• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Oh this is going to hurt!


New member
I went for a little joy ride in the vette today but it didn't end so joyous. I just got a ticket for 92mph in a 45! I guess its such a large infraction just sending in your money isn't enough, I have to go to court. Please don't think I was just tooling down the highway that fast, ( I would never endanger my life or others driving that crazy) I had a left turn to make about a 1/4 mile up the road and simply put her in third and gave it some gas. The road ahead was clear so what the heck. Just as I was letting off the gas a trooper with radar on passed in the other direction, BUSTED! You got to love the timing.:banghead: First time I've ever cursed the fact the a vette has such quick acceleration.

Does anyone out there know what I can expect in the way of a fine. I have 0 points on my license by the way, and a very clean driving record.
I wouldn't care to guess at the fine but twice the legal limit won't be cheap. In some areas it means losing your license. I doubt that'll be the case here but expect a big fine and points.
Every jurisdiction sets their own fines, but speeding 30 mph over the posted speed is a mandatory court appearance now. I would guess the fine would be in the $300.00-$400.00 range unless you were in a school or construction zone. If that's the case, the fines are doubled.
wow thats gonna hurt,consider a second job.Florida is killing everyone with fines.30 over on a sport bike is a trip to jail and impound of bike.now they are trying to pass a law that lets the state can take your motorcycle license for 10 years if you pull a wheelie stoppie or any other stunt.
wow thats gonna hurt,consider a second job.Florida is killing everyone with fines.30 over on a sport bike is a trip to jail and impound of bike.now they are trying to pass a law that lets the state can take your motorcycle license for 10 years if you pull a wheelie stoppie or any other stunt.


Unfortunately under the guise fo "public Safety" the local jurisdictions are making up the deficits caused by the legislative decrease.

I'm all for public safety (go figure huh?) and traffic enforcement (again.DUH!) but someone, somewhere HAS to put a stop to the rediculous fines enhancements we're seeing:(

Penalties for wheelies, put it up on the front wheel stopping and such I have no problem with. But speeding fines outside a school or construction zone? we need to get a grip on the legislature!

I can even support enhanced fines/penalties for X over the limit in heavy residental areas, but again, there has to be a limit.

Sorry about your luck bro....I guess if we want to play, we have to pay:thumbsup:

Get an attorney, request driving school and a with hold of points and adjudication.

1st offense, and with a local attorney, you'll probably get it:thumbsup:
Yeah, wait until traffic violations become felonies and you lose your right to own firearms because of a speeding ticket or failure to stop at a stop sign. Think it can't happen? It can happen if you tresspass on a construction site. It can also happen if you take a fire extinguisher from a motel. Felonies are no longer reserved for the SERIOUS crimes they used to be reserved for. And becoming a felon, regardless of WHY takes away your right to own or even touch a firearm.

I've attached a PDF file of all arrestable offenses in the state of Florida (which obviously do not include federal crimes.

The chart is interpreted with the following field entries:

Each listing in the statute table contains:

  1. The Florida Statute Number.
  2. The Florida Statute Subsection (if any).
  3. The appropriate four digit AON/FCIC
    uniform offense numeric code.
  4. The Level (Misdemeanor/Felony)
    of the offense.
  5. The Degree (F</b>irst/Second/Third/Capital/Life) of the offense.

    [*]A Juvenile indicator code. J -- A juvenile who is charged with one of these offenses must be fingerprinted and the fingerprints sent to FDLE. These offenses include all felonies and a
    number of misdemeanors specified by the Florida Statutes. N -- This
    identifies those misdemeanors for which
    a juvenile may be fingerprinted. These fingerprints may
    be forwarded to FDLE and become part of the
    Computerized Criminal History database.
    [*]The AON/FCIC standard charge description.
    [*]An expanded description of the
    statute offense.


Sh...t happens Ben, and w/ a vette you bet the law

Lawmen aren't real passive about us owner's.
Take Shadow's advise.get yourself a REALLY good attorney. This ain't nothing to take lightly.
A good attorney, one local with that court district is your best bet. At least he'll be able to save your driving licence. As most all have said, 1 st timer you'll not get the book thrown at you. Most all court's are seeing street tuner kid's before the judge.
Age, the length of time you've owned a hi performance car, and especially WHY you used poor judgement are the consideration's. But, DO NOT plead guilty....and Do have an attorney w/ you.:NoNo:
You don't need an attorney with you. Just plead no contest (not guilty and not innocent just not contesting the ticket) ask for leniency and ask to have "adjudication withheld" with drivers school. If it's your first offense they won't take your license and the extra expense of having a lawyer speak for you in an infraction hearing is a waste of money in my opinion. If you had a really bad record, or were hit with a reckless (criminal) charge then a lawyer would be a good idea.
In todays courtroom environment and with the "enhancements" the state and counties have levied on tickets, I'd have to disagree.

You are totally correct in your advise:thumbsup: however, that he doesn't "need" an attorney and could well do what you stated all by himself.

If the Trooper fails to appear (unlikely) or doesn't have an objection to the request, in many cases the courts will grant it.

That said, if the Trooper is one of these lets make it sound worse than it is types or God forbid, he gave him/her any reason to "remember him" (ie: some lip:rofl1:) then I'd make sure I had an attorney with me at court.

As mentioned before, with a local attorney, the odds of skating out of this unscathed as a first offense are greatly enhanced:thumbsup:
Got it on order. I guess it will show up on Thursday.

Hmm, can private parties buy their own radar gun? :reddevil:
Radar Gun

Got it on order. I guess it will show up on Thursday.

Hmm, can private parties buy their own radar gun? :reddevil:

I saw a "radar" gun at some toy store we were in before the holidays. It boasted real radar technology, accurate to within something like 0.5mph.

I wish I could remember where it was....I try to keep the holiday shopping as somewhat of a blur.
I mean one using the same frequencies that the police use. But I guess that would be construed as being a radar jammer......
I mean one using the same frequencies that the police use. But I guess that would be construed as being a radar jammer......

Not sure if I understand, but the radar units will not interfere with each other's operation. Each one is calibrated to it's own frequency.
Not sure if I understand, but the radar units will not interfere with each other's operation. Each one is calibrated to it's own frequency.

Interesting.... So a radar detector detects signals over a wide bandwidth and not just a specific frequency? I would have thought it would be a very narrow range.... :shrug01:
I went for a little joy ride in the vette today but it didn't end so joyous. I just got a ticket for 92mph in a 45! I guess its such a large infraction just sending in your money isn't enough, I have to go to court. Please don't think I was just tooling down the highway that fast, ( I would never endanger my life or others driving that crazy) I had a left turn to make about a 1/4 mile up the road and simply put her in third and gave it some gas. The road ahead was clear so what the heck. Just as I was letting off the gas a trooper with radar on passed in the other direction, BUSTED! You got to love the timing.:banghead: First time I've ever cursed the fact the a vette has such quick acceleration.

Does anyone out there know what I can expect in the way of a fine. I have 0 points on my license by the way, and a very clean driving record.

Dude, hire and attorney and forget all about it! Not worth the aggrevation you will put up with if you go at it alone.
Interesting.... So a radar detector detects signals over a wide bandwidth and not just a specific frequency? I would have thought it would be a very narrow range.... :shrug01:

Here's what looks like a fairly comprehensive site on radars and radar detector operation. I didn't read through it all.


The radars do operate on a fairly narrow bandwidth, but it doesn't take much of a shift to prevent interference. Detectors read these signals with varying degrees of sensitivity and only when the radar is turned on.

The ones that will really get you without any warning from your detector until it's too late are when the officer is stopped and pointing at specific vehicles. They turn the radar on so by the time your detector goes off, it's too late.

When the troopers are driving their radar is on all the time, so the detectors will work pretty well in these circumstances and probably would have saved the OP.

The laser/lidar units are a whole different animal, so if you're buying a detector, make sure it reads that too.

As far as court, I don't have much experience in Florida, just California. So as far as an attorney, if it was California I'd say don't spend the money because you're only facing an infraction, most traffic courts will accept the request to attend traffic school for a first offense infraction. It'll still cost you in court fees and for the school, but you won't have any points on your record.

Most attorneys are going to charge you several hundred dollars for their appearance time, and that's over and above any court costs. However, they may be able to make the appearance for you so you don't miss a day of work. So you have to way the pros and cons and you comfort with handling this issue.

If you go it along, you should try to talk to the DA or bailiff before the court starts to make your request to attend traffic school. They might have literature available at the court traffic office regarding this process. Try calling the court clerk's office before your court date to see if they have any information on this, or they can probably advise you on the process.
92 in a 45???? You give all Vette owners a bad name. Grow up and drive like a responsible adult!! You should lose your license.