• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

About charter memberships...

I believe the reputation system has flaw built in flaws. What one sees as a valued post another can see it as " What" the He** :eek: I never liked the old subjective VS objective thing or who's the most popular. I come here for a lot of reasons and being judged isn't at the top of the list. Even if it's in fun, some people can still get their feelings hurt.
I mentioned before about another forum I belonged to when I had slot cars. It was set up so members could make monetary contributions. The was a contribution page which you could have your name and amount donated displayed or you could make it anonymously. The date for the payments was shown so people would know when to contributions were needed.
Other then working on the financial aspects, I like the way it is now.
I just thought about this,

Rich, if we are going to be paying members, then we should be a certified club, with all the rights and priveliges granted to a paying membership.

I mean things like; formal recognition at car shows, the ability to write on entry forms "CorvetteFlorida.com" and that be a valid club.

Then you have the task of appointing club officers, Creating an online Club Meeting, creating a Bank Account to take care of the membership dues, and to account for where the money(membership dues) will be spent, such as statewide club picnics, regional gatherings or even giveaways from sponsors.

Since it is "CorvetteFlorida" and there are members statewide, you are going to have to create "Regions" to accomidate the local members. If people are paying, they want something in return, a regional party, get-together, or something for their money.

Everyone likes this website because it is free, and the quality of people that have made this website home because of that.

When you start asking for membership dues or even donations, you are creating a "Partnership", unless those monies are openly given as a "GIFT", or religious donation without any expectation of reimbursment of any kind.(and even monies given to the church have an expectation on gratitude from GOD).
We would just be giving you our money.

I would guess that you would have to create some sort of a "501" corporation for tax purposes.

Give it some thought...
(In my best Foghorn-Leghorn voice) Damn! I say Damn son!! It took the boy this long to get this far! Lets not confuse him son...:rofl1:

98 softtail said:
I just thought about this,

Rich, if we are going to be paying members, then we should be a certified club, with all the rights and priveliges granted to a paying membership.

I mean things like; formal recognition at car shows, the ability to write on entry forms "CorvetteFlorida.com" and that be a valid club.

Then you have the task of appointing club officers, Creating an online Club Meeting, creating a Bank Account to take care of the membership dues, and to account for where the money(membership dues) will be spent, such as statewide club picnics, regional gatherings or even giveaways from sponsors.

Since it is "CorvetteFlorida" and there are members statewide, you are going to have to create "Regions" to accomidate the local members. If people are paying, they want something in return, a regional party, get-together, or something for their money.

Everyone likes this website because it is free, and the quality of people that have made this website home because of that.

When you start asking for membership dues or even donations, you are creating a "Partnership", unless those monies are openly given as a "GIFT", or religious donation without any expectation of reimbursment of any kind.(and even monies given to the church have an expectation on gratitude from GOD).
We would just be giving you our money.

I would guess that you would have to create some sort of a "501" corporation for tax purposes.

Give it some thought...
Rich, please consider my contribution a religious donation. I have "worshiped" Corvettes for the past 46 years, I consider my garage a sanctuary and my wife is always preaching to me. I think that covers all the bases, I mean pews!!!
larrybroga said:
Rich, please consider my contribution a religious donation. I have "worshiped" Corvettes for the past 46 years, I consider my garage a sanctuary and my wife is always preaching to me. I think that covers all the bases, I mean pews!!!

AMEN to that!!!!!
larrybroga said:
Rich, please consider my contribution a religious donation. I have "worshiped" Corvettes for the past 46 years, I consider my garage a sanctuary and my wife is always preaching to me. I think that covers all the bases, I mean pews!!!

Do I hear a hallelujah?:lmao: :lmao:

Ditto what Larry said.
Can I get an Amen!

I expect nothing from my transfer of funds from 1 friend to another.

Rich does an incredible job of hosting and maintaining this site for all of us. No one is forced to make a contribution, it is totally up to each individual.

I have a web server and I host car dealerships, realtors, etc.... they pay me to host them, it cost money to have that computer hook up to the internet. Yes, Rich offers this for free, but trust me, he is paying to keep it going.

Remember those things in life that are free, are usually worth what you pay for them!
larrybroga said:
Rich, please consider my contribution a religious donation. I have "worshiped" Corvettes for the past 46 years, I consider my garage a sanctuary and my wife is always preaching to me. I think that covers all the bases, I mean pews!!!

we have allready tried that one with the tax people, "the church of GM" didnt work
98 softtail said:
I just thought about this,

Rich, if we are going to be paying members, then we should be a certified club, with all the rights and priveliges granted to a paying membership.

I mean things like; formal recognition at car shows, the ability to write on entry forms "CorvetteFlorida.com" and that be a valid club.

Then you have the task of appointing club officers, Creating an online Club Meeting, creating a Bank Account to take care of the membership dues, and to account for where the money(membership dues) will be spent, such as statewide club picnics, regional gatherings or even giveaways from sponsors.

Since it is "CorvetteFlorida" and there are members statewide, you are going to have to create "Regions" to accomidate the local members. If people are paying, they want something in return, a regional party, get-together, or something for their money.

Everyone likes this website because it is free, and the quality of people that have made this website home because of that.

When you start asking for membership dues or even donations, you are creating a "Partnership", unless those monies are openly given as a "GIFT", or religious donation without any expectation of reimbursment of any kind.(and even monies given to the church have an expectation on gratitude from GOD).
We would just be giving you our money.

I would guess that you would have to create some sort of a "501" corporation for tax purposes.

Give it some thought...

OK, I gave it some thought.............................................................................................................................

Nah..... I'll do it the way I am doing it.... :hehehe:
My $$'s are a contribution to the site to be used as Rich sees fit for the betterment (is that a word :shrug01: ) of said site. No strings attached and no expectations of anything due me.
Is that enough of a disclaimer?? :D
All jokes aside. If Rich can use the dough to offset some of the expense, then all the better :thumbsup:
I knew that a little stirring of the pot would get everyone voicing their opinions.... We have a great site here....

Joe B.
Smart ass!!!

(best mobster voice)
Hey, boss? Ya want I trow dis puke to da fishies?:rofl1:

Nah, Mugsy. We need 'em to take the lead car on jobs to clear a path thru the love bugs... Just remove his windshield as a lesson..... :hehehe:

