• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Doing some work on the server

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
I'm doing some changes with the DNS info for this site to try to speed things up. If anything strange happens, it's probably just me doing it, and hopefully it won't be too long before I get the problem ironed out.....

everything loaded much faster as I signed on and came to new posts. Keep it up Rich:thumbsup:
brasscannon said:
Woo-hoo! Sounds like a step in the right direction.

Well, according to betterwhois, the dns info still hasn't propagated.... At least that is how I am reading the results I see.

But that being noted, the site DEFINITELY feels quicker to me....
Well I just changed the DNS pointers for the site that handles my banner ads and apparently it blew them out of the water temporarily.... :ack2:

Just thought I would let you all know in case you thought your browser took a dump.....
Tonight the site seems real slow. I even had trouble accessing the site.
When I click on a particular topic it takes up to 45 seconds to load and sometimes not at all. This is the only site that's slow for me tonight.
Hmm! I just tried to reply to you, and lost the whole site for about a minute myself. I'm going to take a look at the database later tonight and see if there's anything fishy there.

The DNS changes are about helping you get to the site quickly and reliably; once you're here, it ought to be pretty peppy. The timer at the bottom of the page says we're whipping it out in less than a tenth of a second! Now we work on doing that consistently.
It is rare I have trouble accessing the site. Maybe once a month. The speed on the site differs all the time. Earlier it was real bad now it appears to be running smooth. I tried posting earlier and after a while I got " this page can not be displayed" or something of that nature.
Just in case anyone hasn't figured it out, brasscannon is the server guru I have hired to help me figure out what the heck is going wrong with my servers. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't this site running VERY quickly right after I did the server move? Then it seemed to me about a month later, things just went into the toilet for some reason.
It comes and goes for me. Mostly on the good side, but earlier today it was one of the worse time I've had here with the speed. I couldn't post at all.
2Vettes said:
Everything seems to be clicking along here :yesnod:
It's a lot like your mechanic deciding if a starting issue is "fuel or spark?" Anyone who notices a problem can help us narrow it down. (But every bit of feedback is appreciated, of course!)

How far does the page get before you notice that it hanged? Blank screen, the banner, the first block of "Your ad could be here!" buttons, or is it almost complete?

Does it hang while you're loading a new page to read, or does it only happen when you're trying to post? Were you using the Search feature?
brasscannon said:
It's a lot like your mechanic deciding if a starting issue is "fuel or spark?" Anyone who notices a problem can help us narrow it down. (But every bit of feedback is appreciated, of course!)
How far does the page get before you notice that it hanged? Blank screen, the banner, the first block of "Your ad could be here!" buttons, or is it almost complete?
Does it hang while you're loading a new page to read, or does it only happen when you're trying to post? Were you using the Search feature?
:wavey: nice to meet ya....hopefully you'll be able to help Rich here with the computer gremlins....:banghead: I've had no problems here lately.
Today all I was getting was a blank screen when I would click on a subject. If I did get the page up and tried to post the same would come up a blank.
Usually I can get the banner to display, but today just blanks.
I also couldn't get on the site at all on three occasions today.
Did not and usually don't try the search feature
C5Rick said:
It comes and goes for me. Mostly on the good side, but earlier today it was one of the worse time I've had here with the speed. I couldn't post at all.
That's helpful, thanks. Feel free to add more details as you remember them, or especially if it happens to you again.

It seems we're in "prime time" now and the server is opening up nicely, like passing a semi on a six-lane.

Why, yes, I do like using car metaphors. :yesnod:
C5Rick said:
It comes and goes for me. Mostly on the good side, but earlier today it was one of the worse time I've had here with the speed. I couldn't post at all.

Ditto C5Rick

To add more pieces to the puzzle, I get the same thing happening on my FaunaClassifieds site, which is on a different server. We could be having an issue at the data center itself.

I believe I am also having troubles with my ISP (Comcast) as well, as I will get intermittent timeouts, evidently from one or more of Comcast's routers along the way. Here's a traceroute:

1	0	0	
2	10	10	
3	7	-3	ge-2-1-sr01.wakulla.fl.tallah.comcast.net	
4	9	2	te-9-2-ur01.pershingst.fl.tallah.comcast.net	
5	7	-2	te-8-1-ur01.capitalcircl.fl.tallah.comcast.net	
6	Timed out	
7	9	2	
8	39	30	te-0-0-0-0-cr01.miami.fl.ibone.comcast.net	
9	40	1	te-0-0-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net	
10	42	2	
11	41	-1	
12	44	3	L3-ATL-14-g0-2.gnax.net	
13	41	-3	ayk.faunanet.com

1	0	0	
2	7	7	
3	6	-1	ge-2-1-sr01.wakulla.fl.tallah.comcast.net	
4	7	1	te-9-2-ur01.pershingst.fl.tallah.comcast.net	
5	Timed out	
6	Timed out	
7	10	3	
8	43	33	te-0-0-0-0-cr01.miami.fl.ibone.comcast.net	
9	44	1	te-0-0-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net	
10	51	7	
11	64	13	
12	48	-16	L3-ATL-14-g0-2.gnax.net	
13	41	-7	ayk.faunanet.com

1	0	0	
2	7	7	
3	5	-2	ge-2-1-sr01.wakulla.fl.tallah.comcast.net	
4	Timed out	
5	Timed out	
6	Timed out	
7	Timed out	
8	38	33	te-0-0-0-0-cr01.miami.fl.ibone.comcast.net	
9	42	4	te-0-0-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net	
10	42	0	
11	42	0	
12	42	0	L3-ATL-14-g0-2.gnax.net	
13	43	1	ayk.faunanet.com

These were made in succession, one after the other just a few moments ago. Timeout is set for 5,000ms.

Here's results from pinging this server:

1	56	41	Success	
2	56	41	Success	
3	56	41	Success	
4	56	41	Success	
5	56	41	Success	
6	56	42	Success	
7	56	40	Success	
8	56	41	Success	
9	56	43	Success	
10	56	43	Success

Now this doesn't look too bad except for the fact when I first got this server, all the ping tests exactly like this one were hitting 22 to 24 ms religiously. So SOMETHING has definitely changed. It almost appears that my server is not even located in Atlanta any longer, as these sorts of pings are what I was getting for Chicago based servers...

And lastly, throughput:
1	102 B	102 B	   41.02	39.80 kilobits/sec	Success	
2	204 B	204 B	   43.03	75.90 kilobits/sec	Success	
3	306 B	306 B	   42.00	116.57 kilobits/sec	Success	
4	408 B	408 B	   43.01	151.81 kilobits/sec	Success	
5	510 B	510 B	   42.03	194.28 kilobits/sec	Success	
6	612 B	612 B	   43.04	227.72 kilobits/sec	Success	
7	714 B	714 B	   42.06	272.00 kilobits/sec	Success	
8	816 B	816 B	   43.03	303.62 kilobits/sec	Success	
9	918 B	918 B	   44.04	333.81 kilobits/sec	Success	
10	1,020 B	1,020 B	   44.01	370.90 kilobits/sec	Success

Again, when I first got this server, results were hitting 1.2Megabits per second every time I tried.

If I didn't know better (which I don't) I would swear my server host pulled a bait and switch on me. I used this server with the above mentioned sterling results to evaluate their services. But no sooner had I switched my other two servers over to them, things went rapidly downhill.

Yeah, conspiracy theory stuff, I know........ But them's the facts...
brasscannon said:
That's helpful, thanks. Feel free to add more details as you remember them, or especially if it happens to you again.

It seems we're in "prime time" now and the server is opening up nicely, like passing a semi on a six-lane.

Why, yes, I do like using car metaphors. :yesnod:

Rich said you're a Hired Gun in metaphor world, would that be why you're brasscannon :lmao:
Everything still running fine