• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Just Freakin' Rude!!! but a happy ending.


This afternoon the wife, kids and I decided to grab lunch at McDonalds and catch a movie.
This older guy, who was talking to another fella in the same area was being loud. If that wasn't bad enough, he was Cussing up a storm the entire time we were eating:banghead: . The place was full of elderly people (mostly ladies), and moms with kids.
As I got up to leave, I walked past them, but I couldn't help myself. At the risk of getting my eye dotted, I turned around, walked up to the guy (who was standing), placed my hand gently on his shoulder and said...You know, this IS a family restaurant and I don't appreciate your rudeness and vulgar language. He saw that I was with my family and then I pointed to the adjacent table where a mom and her son were eating.
He honestly looked as if he had forgotten where he was:sillyme: . He then Apologized for his rudeness.:dancer01:
Way to go Ray. I do the same when I am out with my family in similar situations, much to the embarassment of my 13 year old daughter.

Joe B.
Ray, I don't think there was much chance of you getting your eye dotted....I've seen your big knuckle draggin' ass....you're a scary mofo!!!
I'm surprised something like that happened in such a classy restaurant. Next time try a Popeye's or Fried Chicken, much better clientel !!
There is a time and place for everything.I'm surprised that this happened in the south.I find this happening more and more in the Northeast.
I own a construction Co. and I have to remind my fellows that F*** isn't an adjective.
I'm going to take this as a DISS!

larrybroga said:
I'm surprised something like that happened in such a classy restaurant. Next time try a Popeye's or Fried Chicken, much better clientel !!
:toetap05: Does anyone Remember McDonalds of old?
I used to Love going there as a kid. So, why Not take my kids there?
Typically, we eat at Higher End restaurants. But like I said, we were going to the movies and "grabbed" lunch.

:rant: It's a F:2232censored:ing Shame that restaurants like McDonalds are frequented by A$$ Holes like this. Preventing people with a bit of class from patronizing them anymore!:ahh:
I'm assuming your suggesting that I go to a "classier" restaurant, where this sort of thing doesn't happen:yesnod: ? Maybe I should have known better and gave up My Right to eat there, along with My Right to do so without this sort of thing happening:yesnod: ?:hmm:
Seems to me, That's part of what's Wrong with some of the people in this country to begin with. "Look the Other Way syndrome", :no_evil: ...Avoiding Issues like this by, going elsewhere, allowing themselves to be Run Out.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Not for Me!:NoNo:

I've been to restaurants on both sides of the spectrum and it's wherever you go. It just so happens, it's more prevalent on the "lower end".:banghead:
The Fact of the matter is...It's a Public Restaurant, Classy or Not and it almost Always has kids in it. There Is No Reason To Be Obnoxious or Rude in Any restaurant, Especially around Little Kids!
I brought it to His attention at the risk of something Bad happening. Was that he Right Decision:shrug01:. But I sleep :sleep: better at night knowing I didn't give up on what I believe in.:thumbsup:
Not a diss for sure, just being facetious. You cannot avoid ignorance and stupidity, it's everywhere. I have seen that kind of behavior and worse from parents in front of their children. The age of self respect and moral responsibility is pretty much gone and it has nothing to do with what part of the country you are in.

larrybroga said:
Not a diss for sure, just being facetious. You cannot avoid ignorance and stupidity, it's everywhere. I have seen that kind of behavior and worse from parents in front of their children. The age of self respect and moral responsibility is pretty much gone and it has nothing to do with what part of the country you are in.
Unfortunately :banghead: ..So Right my Friend!:thumbsup:

larrybroga said:
Not a diss for sure, just being facetious. You cannot avoid ignorance and stupidity, it's everywhere. I have seen that kind of behavior and worse from parents in front of their children. The age of self respect and moral responsibility is pretty much gone and it has nothing to do with what part of the country you are in.
Woooops!:sillyme: ...I assumed you were dissing me.
I'm :sorry: Larry for Directing my Rant towards YOU!
I should have known better!!!:nonod:


I knew you took it the wrong way. Only perfect people DISS others, so that leaves me on the DISSED end of things !