• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

May seem like a dumb suggestions, but..


Click on the big fuggin Corvette at the top and like majic...back to the main menu:thumbsup::lmao:

A droip down would be nice though rather than having to scroll down through each forum section to enter one in particular. Just drop down and click.:thumbsup:

yeah..thats what I meant...if you had a customizable drop down it would be so much easier....I dont want to have to view the entire menu everytime...its an easy fix in User CP.....but hey this is just a suggestion topic....
I think you need a drop down type menu to make overall navigation easier...as it is its to hard to get back to the main menu..JMO...

Well, there already is a drop down navigation menu in this software. It's down in the lower right hand corner of your screen.


Just click on that down arrow to display the list of forums...


Highlight the forum you want to go to and then click the Go button.

If you want to go back to the main page, you can simply click on the big CorvetteFlorida banner at the top of the screen or use the navigation link above the displayed thread text that shows the linked URLs to get to your present location...


Hope that helps...
Rich....yeah I was familiar with that one...I was thinking more along the lines of one that we could customize along the left side of the page. Give users an option to select individual forums to show up

Such as:

General BS


give each user an option to add say 10 forums and allow you to change them via the User CP....you could always click the banner if you want the whole menu.

Anyway...thats my .02

As it is I find myself just using the quick links for new posts and todays posts for a quick glance at the entire forum. As with any forum you spend about 90% of your time in a few sections which is why I suggested the customizable menus
If and when this site gets big enough where something like that is needed, I will consider it. But right now, we certainly aren't all that big where someone couldn't easily read ALL the new posts in short order.... :) At least as long as they show up here every few days or so.....
