• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Preditor vs. Alien II


Couldn't wait for the opening, was first in the door for the 12:30PM show. Star said "no way, go enjoy yourself". Kindof disappointed. Shot mostly in the rain and fast closeups but lots of blood and gore! :ack2: Wasn't up to the first three. Very disappointing end. :thumbsdown: Wait for the DVD.
Heh i kinda expected this to be bad. I was hoping theyd go off the last scene from AVP 1, where the half-breed burst out of the stomach, but nooooo. :banghead:
I believe the correct title is Alien vs. Predator: Requiem. Also, how did you expect it to live up to anything when there was nothing for it to live up from?

I mean, comparing any of these to the original Predator with "Ahnold" and/or Alien and Aliens, really is well......dumb! The first one was mediocre at best.....good start and lousy beginning. I don't see how the end to this new one could be dumber then the first AVP?!:shrug01:

I believe the correct title is Alien vs. Predator: Requiem. Also, how did you expect it to live up to anything when there was nothing for it to live up from?

I mean, comparing any of these to the original Predator with "Ahnold" and/or Alien and Aliens, really is well......dumb! The first one was mediocre at best.....good start and lousy beginning. I don't see how the end to this new one could be dumber then the first AVP?!:shrug01:

Sorry about the title but I couldn't spell "Requiem". After reading your comments...did you even see the movie? I may be stupid but not "dumb", I just love sci-fi...:crazy9:
Yes, I saw the movie and thought is was a helluva lot better then the first. Sorry if I'm morbid but the fact that this movie broke all of the "unwritten rules" by killing off little kids and pregnant women, made it a winner for me!!!:reddevil:

That's horrible to see in a movie, but in reality, that would've happened. Also, come on, in the first AVP the Predators were wimps. Three Predators and all got served....badly. Come on, the last of them had to even recruit a small petite women to help him.

This single Predator was well armed and hellbent on destruction like the Pred's before him in Pred I&II. Totally kicked a$s. And LS2POWA, did you and I see the same movie? The new movie didn't pick up where the last one went off? What are you talking about? The Pred-Alien was the last one standing at the end of the conflict! Sorry if I gave it away but.....DAMN!:lmao:
The movie ended the way it should've ended by technically, setting up what would've been the path to the first "Alien."
Yes, I saw the movie and thought is was a helluva lot better then the first. Sorry if I'm morbid but the fact that this movie broke all of the "unwritten rules" by killing off little kids and pregnant women, made it a winner for me!!!:reddevil:

That's horrible to see in a movie, but in reality, that would've happened. Also, come on, in the first AVP the Predators were wimps. Three Predators and all got served....badly. Come on, the last of them had to even recruit a small petite women to help him.

This single Predator was well armed and hellbent on destruction like the Pred's before him in Pred I&II. Totally kicked a$s. And LS2POWA, did you and I see the same movie? The new movie didn't pick up where the last one went off? What are you talking about? The Pred-Alien was the last one standing at the end of the conflict! Sorry if I gave it away but.....DAMN!:lmao:
The movie ended the way it should've ended by technically, setting up what would've been the path to the first "Alien."

And all of this because I couldn't spell "Requiem"???
And all of this because I couldn't spell "Requiem"???

Uuuuuuh, no! Now, I think you are just trying to be funny.:rofl1:
I was giving my opinion on the movie and pointing out the inaccuracies of LS2POWA's account of the movie. Like I said before, in my opinion, compared to AVPI, AVPR is :thumbsup::thumbsup:

The people in the theatre laughing with me seemed to think so too!:lmao:
I thought AvsP-R was good. What I didn't like was (like someone pointed out) all the rain, darkness and too fast (blurry) action. Surprised at the kid and women being wiped out.

Questions unanswered: Predator on home planet finds the lost ship that crashed on Earth and goes after the Alien's single handed? Newborn Alien's grew up way too fast to full size.

Some guy down the row from us (son and myself) brought his 7-10 year old in to watch the movie. Watch out for this kid when he grow up.
I thought AvsP-R was good. What I didn't like was (like someone pointed out) all the rain, darkness and too fast (blurry) action. Surprised at the kid and women being wiped out.

Questions unanswered: Predator on home planet finds the lost ship that crashed on Earth and goes after the Alien's single handed? Newborn Alien's grew up way too fast to full size.

Some guy down the row from us (son and myself) brought his 7-10 year old in to watch the movie. Watch out for this kid when he grow up.

Questions answered: Technically speaking if you ever read through or puruse the comics, you'll know that the Preds see and know, well, everything! Now, why did he go by himself? I think maybe had something to do with the fact that regardless of what is logical to us, to the "Preds" it is still.....a GAME. No, the Aliens didn't grow up too fast. Remember these suckers pop out and over a matter of a few hours are full grown. Has been that way from the beginning. From Alien all the way down the line.

Also, probably because of all the damn rain and fuzz, it's more difficult to focus on the fact that not all of the Aliens were humanoid in nature. Some where four-legged like in Alien 3 when the face-hugger face-f@(ked the dog. I'm assuming everyone did notice the snake-looking Alien in the sewer? Not to mention how many probably took advantage of sewer rats. Lots of this movie was left up to the imagination......yes, a little outta the norm for this genre.:shrug01: