• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

It seems like I had lost my enthusiasm for the car.


I just washed and took my Vette out yesterday for the first time in at least a month and a half:nonod:. For a little while before that, I only drove it every now and then.:nonod:
It's been sitting in the carport collecting pollen and dust, NTM a dead battery (had to jump it several times).:toetap05: :toetap05::banghead:

It began A while back while washing it. I noticed even MORE swirl marks that were seemingly All Over the place, and a few more nicks etc. I'm almost 100%certain the swirl marks are from the dusting tool I use, judging by the pattern of the swirls. Maybe it has dirt or sand caught up in it.?

Well, I guess I fell into a slump or a state of depression, because no matter how careful I tried to be, It didn't seem to help.:shrug01:
To be honest, Thoughts of selling the Vette have crossed my mind.

Anyway, I cleaned her up, put a coat of grape gloss on her and took her out for a spin. Oh whaata feelin'!!!:dancer01:
It still has the swirl marks, dings etc. but it sure felt good to be back in the cockpit again!

Well, I have the tools to buff it up just not the know how, and to be quite honest, i'm a bit intimidated by the job ahead:shrug01:.

Has ANYONE even remotely felt like this before or am I the only one?

Anyway, just thought I owed ya's an explanation as to my reasons for Not being around as much.:thumbsup:

I hear ya my Z sits and grows dirt I'm not working so the cash would be nice . I cleaned it up wednesday and drove it to a job interview . No job out of it but the ride was so sweet.
Hey Ray,

Every now and then I will do a project that just doesn't go as I had planned. This is more typical with the '69, where parts availability can be a real issue. Anyway, when I have a project that doesn't go as planned, yea, I have thought, ...maybe it is time for this sucker to belong to someone else. So, I will let the car sit for a little while and I later come to my senses. I guess that is why I have owned it since 1989.

I think you have to remember that the more you drive your car, the more sins it will develop. Obviously, you did not buy the car to have it sit in a museum, so drive it and enjoy it. I have found that when I need a lift, I just pull out the Z06 and go stick my foot in it. It takes my mind off of the other project! So, get back on that horse, ... or behind them, and go enjoy your Vette.

Man, swirl marks and dings are really nothing. Give it the 10 foot away stare and see what I mean. I've got ZILLIONS of rock chips on the front of my C5Z but no one can see them unless they are right up on the car.

I've been thinking about getting the car repainted to get rid of those stone chips, but do I really want to do that? I'm afraid if I get it *perfect*, I may be afraid to drive it for fear of the inevitable rock chips. So I'm in no hurry at all. Just DRIVE it! That is what a car was made to do.

More later..... got to run out and do some errands...
Being here is not about the cars

Hello my friend,I think in life sometimes we get all get into a rut.Life throws all this crap at us and we get involved with other things.:eek:But in my case,life is to short and if I have to struggle to enjoy something I have worked all my life to get,I will enjoy it while I can.If and when that day come where I have to say goodbye to my baby,at least I know at that time and after I will have something more then that car,I will have all those great memiors and super friends I have meet.:dancer01:And that my friend is what it is all about,Enjoy your car,you have such a great looking one,and don't worry about the small things about it,Drive it,that's what it is for.:vette:And for those swirl marks you want to remove,just call and I'll help you out with them,I'll talk you though it.We have miss you all.
Yea once in a while I think maybe it's time to let this car go..but then I remember it's my 5th one and everytime I sold one for whatever reason I couldn't wait to find my next one. I think this ones a keeper, but maybe I need another one..what a great idea:dancer01::thumbsup:
Our national and economic situation occupies many of our thoughts these days and causes us to lose focus on our many blessings and things we enjoy. I'm to the point when I watch the news or read a paper I feel like putting a bullet in my head:shrug01: All the more reason to concentrate on things we love and enjoy them!! We can all look forward to President Obama making things all better for us:reddevil::mad:
We can all look forward to President Obama making things all better for us:reddevil::mad:


:wavey: It's nice to know there are others out there who've been of a similar mindset.

You guys were right:thumbsup:. I drove it today and I'm falling in love with it all over again:dancer01:.

I find it funny a few of yas mentioned selling then buying another. I seriously think that would be the case for me too.:hehehe:

Rob, ANYTIME you guys want to (or can) swing by let us know!

Thanks guys!:thumbsup:


Glad to see you out driving the beast again:thumbsup:

I've been driving mine most of the week just because the weather is great!:dancer01:

We all need another road trip:dancer01:

Hey Beep...that's why I hardly ever watch the news or read the paper anymore. Too much BS that I either don't care for, can't stand, disagree with or simply can't do anything about. And rather than get pissed off and down about it, I choose to try to stay positive and focus on the better things in life.

The next pres? We have nothing to choose from IMO and if we were able to keep what we have, that would suck too.

So the way I look at it, we have at least 4 more post election years to "deal with it" whatever "it" is. Then maybe, just maybe, someone will run thats worth a damn!
Heck, wouldn't mind going back to St. Augustine again, but how about someplace else?

How about Amelia Island for an excursion? Anyone familiar with that neck of the woods?

But the window of opportunity for Connie and I is rather small this summer. Maybe mid May through mid June. After that, our lives are over with until around October. :ack2:

We could call it the "Get ynkedad back in his Corvette Spirit trip"! :thumbsup:
We could call it the "Get ynkedad back in his Corvette Spirit trip"!

I like it!

Amelia Island sounds fine to me. Anywhere in, near or on the water is fine with me:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Hi Guys and Gals..

Heck, wouldn't mind going back to St. Augustine again, but how about someplace else?

How about Amelia Island for an excursion? Anyone familiar with that neck of the woods?

But the window of opportunity for Connie and I is rather small this summer. Maybe mid May through mid June. After that, our lives are over with until around October. :ack2:

We could call it the "Get ynkedad back in his Corvette Spirit trip"! :thumbsup:

:wavey:We'd absolutely love to go to St. Augustine or Amelia Island:dancer01:, but Like you Rich, we're strapped for time as well. Ang is going to school now and we're only able to do weekends from now on.

That being said, we're open for whenever (so long as it's a weekend). :D
Heck, we have workers coming in Monday thru Thursday, so it's pretty much weekends only for us as well. This whole month will be out, because we have snakes laying eggs, so anything that requires even a single overnighter is out for a while. Should be over with by the first part of May.

Heck, we've done St. Augustine or Amelia Island as a day trip before, so if we want to do something like that one day during the weekend, that will be doable...

Can't you just toss those slimey little critters in the back of the vette and bring them with you? :lmao:Worse than having kids! At least you can get a babsitter for one of those:rofl1:

There's an idea...snake sitter:dancer01::dancer01:I can see the $$ rolling in right now.....

As an overnighter, Those 2 locations are a bit far, but we'd just make a weekend of it....so count me in when ever:thumbsup:
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Don't feel bad ,Ray!! I've got a bad case of BS burnout!! I sit here half the winter with everybody wanting things done and fantasizing about it!! The weather gets Nice and 30 people want 3 weeks work done NOW!!!:banghead::banghead: So after the 3 jobs I have going now,I'm taking the summer Off!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:A lack of planning on there part,don't constitute a Emergency on my part!!!:thumbsup::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Can't you just toss those slimey little critters in the back of the vette and bring them with you? :lmao:Worse than having kids! At least you can get a babsitter for one of those:rofl1:

There's an idea...snake sitter:dancer01::dancer01:I can see the $$ rolling in right now.....

asI've seen avatars there recently that would never have been allowed in the past.

Good or bad?

To quote Buffett...I don't know and I don't care:)

But you can't realistically deny that things have changed.

As an overnighter, Those 2 locations are a bit far, but we'd just make a weekend of it....so count me in when ever:thumbsup:

Gordon - I can see that some re-edjumacation is in order for you. I'll have to bring a snake along one day for you so you can see first hand that they aren't slimey........ :lmao:

As for getting someone in here to snake-sit, yeah right... The people we have working for us aren't what you would call "detail oriented"...... :rolleyes:
Gordon - I can see that some re-edjumacation is in order for you. I'll have to bring a snake along one day for you so you can see first hand that they aren't slimey........ :lmao:

As for getting someone in here to snake-sit, yeah right... The people we have working for us aren't what you would call "detail oriented"...... :rolleyes:

:lmao::lmao:I think I understand:lmao:

I understand you collect and sell snakes and guns, right?

Ok, bring one of each...you'll need them!:rofl1::rofl1:

(JFWY bro):thumbsup: