• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Help For Rich Z


New member
I would like to suggest that we all help Rich fund this Forum. He has devoted his time and money so that we all benefit. I think it's time we give back so that he can continue to enhance and improve the Servers.
I don't know what it cost to run this Forum and so I would suggest membership fees as followed: 15-20.00 a year per household or 100-150.00 for a lifetime membership. Perhaps with this fee structure, there can be some extra perks as well.
Obviously this isn't written in stone and Rich Z always has the final say.
Hopefully this will spark some interest and debate.
What do you all think? Mark
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mte.smiles said:
I would like to suggest that we all help Rich fund this Forum. He has devoted his time and money so that we all benefit. I think it's time we give back so that he can continue to enhance and improve the Servers.
I don't know what it cost to run this Forum and so I would suggest membership fees as followed: 15-20.00 a year per household or 100-150.00 for a lifetime membership. Perhaps with this fee structure, there can be some extra perks as well.
Obviously this isn't written in stone and Rich Z always has the final say.
Hopefully this will spark some interest and debate.
What do you all think? Mark

Mark, put your business up on this site, that would help.
98 softtail said:
Mark, put your business up on this site, that would help.
:thumbsup: Let's get more vendors on here to support it and have members donate as an option (supporting member, etc.) so it will grow as the other sites have.:yesnod:

When I read this thread topic line, I thought someone needed MY help..... :eek:
I think that more vendors is a good thing.I also think that std members should not pay but if you want to be a supporting member you may contribute.The fees listed by Mark are in line.Will I get a $100 worth of enjoyment out of this forum in my lifetime -I think so.
RevXtreme 1 said:
:thumbsup: Let's get more vendors on here to support it and have members donate as an option (supporting member, etc.) so it will grow as the other sites have.:yesnod:

Mark and Tracy are exactlly on track IMO:thumbsup:

Supporting a site should be voluntary. Vendors and advertisers should support it.

I'm in if/when Rich decides to move forward with the idea:thumbsup:
Im glad to see that this has sparked some interest. I think all the comments are going in a postive direction. Standard membership without dues sounds good. A fee for supporting members (perhaps with a few perks as enticement) sounds better. Lifetime membership (with extra perks as well) would certainly attract a few die hard fans of this Forum.
Also many thanks to the vendors and advertisers who help keep this Forum going.
Please keep the comments coming so that the moderators can see how we all feel about this. :thumbsup:
I'm a satisfied user of this site and I'll be glad to help if we start talking membership or whatever :yesnod:
mte.smiles said:
...Please keep the comments coming so that the moderators can see how we all feel about this. :thumbsup:

Believe me...we're watching:thumbsup: :D :thumbsup:

Thanks for the support:icon_cheers:
I think membership requirements would have to be implemented very carefully. Although, I would not have a problem with contributing like most of the people that are on this site regularly, if not done correctly we might turn off potential new members.

We currently have almost 1600 members and clearly we don't have anywhere near that posting on a regular basis. Maybe it is the typical 80/20 rule. 20% of the people wind up doing 80% of the work. But it is always important to have new blood come into any organization. We just need to be careful that we don't turn off potential new members because there are other Corvette forums out there that don't cost anything. If a membership requirement is not implemented carefully that could lead to this site eventually drying up, and I don't want to see that happen.
There will not be any "requirement" associated with memberships. It will be strictly voluntary. Only in the case of sponsors running banner ads or links will there be a paid requirement for that, which I believe is fitting and just. I'm not going to place ANY arm-twisting requirements concerning paying memberships. And I hope that no one will cause any grief for those members who choose NOT to contribute. It will be optional and appreciated as well as understood that not everyone CAN, much less WANT TO, contribute to every conceivable request for such things.
Membership Dues

Rich and other Moderators:
I would think we might lose or not gain many new members if we went to a dues or membership fee structure. What we might want to consider is having the "Clubs" that have sites be considered a "Sponsor". We presently I believe have nine clubs represented and a dues structure for them at maybe $50.00 per year is reasonible. I know "TampaBay Vettes" would support such an idea to offset some costs. We have gained many new members due to this site and we would support you in any effort to might suggest. Right now we are at 230 plus members and going for the biggest Corvette club in Florida.

:eek: Jim "Moderator" for TBV :eek:

Don't forget to registar:


November 17, 2007
:thumbsup: "The Ultimate Corvette Party":thumbsup:
JIM KILL said:
Rich and other Moderators:
I would think we might lose or not gain many new members if we went to a dues or membership fee structure. What we might want to consider is having the "Clubs" that have sites be considered a "Sponsor". We presently I believe have nine clubs represented and a dues structure for them at maybe $50.00 per year is reasonible. I know "TampaBay Vettes" would support such an idea to offset some costs. We have gained many new members due to this site and we would support you in any effort to might suggest. Right now we are at 230 plus members and going for the biggest Corvette club in Florida.

:eek: Jim "Moderator" for TBV :eek:

Don't forget to registar:


November 17, 2007
:thumbsup: "The Ultimate Corvette Party":thumbsup:


I agree if it were a mandatory thing. Thats not the plan. It would be set up the same as all the other sites (pretty much) with any support from the members being totally voluntary:thumbsup:

It ain't broke, we ain't gonna fix it;):thumbsup:
Again, I am glad to see that this has sparked some interest. At least it shows Rich and the other moderators that we care and are willing to contribute.
I've looked at other sites and and I still think Corvette Florida is the friendliest site compared to the others. Rich and the moderators have done an awesome job monitoring and policing this site so that we all can enjoy conversations about our awesome vettes.
I think it's time for a CorvetteFlorida Party somewhere in this state. Better yet, we could circumnavigate the state and party along the way. It would be one hell of a 3-4 day party!
Interesting enough out of all the readers of this thread (150+), only 10% elected to respond. If you love this Forum, make your views known. It's the only way to improve and grow this site in a positive direction. Again, my humble .02 worth. Mark
mte.smiles said:
Again, I am glad to see that this has sparked some interest. At least it shows Rich and the other moderators that we care and are willing to contribute.
I've looked at other sites and and I still think Corvette Florida is the friendliest site compared to the others. Rich and the moderators have done an awesome job monitoring and policing this site so that we all can enjoy conversations about our awesome vettes.
I think it's time for a CorvetteFlorida Party somewhere in this state. Better yet, we could circumnavigate the state and party along the way. It would be one hell of a 3-4 day party!
Interesting enough out of all the readers of this thread (150+), only 10% elected to respond. If you love this Forum, make your views known. It's the only way to improve and grow this site in a positive direction. Again, my humble .02 worth. Mark

Can I get an AMEN up in here!:thumbsup: :dancer01:
mte.smiles said:
Again, I am glad to see that this has sparked some interest. At least it shows Rich and the other moderators that we care and are willing to contribute.
I've looked at other sites and and I still think Corvette Florida is the friendliest site compared to the others. Rich and the moderators have done an awesome job monitoring and policing this site so that we all can enjoy conversations about our awesome vettes.
I think it's time for a CorvetteFlorida Party somewhere in this state. Better yet, we could circumnavigate the state and party along the way. It would be one hell of a 3-4 day party!
Interesting enough out of all the readers of this thread (150+), only 10% elected to respond. If you love this Forum, make your views known. It's the only way to improve and grow this site in a positive direction. Again, my humble .02 worth. Mark

I have been a member of this site for little more then a year. I have enjoyed the site and it's members. Most everything concerning events is here. And there is also friendly jawing, funny dialog, Ray's Ranting Room (Ray get the hang of your polisher?) and most of all some very good information and great tips.

I think Rich and Shadow do an excellent job with this site as indicated by the overwhelming support that has appeared on this thread. :thankyou2: