• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Got ticket, I think I need a lawyer????

Just to put these kind of incidents in perspective, first off, not all LEO's are like this. The old saying, "bad news travels fast", often applies here. The guy that gets an undeserved ticket is going to tell twice as many friends about it as the guy that got caught speeding but was let off with a warning. You (the public) always hear about the bad stuff cops get caught doing, and I realize that these things do happen, but that is from a small percentage of LEO's. The reasons behind the bad behavior vary. Bad day at work, little or no sleep, divorce, or just someone who never should have been a LEO to begin with. I'm not making excuses for these people, but these, and other things do factor in occasionaly. Please don't judge all LEO's by the behavior exemplified by the few who choose to misuse their position of authority.


Again, if the information you relayed was transmitted accurately, then the officer involved, aside from being full of Chit, obviouly fell into one of the above catagories:lmao:

I'd take him on in court any day of the week....but wouldn't suggest it for those not well versed with the "system". Frankly, taking the "deal" was probably about as cheap as lawyering up. Unfortunately it still leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth:(

As they say, "Good news" rarely sells papers:(

It truly is a very small minority that make the majority look bad:mad:

Just like clergy, acconutants, or a host of other professions and occupations where a few bad apples ruin the entire barrell.

When laws are made solely to generate income for the state, and the people hired to enforce those laws do so basically as hired mercenaries, what will there be to respect? LEOs will simply become a class of people to avoid at all costs, because you know they will be evaluating YOU as their next victim to shake down for revenue.

To clairfy a couple of points, the laws generally (not all inclusive mind you) are not enacted to generate revenue. It's the politicians that abuse them and malign the intent that make a lot of them bad.

And for the record, having "been there and done that", I can state with reasonable certainty, that most LEO's would rather be out putting real criminals in jail than writing tickets. Sure, we have the traffic houds and those who particulary like working traffic, and it's great that we do. I've found that these types do it truly out of a desire to save lives:thumbsup:

Other than you piddly assed little po-dunk speed traps we all know and love, I don't know too many officers that write tickets just to generate revenue.

That said, when you have a Sergeant, Lt., Captain, Major, Colonel, or Sheriif/Chief of Police "suggesting" that we "increse our enforement efforts" you're going to do what you have to do...it's a matter of survival......

It's a sad state we've come to....
I did run a stop sign, I was wrong.... He was doing his job!! Reckless driving was excesive. In the end, I sure as hell won't roll a stop sign in a shopping center or office complex ever again. In my experience most cops aren't bad, this guy was just out to make $$$ or having a really bad day. I wanted to fight this soooo bad, but lawyer fees and time off from work it doesn't make financial sense to fight for pride at my wallets expense. Than goodness I was in my 6cyl Stang i'm sure if I was in a shiny red vette he would of arrested me.

My buddy went down a 1 way in Tampa. The sign was barely visible he instantly pulled into the gas station... Cop saw him called dwi cop he was sober, the guy let him go no ticket. That cop was cool as hell...
Cops are just people that dress funny:lmao:

Seriously though, did the judge/magistrate (?) reduce your citation to something other than "Reckless?"

Reckless is a criminal traffic violation. You're insurance company's gonna love ya!
Cops are just people that dress funny:lmao:

Seriously though, did the judge/magistrate (?) reduce your citation to something other than "Reckless?"

Reckless is a criminal traffic violation. You're insurance company's gonna love ya!

yea some non moving violation and no points.
yea some non moving violation and no points.

Huum?? Don't know what that'd be?:shrug01:

Even if he/she reduced it to failure to obey a traffic control device (moving violation) it's still better (and more appropriate) than reckless:rolleyes:

Regardless, any reduction from criminal, with no points and a withold are good:thumbsup:
I did run a stop sign, I was wrong.... He was doing his job!! .................. Than goodness I was in my 6cyl Stang i'm sure if I was in a shiny red vette he would of arrested me....

Time for you to sell that big bad terrible Vette so you don't get framed and thrown in state prison by some rogue mad max style cop who has it out for you because he is jealous of your car........... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Puuhhlleezzzz,,,,,, Buy a ricer, you sound just like the teenie boppers that drive them.....

Clearly an attempt to poke at the police. I don't believe the story anyway, which is obviously tilted towards trying to look like a giant victim of police harassment. Send Shadow the info from the case (case #, citation#, etc) and let him do some research. You can't throw a bunch of random statements around about reckless vs non moving, and 300 dollar fines, while accusing LEO's of being bias towards Vettes without something to back it up. Pony up the details or I call BS. :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

You received the citation on the 1st and on the 10th of the same month, had the case reduced from a criminal traffic violation to a "non-moving" violation that you can't recall, and tagged with a $300.00 fine?????

I'm starting to smell trout, mullet, bass, catfish......

I wish the courts were did work that fast. And a case such as this would have been set for hearing anyway.

Please pm me the citation number and let me take a peak. It may just be that you didn't understand what he charged you with in the 1st place. Careless and reckless are regularly confused among the motoring public.

I'll keep the info private, you have my word on that, but it will help set the record straight for any non-believers:thumbsup:

You're move brother...:thumbsup:
You received the citation on the 1st and on the 10th of the same month, had the case reduced from a criminal traffic violation to a "non-moving" violation that you can't recall, and tagged with a $300.00 fine?????

I missed the dates in the posts,,, but thats a very good point Shadow. The court dates here (which I believe would be fairly uniform throughout the bay area) would be three weeks ahead at a minimum. The idea for that is to allow the defendant time to seek counsel if he/she chose to before any hearings took place.
I have been reading this and was wearing my hip waders. Now I think I might want to consider SCUBA gear. Getting real deep in bull........ :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
Wow this thread got out of hand, jeez i could careless if you think I made it up. I got the ticket atelast 2 weeks before I posted this. I went to court I paid a fine and I have to take some online 12hr driving class. Witch apparently is dumb as hell since my brother has a broken leg and did it for me since he is stuck at his house due to it.

All i wanted to know was the process of court here. I'n NY especially in Nassau and Suffolk counties you get a ticket A) you wont go to court for atleast 1.5years and It doesn't matter what the hell you did wrong you will never get any points. Example I blew by a cop going 118 in a 55... I got pulled over. he made me leave the car on the road, and i had to get a ride and pick it up the next day. Got a mandated court date, I showed up I got a broken tail light no points $600 fine.

As i have learned in Florida your ass will go to jail for that kind of speed. And its the same i guess you pay a large fine and you get no points.

And as far as me being ricer what ever, As far as the cop not targeted me I don't care what you think. I have 17.5 inch chrome rims w/ dark tints all around, my music was semi loud I have a system. The car stands out and I have NY plates... I'm pretty sure if i had a corolla w/ Florida tags no rims or tints i would of gotten a stop sign tix not reckless driving.

Thats all i wont be on these forums any more. Atleast i got a kick ass detail for the vette..
Wow this thread got out of hand, jeez i could careless if you think I made it up. I got the ticket atelast 2 weeks before I posted this. I went to court I paid a fine and I have to take some online 12hr driving class. Witch apparently is dumb as hell since my brother has a broken leg and did it for me since he is stuck at his house due to it.

All i wanted to know was the process of court here. I'n NY especially in Nassau and Suffolk counties you get a ticket A) you wont go to court for atleast 1.5years and It doesn't matter what the hell you did wrong you will never get any points. Example I blew by a cop going 118 in a 55... I got pulled over. he made me leave the car on the road, and i had to get a ride and pick it up the next day. Got a mandated court date, I showed up I got a broken tail light no points $600 fine.

As i have learned in Florida your ass will go to jail for that kind of speed. And its the same i guess you pay a large fine and you get no points.

And as far as me being ricer what ever, As far as the cop not targeted me I don't care what you think. I have 17.5 inch chrome rims w/ dark tints all around, my music was semi loud I have a system. The car stands out and I have NY plates... I'm pretty sure if i had a corolla w/ Florida tags no rims or tints i would of gotten a stop sign tix not reckless driving.

Thats all i wont be on these forums any more. Atleast i got a kick ass detail for the vette..

Actually my friend, it's not out of hand at all. In fact, in fact, it's quite under control:thumbsup:

It' simply that your informaion doesn't add up, the dates don't jive with local court dates, and most people can read well enough to read the court information sheet you're given by the court clerk when you leave the court room or pay the fine. That will show the outcome of the case, the reduction and charge reduced to, and such pertinent information.

I guess you got your answer about our court process:rofl1:

you wont go to court for atleast 1.5years and It doesn't matter what the hell you did wrong you will never get any points

Ok, now I have a reason to live in NY:lmao:

As far as targeting you, I don't know? Maybe, maybe not? Regardless, it's over. I would imagine though if you had that "kick ass sound system" cranking, and dark tint all around, even in a Toy, you'd get "targeted:lmao:"

Thats all i wont be on these forums any more. Atleast i got a kick ass detail for the vette

Thats your choice:yesnod:There's a ton of other forums out there. Many would never let you even talk about the stuff you did and others would have damned you unmercifully for "whining" about the ticket" (I know you were not whining, but that's what they'd call it).

Regardless, as I said, it's your choice.:thumbsup:

You're more than welcomed to stick around and enjoy some comaraderie and good hearted ribbing, but as you see, we have a thinking and somewhat outspoken crowd as well:thumbsup: Not easily smoked or convinced;)

Stay or go, you're choice. You're always welcomed back:thumbsup:

Here's the link to the "reckless driving" statute

Next time I consider buying land in Dubai, I'll look you up. Until then...:wavey:AMF:wavey:
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