• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Here's A Good Topic For Ray's Ranting Room

We need to send Hillary to the middle east maybe it will have the same affect as pork........... I'm with you Gordon you have Bud or Miller or what ever you have
Now...where did I put that beer????? Shadow, I got the Michelob Dark in the frig. You just might be right, let have a beer. :thumbsup:
Ray, IIRC, there were a few base closings and/or cutbacks during this administration. Which ones? Couldn't tell ya:( Just didn't matter anymore. Too fed up with all the political BS to matter:(

I actually teach my kids this golden rule, as it could potentially ruin friendships etc

You're right, but speaking for myself, I'm open minded enough to know that everyones not going to agree with me. I find the same mindset among many of our members here that I've met:thumbsup:

I don't mind a good debate or discussion, as long as it doen't turn into an arguement. Good discussion and debates, as you mentioned here:

Talking leads to knowledge... Knowledge leads to power.

Can make great things happen:thumbsup: :iagree:

The one thing I cherish about the friendships I've made over the years, is the ability or good fortune, to have chosen friends that feel the same:thumbsup:

I refuse to allow this or any other debate (and we've had some good ones;) ) to stand in the way of friendships. Sometimes, you just have to agree to disagree:thumbsup:

NEVER FORGET.......NEVER SURRENDER. No matter who is in office, whether we approve or not, we need to be united as a Nation for our troops. The bickering back and forth between the "parties" is for the birds. There are things about each administration that I don't agree with......but I refuse to pin one thing on just one administration, I for one know that I couldn't have done the job any better than the past 8 Presidents we've had in office. Again, just my .02


Here's the problem. We're not "getting it done.":(

Politicians will always bicker. Why? Because there are 3 kinds of people in this world.

1) Those that MAKE things happen...
2) Those that WATCH things happen...
3) Those that WONDER what happened!

Politicians fit in at least 1 if not 2 of those groups. Unfortunately, it's usually 1 & 3:nonod:

We do need to be united as a nation for the troops; however, if we were all rah rah types and spoke out blindly in support of the administration or the effort, the government would continue to worsen matters even more.

They're still gonna screw us, but at least when they do, most of the time we'll get dinner somewhere along the way...:lmao:

And your' absolutely correct Angel!:thumbsup:Every administration and every party has it's problems:thumbsup:

Will the next president be any better? Who knows?

As far as the troops go, I've always supported the troops. One thing I've found on some (1 in particular) forums, is peoples inability to see the diference in supporting the "troops" and agreeing with the "administration" or "operation."

If you don't leg hump Bush and the war, then you must be "anti-troop!"
In my best Lewis Black/Ron White voice...you can't argue with logic like that...:lmao:

I don't necessarily agree with the actions of this administration or for that matter, the actions of some of the others. I don't necessarily agree with this operation or the stated reason(s) we're there:thumbsdown:

That said, if they'd take me, I'd go stand by my brothers in arms tomorrow in support!!! I try to get involved in efforts by such groups as the WOUNDED WARRIOR FOUNDATION and others who offer support for those wounded in combat. If a friend or associates is deployed, voluntarily or otherwise, I'll do anything I can to support his/her family stateside:thumbsup:

I am thoroughly PISSED OFF with the way our administration is treating (or not treating) our wounded vets:( Then again, whats different from before?

Now, where did I put that Corona?????:shrug01: