• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Steak-Out '07 Results


New member

Late one evening in September of 2006 a group of Corvette Enthusiasts from around the state of Florida were enjoying some “After-Party” conversation. Since that evening was the first time many of them had met, someone remarked that while the next day’s Corvette show was going to be spectacular, the evening’s party had gone a long way to let folks meet one another.

When everyone agreed, someone else suggested that it would be really cool to belong to a Corvette Association, walk into a restaurant far from home and find a total stranger wearing something designating that he or she was also a member. “What a way to break the ice!”

A few minutes later one of the group stood up and said: “Hello. My name is Pedro, and I have a problem!”

There was a huge round of laughter, but in the blink of an eye, Corvettes Anonymous was born.

From that dozen or so group of strangers and friends, Corvettes Anonymous has rapidly grown to over 165 members in 28 states and 3 countries! It is –

“An International Tongue-In-Cheek Support Association
For Anyone With A Passion For Corvettes”

In a nutshell Corvettes Anonymous, is an Association of Corvette Enthusiasts who share the passion and who take themselves lightly enough that they can poke fun at each other about their shared “problem”.

It was formed as a way to break the ice between complete strangers and to bring sometimes competing clubs together to support good causes.

100% of all Donations received by Corvettes Anonymous, plus 50% of proceeds from retail sales is directed to charities providing food / shelter / assistance for individuals or families in need. The balance goes to purchase new inventory and to promote the concept

On July 18th, with that mission in mind, the Clearwater, FL Chapter hosted Steak-Out ’07 on behalf of SunCoast Corvette Association.

This was a Dine-Out Corvette Show ~ Food & Funds Raiser to benefit the Religious Community Services Food Bank of Clearwater.

The event brought together members of SunCoast Corvette Association, Bay Area Corvette Association, Tampa Bay Vettes, (three of the oldest Corvette Clubs in the Tampa Bay Area) and of course members of Corvettes Anonymous – many of whom are also members of these excellent clubs!

A total of 43 beautiful Corvettes, an exquisite Cadillac XLR, and a “drop-dead gorgeous Chevrolet SSR did their best to fill the local Steak ‘n Shake restaurant’s parking lot. Overflow spilled onto the grass out front and the donations of food items was overwhelming!

The agenda for the evening included the introduction of Mrs. Kathi Trautwein; Director of RCS Food Bank, who in only her second week as Director, was totally taken aback by everyone’s generosity.

The program also included a Silent Auction with pieces of signed and numbered Corvette artwork plus a C5R model, autographed by Corvette Racing driver – Oliver Gavin.

In addition, there were 16 door prizes ranging from caps, tools, detailing accessories, and even a smart looking black soft-shell padded computer briefcase!

Cars were divided into two groups for judging with each owner deciding whether they wanted to be in the “Mostly Stock” or “Modified” class. Judging was done by Steak ‘n Shake management and crew on the basis of

“Which one of these would I really like to own?!” :shrug01:

Bob Cooke won the “Mostly Stock” class with his incredibly beautiful Silver 2005 C5, while Chelby and Alan Clark garnered the “Modified” honors with their tastefully dressed Commemorative Edition Z06.

Both Best of Show winners received black coffee mugs from Corvettes Anonymous and $50 gift cards, courtesy of Lowe’s

Cash donations, proceeds from the Silent Auction, and the results of the 50/50 drawing totaled well over $400 which was converted to food items.

Together with food donations from attendees and Corporate sponsors, we were able to deliver over 1,400 pounds of food to the Religious Community Services Food Bank!

A evening enjoyed among friends ~ a special Thank You to several SCA members and attendees who gave generous cash contributions in addition to food ~ a Debt of Gratitude to SCA for supporting this show and Corvettes Anonymous ~ and finally……

a 1,400 pound job well done!
:dancer01: :thumbsup: :dancer01:

T:wavey: m

To View Pictures, Click Here
It was a good show, and a good turnout! Thanks for the gift certificate to Lowes, we plan to put it to good use!

Al Clark
Tripleblack51 said:
Looks like a great outing.
Sorry I missed it. I'll try to make the next one!

Frank, Joey and I will take that as a promise! :thumbsup:
This Is Astonishing!

This is Totally Astonishing!!

Yesterday, Steak ‘n Shake donated proceeds from last Wednesday’s evening sales, totaling $100 which I converted to 133 pounds of pasta and sauce. We also received a late donation of baby food and a $250 check / grant from Wal*Mart. I had them make out the check direct to RCS.

I delivered foods and the check this morning.

Kathi Trautwein, Director of RCS, indicated that when added to our existing contributions ~ and using the same ratio of pounds per dollar as Steak ‘n Shake, our total contribution to RCS Food Bank is over 2, 070 pounds!

Every member of SunCoast Corvette Association, Tampa Bay Vettes, Bay Area Corvette Association, Corvettes Anonymous and other participants who were represented at Steak-Out ’07 should be exceptionally proud. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I, for one, am Totally Blown Away and could never express enough thanks! :dancer01:

T:wavey: M