• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

COVID spiking again...

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
According to the COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report: State Overview (https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/), the weekly COVID infection stats jumped from 10,873 for week of 11/26/2021 to this past week's count of 125,201! Nearly all of the major increases have been in counties where the affectionately called "snow birds" have come down from the northern states to roost for the Winter months. Dade county alone, which encompasses Miami went from 1,801 infections to 52,428 in that time period.

So, gee, Florida says "Thanks y'all!"
Aarghh, case numbers of COVID are shooting up almost in a straight vertical line for the past week. Case numbers for all of Florida for the past three weeks:
  • 29,568
  • 125,201
  • 298,455

Much of it seems to be centered around the route 95 corridor along the east coast, terminating in Dade County. Corresponding numbers for the past 3 weeks.
  • 11,689
  • 52,428
  • 98,437


Well, now they are only publishing that report bi-weekly. But the kicker is that the report is only showing the stats from the previous week, not the previous TWO weeks. :face_palm_02:

People think I am kidding when I tell them that this COVID thing is a BRAIN virus. :shrug01:
It's extremely difficult to maintain a "sky is falling" mentality for two or more years but the liberals are doing their best.....
They really NEED to maintain this until the midterm elections so they can squeal about mail in ballots being a necessity. They got a BIG shot of power addiction with the fraudulent 2020 POTUS election and they are not going to give that up without a "winner take all" fight.

Eventually things are going to get bloody over this. IMHO.
Yeah and now that one of the media outlets (NY Times) has validated the realities of Hunter Biden's laptop they're in full scramble mode.....:popcorn_02:
Somehow, by hook or by crook, the democrats are going to try to pin the blame on Trump. That is the only page they have in their playbook now.

Point of the matter, Hunter Biden couldn't possibly have had the opportunities thrown his way without the influence of his papa. No honest working brain will accept a whitewash of that fact. But a whitewash there will be.
I was reading just last night that the FBI has lost Hunter Biden's laptop. And that the repair tech who turned it in to the FBI has been hounded and harassed out of business as a result.



There is something seriously wrong with this country. People have apparently gotten into positions of power that would be better off for society being packed to overflowing into landfills.
I agree Rich. This kind of stuff wouldn't fly in the 50's or 60's when real men were in charge. I have no doubt that there was corruption back then, but nowadays they parade it down Main Street like it's a badge of honor. I think Hunter's words were, "They can't prove it"! And so much lying. it's like if they say it enough times you'll have to believe it. No way 80 million people voted for this clown. And anyone that actually did should be regretting it!

Need to bring this back!
