• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Chat room?

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Does anyone use the chat room? I'm looking at a new chat script for another of my sites and found one that looks pretty sharp. But it's not real cheap, so I don't want to plug it in here just to have it sit unused.

Is there a problem with the current chat system here, or is no one just trying it out?

Maybe we could get some experts to run some "how-to" clinics in the chat so you could all throw questions at them in real time...........

Anyway, let me know what you all think about the chat that is already here. If it is not being used because of problems, I want to know about it.


Rich Z.

I don't know why our Chat room is not used but I would not spend any money to improve it. It might be that our users are on at different times during the day making the chat room more difficult to utilize. If it is easier and cheaper for you, I would vote to eliminate it.

Just my opinion.

Chat Room


Chat Rooms don't normally work well in a Blog room enviroment.

The problem is that if I want to talk to you I have to send a PM and wait for your reply and set a time to chat. Alot of just plain chat rooms you can send a PM direct and a pop up comes up on your screen that someone wants to chat.

If we keep the chat room.....How about this idea....Set up a time and choose a subject and post it on the chat room.

1. Tonight at 5:00pm (What do you think about the new 2008 Corvette?)
Meet us there and give us your opinion. Alot of times the subjects will change in that forum to "Who can add a cam to my corvette". etc. or "How are you feeling today after the Surgery".

Still think you have the best Forum around!!!

Sounds like a chat coordinator to set up scheduled events would be the ticket. Any volunteers?
That sounds like a great Idea, I'm game

******tapping Gregs shoulder,

We could get him to sit down and do what he is best at,Talking about cars, He likes to do it more than anything, But the forum being **wait a while for responce* he has to move on back outside and wait for replies, then he forgets to check them.
Well, one of the reasons for this query was because I need to know if I should upgrade the chat software. I have the same chat that is on this site running on another of my sites, and some of the members there have been complaining about it. Saying they get booted out for no reason or have problems logging in to it. I have a trial version of the new chat software running over there, and everyone who has tried it says it is MUCH better than the current software being run.

Since this site is pulling in a few $$ now, I can afford to go with better software that will naturally cost more.

But if the chat isn't being used because of lack of interest, then it's a moot point. If you would prefer that I wait until it is used more to justify the expense, I can certainly do that. I just don't want failings in the software itself being the cause for it's not being used.

Well, one of the reasons for this query was because I need to know if I should upgrade the chat software. I have the same chat that is on this site running on another of my sites, and some of the members there have been complaining about it. Saying they get booted out for no reason or have problems logging in to it. I have a trial version of the new chat software running over there, and everyone who has tried it says it is MUCH better than the current software being run.

Since this site is pulling in a few $$ now, I can afford to go with better software that will naturally cost more.

But if the chat isn't being used because of lack of interest, then it's a moot point. If you would prefer that I wait until it is used more to justify the expense, I can certainly do that. I just don't want failings in the software itself being the cause for it's not being used.

Let's meet tomorrow....Friday....October 5th at 12:00 noon and tested it out!!

That sounds like a great Idea, I'm game

******tapping Gregs shoulder,

We could get him to sit down and do what he is best at,Talking about cars, He likes to do it more than anything, But the forum being **wait a while for responce* he has to move on back outside and wait for replies, then he forgets to check them.

On a very active chat, things can happen so fast that it is hard to keep up. It can actually be overwhelming at times trying to keep up with the questions. You usually wind up having a half dozen simultaneous discussions going with different participants.

I would like to see a half dozen or more people in the chat just to see if this particular software will hold up. It may not be up to the task, so I'd rather not get people real frustrated at it and kill the chances of it becoming popular.

How about a test run? Jim, are you willing to take on the task of being the chat king? I could set up a forum solely for announcements and such concerning the chat so everyone will know where to check for latest scheduled events. Perhaps posting them on the calendar would be appropriate as well.

On a very active chat, things can happen so fast that it is hard to keep up. It can actually be overwhelming at times trying to keep up with the questions. You usually wind up having a half dozen simultaneous discussions going with different participants.

I would like to see a half dozen or more people in the chat just to see if this particular software will hold up. It may not be up to the task, so I'd rather not get people real frustrated at it and kill the chances of it becoming popular.

How about a test run? Jim, are you willing to take on the task of being the chat king? I could set up a forum solely for announcements and such concerning the chat so everyone will know where to check for latest scheduled events. Perhaps posting them on the calendar would be appropriate as well.

Rashelle and I can work something out!!
Meet at 12:00...Lets see!!
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Honestly I have never used a chat room and I really don't know how.Not that I wouldn't like it .

Just click on the link at the top of the page in the lower menu bar. It's REAL easy. It's like a message board but only in real time. Of course, nothing you type in there is saved anywhere, so if something important is said, you need to save it yourself. Be warned, though, that it can become quite addictive....
I don't mind chatting but it has to be in the evenings after work when I'm online. So Jim, if you do another test some evening I'd be happy to be one of the testers :yesnod:
Chat room

I don't mind chatting but it has to be in the evenings after work when I'm online. So Jim, if you do another test some evening I'd be happy to be one of the testers :yesnod:

Rich, I agree that an evening test might work as well, lots of the folks are online after around 7pm or so, why don't we try another test on another day a bit later, maybe even send out a heads-up about what is going on and let a bunch of people know about it. Maybe then we could get 20 or 50 or 100 people logging in.

Joe B.
Rich, Here is another thought. Can you setup the site so that we can open a seperate window for the chat room? That way we could log into the chat room while we check the "new" stuff, or "Mods", etc, and watch to see if anyone else pops in, then respond to say hello or whatever.

Joe B.
Rich, I agree that an evening test might work as well, lots of the folks are online after around 7pm or so, why don't we try another test on another day a bit later, maybe even send out a heads-up about what is going on and let a bunch of people know about it. Maybe then we could get 20 or 50 or 100 people logging in.

Joe B.

Yeah, I agree. But the thing is, no matter when something would be scheduled, it will not be convenient, must less possible, for everyone. Hopefully someone will capture the entire chat session (I believe that is possible with the software) and post it in a thread. Perhaps if we determine that a forum is helpful for the chat topic discussions, it could also store the transcripts of the chats to give people a feel for what to expect from this feature.

As for broadcasting a heads up to everyone, it really isn't advisable to send blanket emails these days. The spam blockers are too trigger happy and may easily mark this site as being a spam source. I try to be very conservative about using that feature.