• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Got my Diablo Predator

Well the Chevy dealership found that I had a loose/corroded nut/connector on my starter, which was most likely causing my intermittent starting problems. Since I noted that the voltage meter was also staying pretty much stable, I guess it is possible that connection was causing this problem as well. I've been reading on CF that some people say that voltage glitches can cause the Predator to lose it's mind, so I have to accept the possibility that perhaps this electrical problem I've been having could reasonable have affected that factory reload I did yesterday.

So all things considered, I think the best thing to do would be to do a couple more tunes/reloads and just see what happens before dumping that thing.
Well yesterday I decided to contact DiabloSports to see what would be involved with getting a custom tune for my Z with the mods I have in it. So I contacted their tech support, listed my mods and just asked them if there was a custom tune available from them that I could use. One of the techs contacted me and asked me to send him the stock tune saved from my PCM and he would send me a custom tune. So I did that, and in a few hours, he had me a tune attached to an email. I was rather surprised at how painless that process was. Attaching the Predator to the PC through the serial port was painless using their program. Uploading the file to the PC was a snap as was downloading the new one sent to me.

Of course, I haven't loaded in the new tune yet, so we'll see....

I would STILL like to find a really good "howto" for using the Predator. I don't want to do trial and error programming with the more advanced features until I have even a slightest clue about what I am supposed to be doing............ :notallthere:
Well, I loaded up that custom tune today that I got from Diablo. Easy as pie. Just over writes the stock tune in the PCM. Took the Z out for a drive and yes, it DID feel better. The guy told me to monitor the data real time and pay particular attention to the "knock retard" (or was it "watch the knock, retard"?) :rolleyes: to see if any hits would be logged. Didn't see any. Fuel trims were hovering around 0.00, but would fluctuate from -4.00 to +5.00 here and there. I didn't watch the Predator all the time, of course, as I didn't want to plow into someone while my attention was on the flickering numbers. Drivers in this neck of the woods think nothing at all of pulling in front of you from a cross street no matter how close you are to them. Their belief, apparently, is as long as they get in front of you, it is YOUR responsibility to avoid them. :banghead:

Well, I guess I have to learn more about this thing to see if there is any minor tweaking I can do on my own. So far, no more glitches as happened that one time blitzing my dash display, so perhaps it was my electrical problem that caused it. We'll see, I suppose......
I did lots of R&D for the boys at DiabloSport with the Corvette before it hit the market. :yesnod: They can do custom tunes based on your mods and fire it to you via e-mail. Lots of driving and dyno time on my car before the Predator went to market. Johan was my contact during development, only about 3 miles from here so it was very convenient. :yesnod: Good product, good group of guy's over at the shop. :thumbsup:
Hey, Johan is the guy that gave me my email tune. Seems like a pretty good guy. I know he was darn quick on turning around that tune for me!
Rich Z said:
Hey, Johan is the guy that gave me my email tune. Seems like a pretty good guy. I know he was darn quick on turning around that tune for me!
:thumbsup: Great guy, very into his work. :yesnod: