• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.



New member
I believe some need to learn how to use the PM function instead of using the boards for personal communication or I'm I alone in this opinion
I was gonna make a thread asking what's the use of pm's after recent post. It is getting old now, very old.
My list of PM's:
pm- afternoon
pm-pre menopause
pm-post menopause
pm-prime minister
pm- private message
pm- add to the list :lmao::lmao:
You two should get together and send dvdcta & associates a pm

screw that just make a new thread

Ive been saying it for the last longest now. Its old and rediculous. I understand the guy donated but seriously. . All the posts are lies, b/s or some other something that has to do with nothing. Im suprised its gone on this long. Any other forum and he would have either been banned or flamed out of here by now. i got no problem with the guy staying, but these issues need to be addressed.
screw that just make a new thread

Ive been saying it for the last longest now. Its old and rediculous. I understand the guy donated but seriously. . All the posts are lies, b/s or some other something that has to do with nothing. Im suprised its gone on this long. Any other forum and he would have either been banned or flamed out of here by now. i got no problem with the guy staying, but these issues need to be addressed.

Im with dick on this one. Another forum I post at for general motor cars, theres a group of us that bring the heat on. Its nothing but spam, and rich I know you said you have tons of space, but hard drive space compared to mental capacity of putting up with stuff on some members make them shy away.

I love his new one. He has one tiny pic of said vette, for months hes said hes spraying 200 shot(no proof of pics), but today hes spraying 400, wait I mean only half.

I can careless if his two buddies dont like me, prolly got flamed out of the previous forum.
So are you guys SERIOUSLY suggesting that I should ban another member simply because you don't like the way he posts here?

I guess I'm pretty disappointed that anyone here would even suggest such a thing. So who gets to set the rules about how someone is able to post here in order to pass muster with you guys and be able to remain?
No one asked you to ban anyone Rich. 80% of his threads leave you with a wtf :shrug01:. Hes made more spam then true contribution imo, weve all asked for better grammar or more senseful post thats all. Thought Obama said wed see change?!?! :rofl1:

Edit, and in response to your post of him having someone who can help him..these post do have a spell check button not far from submit.
I have to say that on most forums I am on he would be chased out. We have this wonderful little drunk guy who goes by the name AZ-ZBum who unleashes the flames of hell upon people using myspace talk (which I am better able to understand). This usually end in the member running away from the forum with his/her tail in bewteen his/her legs.

Now while I never have supported banning a member, I do think that he should be talked to by somebody with authority in this site. Everyone should attempt to communicate on a forum in a way that others can understand. His punctuation makes his posts hard to read, I honestly could type better than that in the 3rd grade (which might have something to do with using the computer to cheat on homework...) so I seriously doubt that it is his best attempt.

In addition to that, there are several weird things related to him. Take his friends. Set aside what you will most likely find in an IP check, what purpose do people have on a Florida Vette forum who live out of state? If somebody is social on the forum, fine. If they use it to plan for a trip to Florida, that's great too. But when they come onto the forum with no apparent positive motive, and then spam the site, I really see no reason for them to be here. I bet I can post links to 8 threads where those 3 say the same damned thing.

And there are several threads that, although not apparent at first glance, are along the same train of thought. We have edit and reply options, so there is no need for a new post every time an idea pops up in somebody's head.

Maybe this post seems harsh. Maybe it is. But whether it is intentional or due to ignorance, it has to stop!
Maybe a ban is needed to get the point across. If not permanent, maybe for a few days. If he doesnt get it by now, idk if he ever will. Heck, maybe even you can review his posts/threads before they make it to the boards.

+1 for AZ-Zbum posts
So are you guys SERIOUSLY suggesting that I should ban another member simply because you don't like the way he posts here?

I guess I'm pretty disappointed that anyone here would even suggest such a thing. So who gets to set the rules about how someone is able to post here in order to pass muster with you guys and be able to remain?

Heck no...I find them rather amuzing.. If anyone has a problem don't open the thread.........
Heck no...I find them rather amuzing.. If anyone has a problem don't open the thread.........
Or spend more time on other forums .Ban 'em no but I wouldn't be disappointed if they left.Out of several hundred thread/posts I can't see where they have added much .A better fit for 'em might be Corvette Forum.But it's not my say.