• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Hurricane survival tips


New member
I've been through a hurricane or two but they were Connecticut hurricanes...not nearly the storm that can and has hit Florida.

Any tips from the veterans to us virgins will be greatly appreciated.

Someone told me to cut the screens out of the Lanai. I sure would hate to do that but if it saves it I'll do it. I'm sure not going to do it now but Is this something that should be done if it gets bad?
dont cut anything. just put boards over the windows and have supples on hand if your staying. otherwise shut off the water and such before you leave. there isnt a whole lot you can do to prevent the damage. Ive been through a good share of hurricanes and although weve had over 50000 in damages, it doesnt seem like much more than a bad thunderstorm. most of the damage is from wind, not water. lets hope you wont have to find out anytime soon:thumbsup:
Definitely get rid of anything in the yard that can be a projectile. A lot of people throw their lawn furniture in to the pool (if you have one).

Adam is right, most damage is from wind (and the things it blows) not water, unless of course you live on the coast then the storm surge is a real threat. Sandbag what you can. I actually had to cut a tree down in mid hurricane two years ago because it was in danger of being uprooted and ready to fall on my back fence into my neighbor's house. Everytime the wind blew, I watched the ground come up a little further.
If the power is out for any length of time it gets pretty hot and uncomfortable. If you have a generator you can run fans and refrigeration and lights and TV, etc. to give yourself a little relief. We had no power for 72 hours after Charlie in '04 and about that after Wilma last year. The phones may or may not work. We have lived in Florida since 1968 and never needed a generator until Charlie hit.
Well one good thing is since we've just moved in, we don't have anything in the yard except the new gas grill. A generator is another thing I was going to get but just have not had the time. I don't have a place outside for a generator so I'll need to keep it in the garage, make it portable and move it outside when in use. As soon as I do, we won't need it for the next 20 years.
Coastal said:
I don't have a place outside for a generator so I'll need to keep it in the garage, make it portable and move it outside when in use. As soon as I do, we won't need it for the next 20 years.

We all hope!
Being a life long resident of South Florida and a 20 year veteran of emergency services, I would recomend the following:
Don't cut out your screens, if the wind is strong enough to take it will do so with or without the screens.
If you have pool it is not necessary to drain it.
Have at least two gallons of water per person per day for three days on hand. Remember that if you do not have boil water order you do not need to drink it you can still use the tap.
Have some non-perishable food on hand always!
Keep at least two propane tanks on hand for your grill.
If you run a generator run it away from the house to prevent carbon monoxide intruding into your home (I have had alot of these type of patients).
If you run a generator outside make sure that it is chained and pad locked or it will go bye-bye to a nice new home!
Do not trim trees during a storm! Tree trimming has been the biggest factor in the fatalities that I have responded to asociated with storms.
Do not drive on unfamiliar roads that are flooded. Often times thise roads turn out to be canals and you drive int0 them. I have had two drownings as a result of this.

Finally the biggest safety advice that I can give you is to use common sense. It if doesn't feel right then don't do it.

Stay safe :wavey:
EMS19 said:
Being a life long resident of South Florida and a 20 year veteran of emergency services, I would recomend the following:
Don't cut out your screens, if the wind is strong enough to take it will do so with or without the screens.
If you have pool it is not necessary to drain it.
Have at least two gallons of water per person per day for three days on hand. Remember that if you do not have boil water order you do not need to drink it you can still use the tap.
Have some non-perishable food on hand always!
Keep at least two propane tanks on hand for your grill.
If you run a generator run it away from the house to prevent carbon monoxide intruding into your home (I have had alot of these type of patients).
If you run a generator outside make sure that it is chained and pad locked or it will go bye-bye to a nice new home!
Do not trim trees during a storm! Tree trimming has been the biggest factor in the fatalities that I have responded to asociated with storms.
Do not drive on unfamiliar roads that are flooded. Often times thise roads turn out to be canals and you drive int0 them. I have had two drownings as a result of this.

Finally the biggest safety advice that I can give you is to use common sense. It if doesn't feel right then don't do it.

Stay safe :wavey:

:thumbsup: Excellent advise:thumbsup:
Im a Florida native (almost 50 years and have been involved in law enforcement since '77. His advise is right on the money. Was the person who told you to cut your screens in the creen business?

If you don't have a generator, some battery (or human) powered equipment is in order. A hand cranked or battery powered radio and/or TV is a must fans and the like are also a good purchase.

I just bought 4 of these LED room lights, one for the 2 kinds rooms (w/baby), one for mine and a spare or one for the family room w/enought batteries for 2 weeks+. Can also be used safely around flammables/combustables as well.

Battery bkup for computer is also a good idea.

You might want to make copies and backups of important docs/files in case of major damage.

Emergeny services will get to you as quickly as possible if the need arises and we won't leave you stranded. This ain't f**kin' New Orleans!!!

Make sure you have canned, non perishable items on hand as well as a decent 1st aid kit.

Depending on your location and the degree of damage, a weapon and some ammo isn't a bad idea, but so far, thank God, hasn't been necessary.
Remember though, law enforcement will be busy with various search/rescue & recovery efforts, traffic contrrol and general peacekeeping/looting patrols. You might in a major event, find yourself responsible for you and your families safety and security for a short time.

Your cell phone may or may not work, again, depending on the damage in the area.

Utility crews are generally pretty quick to restore power. Those guys and gals kick some ass when the storms come and I have all the respect and admiration in the world for them:thumbsup:

Finally, as mentioned, if you dont have to be on the streets, please stay inside. Downed wires/powerlines, wash outs and such are major issues after a storm.

Many years ago, a lady in a Toyota was driving down a local street over a small bridge crossing a drainage canal. There was water flowing over the road and she misjudged the current.

Car over edge, right through the rails...found her deceased downstream....

Stay safe,

From the northern boy here I would suggest a non electric can opener, check your supply of meds, and make sure you have enough food for your four legged friends.
If it is predicted to get real bad, do NOT procrastinate or try to prove your manhood by staying. Batton down the hatches and get the hell out.
Otherwise you might be sitting there like a lot of New Orleans folks bitching about how quick or not quick they get help.
Keep in mind, since some of those in New Orleans apparently did not know, the US military does NOT have a hurricane assistance force sitting off the coast waiting just in case something happens...we are busy....
If we come to help and you shoot at us Like some ignornat thugs in New Orleans did, if I am flying, I will shoot back....and worry about the politically correct fallout later.

Like those in previous posts said, prepare well in advance, like say the beginning of the hurricane season, or at least a week or two in advance, then you will have water and food...unlike those in NO that decided they would wait and expect the government to take care of it for them. Just make sure you have a weapon and some spare rounds ready, because there will be those that did not prepare and think that you have prepared for them as they come and try to steal your stuff.
Nytro said:
From the northern boy here I would suggest a non electric can opener, check your supply of meds, and make sure you have enough food for your four legged friends.

P38 ring a bell? All manual can opener.

Milspec 1 each:rofl1:
JimZ06 said:
If it is predicted to get real bad, do NOT procrastinate or try to prove your manhood by staying. Batton down the hatches and get the hell out.
Otherwise you might be sitting there like a lot of New Orleans folks bitching about how quick or not quick they get help.
Keep in mind, since some of those in New Orleans apparently did not know, the US military does NOT have a hurricane assistance force sitting off the coast waiting just in case something happens...we are busy....
If we come to help and you shoot at us Like some ignornat thugs in New Orleans did, if I am flying, I will shoot back....and worry about the politically correct fallout later.

Like those in previous posts said, prepare well in advance, like say the beginning of the hurricane season, or at least a week or two in advance, then you will have water and food...unlike those in NO that decided they would wait and expect the government to take care of it for them. Just make sure you have a weapon and some spare rounds ready, because there will be those that did not prepare and think that you have prepared for them as they come and try to steal your stuff.

Man makes some great points here:thumbsup:

Numbnutz has stretched the military so thin, they're having problems just fulfilling thier quotas and getting the job they're supposed to be doing done:(

They're really not a humanitarian force. They're a peackeeping force and for the defense of our nation. Not to bail mine and your asses outta the drink when we're to stupid, lazy, stubborn, ill prepared or not well warned/versed in the art of get the hell out!

The NG is a state militia and is vested with that responsibility as a militia of the state.

We had NG with us during the truckers strike in the 70's/80's.

Tell ya what my friend. You're with me when the shootin' starts, all they're gonna need are more bags:thumbsup:

To you ladies and gents in the active military who got dumped on by the admin during Katrina...good job :thumbsup: and thanks :icon_cheers: .

To the reserves and National Guard that took the hit....Great job thanks!:thumbsup: :icon_cheers:
Shadow said:
P38 ring a bell?

Milspec 1 each:rofl1:

The P-38 certainly was one of the best planes ever. I'm certain there was none better than the one flown by Dick Bong. On October 5th 1942 five P-38 Lightnings certainly got Yamamoto's attention. The A-10 Warthog comes in a close second, great planes.

Didn't know you were an avaition fan.
Shadow said:
Man makes some great points here:thumbsup:

Numbnutz has stretched the military so thin, they're having problems just fulfilling thier quotas and getting the job they're supposed to be doing done:(

They're really not a humanitarian force. They're a peackeeping force and for the defense of our nation. Not to bail mine and your asses outta the drink when we're to stupid, lazy, stubborn, ill prepared or not well warned/versed in the art of get the hell out!

The NG is a state militia and is vested with that responsibility as a militia of the state.

We had NG with us during the truckers strike in the 70's/80's.

Tell ya what my friend. You're with me when the shootin' starts, all they're gonna need are more bags:thumbsup:

To you ladies and gents in the active military who got dumped on by the admin during Katrina...good job :thumbsup: and thanks :icon_cheers: .

To the reserves and National Guard that took the hit....Great job thanks!:thumbsup: :icon_cheers:

Be careful what finger you are pointing and at which "admin" you are pointing it at. There are a lot of things happening overseas that the media does not report on and that the American populous would be very proud of. Likewise there is a great deal of intel about certain things happening over there that the general public is not, nor will they ever be, aware of.
If any fingers get pointed at any Administration regarding the Katrina hurricane, those fingers should be directed at the newly re-elected Mayor there.
JimZ06 said:
Be careful what finger you are pointing and at which "admin" you are pointing it at. There are a lot of things happening overseas that the media does not report on and that the American populous would be very proud of. Likewise there is a great deal of intel about certain things happening over there that the general public is not, nor will they ever be, aware of.
If any fingers get pointed at any Administration regarding the Katrina hurricane, those fingers should be directed at the newly re-elected Mayor there.

There;s no problem with my fingers or the direction they point;)
And I'm well aware who Im pointing at:).
I stay pretty well up on my "intel" via a few inside sources and friends in the theatre.
I realize there are things going on that will likely never be reported by the general media:( Good news doesn't necessarily sell:(.
Never is a long time. One day, I'm sure some of this will come out (good and bad). It usually does. Just has to let time run it's course.:thumbsup:

I think over all the American public IS proud of it's military:thumbsup: The conflict isnt thier fault, just thier cross to bear.

The administration though, thats a whole different story.

Katrina? I have to agree....doom on the local admins first:thumbsup:
Nytro said:
The P-38 certainly was one of the best planes ever. I'm certain there was none better than the one flown by Dick Bong. On October 5th 1942 five P-38 Lightnings certainly got Yamamoto's attention. The A-10 Warthog comes in a close second, great planes.

Didn't know you were an avaition fan.

Well yes sir, I do have an interest in aviation:thumbsup: Used to fly 150's/152's and took right seat in a paper Piper (cub) on a few occasions. Even took the controls (under the close watchful eye) of the S.O.'s frisbee (300) a few times:hehehe:

The P38 I was referring to is a can opener. You probably already knew that though:thumbsup:

If I didn't absolutely suck at the internet, I'dhave posted a pic:shrug01:
Shadow said:
There;s no problem with my fingers or the direction they point;)
And I'm well aware who Im pointing at:).
I stay pretty well up on my "intel" via a few inside sources and friends in the theatre.
I realize there are things going on that will likely never be reported by the general media:( Good news doesn't necessarily sell:(.
Never is a long time. One day, I'm sure some of this will come out (good and bad). It usually does. Just has to let time run it's course.:thumbsup:

I think over all the American public IS proud of it's military:thumbsup: The conflict isnt thier fault, just thier cross to bear.

The administration though, thats a whole different story.

Katrina? I have to agree....doom on the local admins first:thumbsup:

Thats cool. Thats why we are Americans because we can speak as we want and think as we want. I did back to back tours over there. Not fun, but certainly not the doom and gloom the media makes it out to be. Is it a summer camp....HELL no.
It is a legitimate war. The reasons behind that.....well you and I will both be long gone before that information is reveiled.
JimZ06 said:
Thats cool. Thats why we are Americans because we can speak as we want and think as we want. I did back to back tours over there. Not fun, but certainly not the doom and gloom the media makes it out to be. Is it a summer camp....HELL no.
It is a legitimate war. The reasons behind that.....well you and I will both be long gone before that information is reveiled.

Amen brother!
Thanks a lot for the tips! I did learn a thing or two and reminded me of a few things that I need to do and haven’t. I wanted to get a generator but I think I’ll be better of with some good shutters first. So sense of having power if your roof is down the street.
I’m not one to stay on when it looks bad, (anything more than a cat 1). There is nothing I can do and there are limited resources as it is.

The guy that told me about cutting the screen was our home watch person. He said that it takes a lot of the pressure off and it’s easier and cheaper to replace the screen than the structure. Sounded good but it would be hard to take a blade to it.