• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

"Vettes" at the Light Corvette Show

Kudos to PICC for a job well done...Great venue...great crowd...beautiful collection of Vettes...tour of lighthouse was a hoot - still trying to get my legs bag from the stair climb to the top which was worth it...tour of marine center was also a great time...the small Corvette Florida contingent that was there faired well at the show...definitely will put this event on my 2009 calendar for another go at it...

The wife an I just got in from the show. I want to pass along to all the members of the PICC that you put on a great show. It is hard to believe that this is only your third show. You all should be very proud of the job you did. I was very impressed, and I picked up some ideas to try and incorporate imto our annual St Pete Pier Show later this year. I am already looking forward to next year.
Impressive show!

I too was surprised that this was PICC's 3rd show...seems they've been at this alot longer! Qudos! :thumbsup:

Good time had by all I'm sure. One thing about it is that I never go to these show for trophies...either in the 06 or the 82's...I (and the SO) strictly go as paid participants with guaranteed parking! :hehehe: Its the charity work thats involved that impresses us!

Didn't do the 203 steps to the top of the Lighthouse thing...kinda trying to just get around with 3 bad disks in my back at the moment. :rofl1:

Sorry to have missed you there as well Shadow...I had a cold one waiting on ya! As well as Ken and Carrie...also had a brewski or two ready and waiting. "Goldie" will be back with us soon...don't fret! Neverthless, I took care of thos Corona's for ya so they would not get warm! :hehehe: Always next year...and always tons of shows over Tampa way to tease us throughout the year as well. More opportunities along the way!
I had a cold one waiting on ya (Shadow)! As well as Ken and Carrie...also had a brewski or two ready and waiting. "Goldie" will be back with us soon...don't fret! Neverthless, I took care of thos Corona's for ya so they would not get warm! :hehehe:

Damn Jack, I thought your poor walking was from your back! Now I read it was from all those brewski's!:lmao::lmao:
Great talking with ya there.
Another thing that impressed me with the show was their 'spare no expense to make everyone happy' attitude. When two people tied for a win, they quickly siad, we'll just get another trophy for both of you, and those were NOT cheezy little trophies. Very nice hardware.
Way to please the masses guys. Right attitude to keep them coming back.
Now, go rest, Harvey and crew:wavey: Glenn
I also had a great time this was the first show that I can say that they had all their ducks in a row. It was a great day for some great cars. Congratulations to Harvey and the crew :dancer01:
Hi Gals and Guys,

I'd like to shout out a great big Thank You to the cars that were able to attend this years show. What an awesome group of folks :thumbsup:

Thanks for your kind posts here on the Florida Online Corvette Club, they mean a lot to the many club members that worked hard to make the show happen.

Now please help us out ..... Feedback is the key to making shows more successful.

Send me your suggestions and complaints (no matter how minor) and we will learn from them, and try to improve future shows. Offduty1@aol.com

I'm pretty thick skinned, so don't worry about hurting my feelings ...

I'll be posting the judging results later tonight or tomorrow.....anyone that Registered but could not attend ... "goodybag" stuff will be going in the mail to you in a few days.

Thanks Again,
The only thing I can think of right now is that the C5 class (my class) was setup with 5 years in one group and three in the other. I have normally seen it setup as 97-00 & 01-04. One other point, and it is more to help make it easier for your judges. At Ecklers that parked the cars by there class, which made it easier for the judges to get to all their assigned cars. Having them all mixed together looks good from the spectators point of view. With them parked all over the area, there is always the chance that one or two may get missed.

Other then that, I am not sure that you are going to get many complaints. Like I stated before it is hard to believe that this was only your third event. I am going to try and incorporate some of you groups ideas into our St Pete Pier show, if I can get the other board members to agree.

See you next year.
Thanks for the response...
Great questions, those are 2 issues we spent a lot of time deciding. Here's the short answers:

We split the classes by the years of the cars that registered, trying to keep the classes balanced in size for the judges. This year dividing it as we did, we had 18 in C-5A and 17 in C-5B.

Pros and Cons on parking by class.... easier for the judges, but we found most clubs want to park together. Also, some folks didn't want to park on the grass(sand) in the park, and some folks didn't want to park on the hot asphalt. We do a first come first served, with the first cars going into the park until it's filled, unless they specifically request the asphalt parking.

Don't hesitate to call (386) 760-1048 or email Offduty1@aol.com if you need any additional info for your show at the St Pete Pier...

Thanks Again,


In an effort to include the two seperate lots into one show area, why not move the registration, sound, and info tent into that area next to where you gave the trophies away, on the other side of the rest room building, so the people on the asphalt were not so 'seperated' by the goings on?
The location by the rest rooms on the north-western side, while very convient for those on the grass, seemed to seperate the other group from one another. Locating the main center on the east side might 'combine' the two better. Small deal for an overall well run, wonderful show.:thumbsup: Glenn
Good thought Glenn,

Thanks to you, and your lovely wife for attending the show, and congratulations for taking 1st place in Modified class.

It's always been a concern of mine that the cars parked in the asphalt lot would feel somewhat isolated, and not part of the main group. I had initially requested that the Town make some of the fencing removable between the 2 areas, but for whatever reason, that never happened.

The first year of the show, the tents were on the east side of the sidewalk. The music and sound from the stage was so loud that they couldn't hear themselves think ... so, for show 2 and 3 they were moved to the west side, further from the stage.

We placed the photographer, soda truck, food stand, large 20x40 tent and our club members cars in the asphalt area, to draw folks out there. Perhaps that's not enough !!! We'll take a look at moving stuff further east for next year....

Thanks Again and special thanks for bringing "Blue" to the show....

I thought you did a great job. One of the best shows I've attended. I agree with parking anywhere you want I have many friends that do not have a C2 so I can park with my friends. That always makes it a good time. Most of all for the wives so they can all catch up with the latest gossip. :dancer01: I was surprised of all the 63-67 cars I understand 18 great turn out. Maybe you could get more in the grass area next year i know there was some open area east of the trophy tent. The only negative was the speakers were awfully load as a person who likes load music of the 60's and 70's it got annoying and giving everyone a headache after a while. But great work our group gave it two thumbs up and a circle the calendar for next year.
Can't park anything in the Park east of the sidewalk. The sidewalk covers the original RR track that was used to bring the bricks from the boats to the building site of the lighthouse. The sidewalk is protecting the track, and artifacts beneath it. Until they can do a "dig" and remove the historical "neat things" nobody is allowed to drive on or over the sidewalk ....

PS.. Did anyone try the DetailDude.com glass cleaner we were giving out???
(supposed to be one of the finest in the nation !!!)

And now the results of the show .. Congratulations:

1st 1962 Gus Guthrie
2nd 1959 Beverly Luckenbach - Florida Corvette Club
3rd 1958 Eric & Pam Martin - Classic Corvettes of Orlando

1st 1963 Jack Ryan
2nd 1964 Michael Bruck - Deland Cruisers
3rd 1963 Thomas Wielepski

1st 1967 Phyllis McLoughlin - Corvettes on the Gulf
2nd 1967 Richard Small
3rd 1967 Angela Smith - Flagler County CC

1st 1968 Michael Cocchiola - Flagler County CC
2nd 1969 Greg Norton - Flagler County CC
3rd 1969 David stanley - Florida Corvette Club

1st 1979 Greg Burdette
2nd 1982 Gary Lafond
3rd 1981 Michael Castello - Florida Corvette Club

1st 1996 Gary Leschitz - Cape Kennedy CC
2nd 1994 Stephen Wentling - Central Florida CC
3rd 1992 Diane & Dan Kirkconnel - Bay Area CC

1st 1998 Lisa & David Jessing - Florida Corvette Club
2nd 2000 Michael Smith
3rd 1999 Richard Nitz - Florida Corvette Club

1st 2004 Stephanie Laborde
2nd 2004 Linda & Ron Davis - Florida Corvette Club
3rd 2004 LeeAnn Wojcieszak - Cape Kennedy CC

1st 2006 Kathy & Gary Horton - Cape Kennedy CC
2nd 2006 Ellen & bob Malizia - Citrus County CC
3rd 2005 Armando Sampedro - Caloosahatchee Corvette cruisers

1st 2007 Marcia & Jim Cochran - Cape Kennedy CC
2nd 2008 Randy Losch
3rd 2007 Kyra & Ray Addison - Tanpa Bay CC

1st 1966 Glenn Smith
2nd 2007 Denise & Wayne Schultz - Mid florida CC
3rd 1961 Glenn Duff - Corvette Club of Orlando