by a legitimate voter cannot be verified, then the vote shouldn't count.

And isn't there a deadline for votes to be counted? If that deadline passes, any *new* votes are ineligible to be counted. Otherwise why have a deadline? I could claim next month that I have a ton of uncounted votes in my shed that I didn't notice earlier, otherwise.

Of course, the democrats have already stated that they need to do "whatever it takes" to win.

So if the American public loses faith completely on getting fair elections, what is going to become the only real alternative? Anarchy? Voting via the barrel of a gun? Something else?

Both sides have become a sad joke and would rather fight each other than help this country.
All good questions Rich. Issues in Broward and Palm Beach Counties supposedly. The county that got hit by Hurricane Michael was able to count their ballots in a timely manner. New York, LA, San Francisco, Chicago.....all the large cities across the nation were able to tabulate their ballots with no delay. Funny how the two largest democrat counties here in Florida are the only two known to have an issue in the whole nation....:shrug01:
If the news I am seeing is correct (after all it IS CNN and ABC news), it appears that both Gillum and Nelson have finally called off the recounts and lawsuits, and conceded their respective election disputes.

And, Brenda Snipes has turned in her resignation as Broward County Supervisor of Elections. :dancer01:
I guess I don't understand. When Connie and I go to the polls, we have to show our voter registration card and a driver's license before we even get a ballot. Our names are checked off on a list of eligible voters in our district/precinct.

Isn't that true all across the state, even in Broward County? A voter needs to prove their eligibility to vote, don't they? And it needs to be able to be verified during an audit or so-called "recount". If a vote by a legitimate voter cannot be verified, then the vote shouldn't count.

And isn't there a deadline for votes to be counted? If that deadline passes, any *new* votes are ineligible to be counted. Otherwise why have a deadline? I could claim next month that I have a ton of uncounted votes in my shed that I didn't notice earlier, otherwise.

Of course, the democrats have already stated that they need to do "whatever it takes" to win.

So if the American public loses faith completely on getting fair elections, what is going to become the only real alternative? Anarchy? Voting via the barrel of a gun? Something else?

Rich, in the DemoKratic Peoples Republik of Massachuetts, all I have to do is walk into my polling place, tell the volunteer what street I live on, then the house number, and finally my name. They cross out my name on the "IN" book, hand me a ballot and I vote. Repeat the process of street, number, and name on my way out, They again cross out my name on the "OUT" book, then I deposit the ballot into the machine. I can not remember EVER having to show any form of ID as long as I've lived here.
Be careful about switching over to "the other party". I'm starting to call Democrats and Liberals "Undocumented Assholes", and I like you too much to have you fall into that category! LMAO
By the way, (just as an FYI) I've been having problems getting the "smilies" into my posts. Don't know if anything is wrong on the server end, or my end, but there is a problem.
Rich, in the DemoKratic Peoples Republik of Massachuetts, all I have to do is walk into my polling place, tell the volunteer what street I live on, then the house number, and finally my name. They cross out my name on the "IN" book, hand me a ballot and I vote. Repeat the process of street, number, and name on my way out, They again cross out my name on the "OUT" book, then I deposit the ballot into the machine. I can not remember EVER having to show any form of ID as long as I've lived here.
Be careful about switching over to "the other party". I'm starting to call Democrats and Liberals "Undocumented Assholes", and I like you too much to have you fall into that category! LMAO
By the way, (just as an FYI) I've been having problems getting the "smilies" into my posts. Don't know if anything is wrong on the server end, or my end, but there is a problem.

Seems to me it is only logical and prudent that people voting to influence the direction of this country with their votes should be required to prove they have the legal right to do such. If a person has not gone through the steps to become a legitimate citizen of this country, then by what right do they think that should be able to tell US how OUR country should be run?

As for the posting of smilies, heck, I dunno. I don't recall ever having any problems posting them here or on my other sites...

:huh_01: :wavey: :shrug01: :grd: :brick2:
Neat with the smilies!
Still nothing from my end.
Maybe my ad/popup blocker is doing it.
I'll have to check.
trying the smilies again.....
This is with Safari. When I'm using Firefox the smilies won't show up.
Gotta be the ad/popup blocker.
Problem understood, but I ain't gonna remove the blocker from Firefox.
Maybe I can Whitelist CorvetteFlorida :shrug01::shrug01:...............
I used FireFox for a while, but had problems with slowness on some pages, particularly YouTube, so I went with Google Chrome instead. So far it seems to work the best for me of all the browsers I have tried. But they all seem to have their own little idiosyncrasies.