• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Just blowing off steam...


My wife kids and I volunteer at a Church soup kitchen in Wildwood on Thursdays and lately I've been getting annoyed at some of the people coming in there (it's the same people every week).
I know I shouldn't and that I need to remember why it is I'm there, but when people forget their manners, Cuss (f.. this f.. that), demand things, are Rude towards the Volunteers, loud and obnoxious at the table, to the point where others eating are bothered and offended by their actions and words, and are slobs (spilling stuff and not attempting to clean it up), I can't help myself:banghead: .
What, do they Forget where they are? ...CHURCH!
I'm NOT going to just quit over this, so I'll just deal with it!
Again...Just blowing off steam:yesnod: .


Ray, just picture them standing or sitting there in their underwear:eek: , and THAT should do it for 'ya boy:thumbsup: !:lmao:
Andy :wavey:
My hat's off to you and your family, Ray. The folks who you don't hear complaining or who don't make a mess appreciate your caring and compassion. :thumbsup:
navy2kcoupe said:
Ray, just picture them standing or sitting there in their underwear:eek: , and THAT should do it for 'ya boy:thumbsup: !:lmao:
Andy :wavey:
Well, maybe after :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: heavily :Eyecrazy: :badidea::rofl1:

Thanks 2Vettes:thumbsup: .
I actually feel better now that I've vented.:dancer01:

Ya know Ray, unfortunately, what you tell of is a direct reflection of a continuing loss of class, manners, social graces and just plain thoughtfulness that is clearly observable in a never ending stream.

I'm driving home from the local Publix today and around a lake I see where some dumb a** has thrown his burger King bag of garbage out on the ground. Way too common of a sight and so were the young folks who walked right by it and could have cared less.

Maybe that's why I try to say thanks, and appreciate what we have while we're here. To say that it frustrates me is a real understatement.

Nobody wants the worlds to kiss their a** but damn just appreciate whats freely given.

Just my opinion.

Yea, I can't figure that out either. Why do people throw Sh!t their car windows:toetap05: ? Maybe if the laws for littering were more strict and the fines were more costly, those that litter would stop. Unless of course, you're Paris Hilton. Then you could do whatever!:toetap05: :lmao:
Actually the law SHOULD be harsh to litter bugs. You wouldn't believe the crap we see on our road. And in our stream that the road crosses over. It just shows a complete disrespect for our country, our environment, nature, and other people's property. I started driving when I was 16 or so and I always carried a trash bag in my vehicles.

But in order to address the problem, the solution has to start on a couple of different fronts. First, educate people. Remember the Don't be a litter bug campaign many years ago? Well it worked. The roads prior to that looked like trails of garbage dumps. Secondly, motivate the SOURCES of the trash to help do something about the problem. The carryout fast food places and liquor stores especially. Sellers of anything that is likely to be disposed of alongside the road when the purchaser is finished eating or drinking the product. Put the burden on them to try to educate their own customers, or hit them with negative publicity when the garbage they produce winds up on someone else's property. How would McDonald's like it if I dumped MY garbage on their parking lot every week? Well I certainly don't like having to walk alongside my road picking up the garbage they produced to be discarded there by their customers.....
In my humble opinion!

The entire problem starts with the family unit (or lack of family unit). No values imparted, no values learned
I remember woodsy owl spreading the word. And the Indian (wasn't that Tonto)? with a tear in his eye.

Kap...I believe you're right. If the child sees mom and pop doing it, theyll do it. But, I also believe the Government is at fault as well. There used to be a time where the parent had more control over their kids. But since the Govt. stepped in and changed laws, parents are now afraid of giving their kids a good thrashing. These days, putting kids in "time out" just doesn't cut it:nonod: . It hasn't for the last 20 years. Time to return to the "Old School" ways and dust off the SWITCH:yesnod: !
Not all kids or young adults are Bad, but there sure are a lot that are.
