• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

What Happens if the not so Big-Three-Fail

Yeah you know our country/government is so awesome with all its great wisdom and technology going against a country that hardly had running water, annnd we still cant find the man we originally were after. Theyve kept us their long enough to make us the fools. There is more people overseas willing to kill us, then there are enough people in this country with no balls to stand up for themselves(all the antigun ppl), may sound farfetched, but in all reason its still fetchable( i know this isnt a word prof. but im making a point).

Im not picking on DVD(Ive put him on ignore, but when ppl quote him I cant see how someone made it through school with that kind of grammar), it was a direct comment to you. You try to be witty about someones grammar on a forum(remember this isnt class), which my comment should have stood out like a sore thumb, but you had to make a comment about a typo(oooh noes). To me it shows youre running out of words, or quitting early like Harbor did.

A ficticious story book, just like our bible ? Thats why I never followed religion, I'm not gonna base my life from something written over 2k years ago, times have changed. Unfortunately people over in the Mid. East are easily brain washed, and are willing to die for their virgins(sadly their book didnt clarify male or female, so I'm sorry for them).

Z, he waste his time here for entertainment, and to write pen pal comments to his little buddy.

This is between you and I...Why do you waste YOUR time and energy bringing others into it?:shrug01: It seems to me that you are the one with little to say besides that you have guns and that people hate America. If we stopped bombing countries because we dont agree with thier style of government, or thier religeon, or whatever...maybe we, as a country, would again be looked upon as the model nation to which others would aspire to be. Even the mexicans are leaving now with no plans to return as our economy is garbage. You would, Im sure, reply "who cares?'...but whos gonna clean all those hotel rooms that supply the economy in FL with all the tourist tax revenue? Whos gonna pick the grapes that become wine and generate big tax dollars for my home state? Its all relative...

Z, Im not even gonna waste more than this bit of space on your response...

Im not a homosexual...your sister would vouch for that...thank you for your contribution to my financial well being:thumbsup:
I waste my time, because its entertainment, to see get your panties all in a wad. Being the model nation got everything messed up. Mutlinational people coming into this country wanting OUR ways to be changed for THEIR hometown living. I remember as a kid at this time of the year I would hear Merry Christmas, now its Happy Holidays. When I was a kid I pledged to ONE NATION UNDER GOD....now its bad to say god, i say fawk being the model nation when it comes to changing our ways to accomodate visitors, if they dont like it, they can jump back on the same plane they took to come over here.

Its good the mexicans are leaving, maybe the national language here will go back to being english. Maybe if they applied the same talents they use here, in their own country, they would have a country worth staying in...but why do that, the model nation now gives out hand outs.

Whose gonna clean all those hotel rooms, idk prolly the majority of the people who cant find a job. I know some people that vouched their life they would never work for a fast food place. 3mths of not being to find a job, guess where they were working...at a fast food place. Hell we dont need hotels for people to stay in when places like Disney are jacking their prices up STILL when nobodies out working or spending..so whose gonna wanna go their? $85.99 Per Person plus tax. for one days worth of admission(just checked it now)

Now you tell me Im wasting my time by bringing in DVD, yet you bring in Z's sister for one of the lamest comebacks ever...you know middle schoolers now a day have better comeback then your sister/mother crap right? Or is cali that far behind in the times with the governator there?
I waste my time, because its entertainment, to see get your panties all in a wad. Being the model nation got everything messed up. Mutlinational people coming into this country wanting OUR ways to be changed for THEIR hometown living. I remember as a kid at this time of the year I would hear Merry Christmas, now its Happy Holidays. When I was a kid I pledged to ONE NATION UNDER GOD....now its bad to say god, i say fawk being the model nation when it comes to changing our ways to accomodate visitors, if they dont like it, they can jump back on the same plane they took to come over here.

Its good the mexicans are leaving, maybe the national language here will go back to being english. Maybe if they applied the same talents they use here, in their own country, they would have a country worth staying in...but why do that, the model nation now gives out hand outs.

Whose gonna clean all those hotel rooms, idk prolly the majority of the people who cant find a job. I know some people that vouched their life they would never work for a fast food place. 3mths of not being to find a job, guess where they were working...at a fast food place. Hell we dont need hotels for people to stay in when places like Disney are jacking their prices up STILL when nobodies out working or spending..so whose gonna wanna go their? $85.99 Per Person plus tax. for one days worth of admission(just checked it now)

Now you tell me Im wasting my time by bringing in DVD, yet you bring in Z's sister for one of the lamest comebacks ever...you know middle schoolers now a day have better comeback then your sister/mother crap right? Or is cali that far behind in the times with the governator there?

OK, I admit, the sister thing was outa line...childish...juvenile, yet provoked. But that doesnt justify a random blast like that. Had he not labeled me a homosexual, it would not have crossed my mind...just sayin.

I worked in the service industry for 20 years, and I can say with some certainty, we the people would not subject ourselves to the BS that they do, for the pay that they happily recieve...just sayin.
Yeah you know our country/government is so awesome with all its great wisdom and technology going against a country that hardly had running water, annnd we still cant find the man we originally were after. Theyve kept us their long enough to make us the fools. There is more people overseas willing to kill us, then there are enough people in this country with no balls to stand up for themselves(all the antigun ppl), may sound farfetched, but in all reason its still fetchable( i know this isnt a word prof. but im making a point).

Im not picking on DVD(Ive put him on ignore, but when ppl quote him I cant see how someone made it through school with that kind of grammar), it was a direct comment to you. You try to be witty about someones grammar on a forum(remember this isnt class), which my comment should have stood out like a sore thumb, but you had to make a comment about a typo(oooh noes). To me it shows youre running out of words, or quitting early like Harbor did.

A ficticious story book, just like our bible ? Thats why I never followed religion, I'm not gonna base my life from something written over 2k years ago, times have changed. Unfortunately people over in the Mid. East are easily brain washed, and are willing to die for their virgins(sadly their book didnt clarify male or female, so I'm sorry for them).

Z, he waste his time here for entertainment, and to write pen pal comments to his little buddy.


.In your quote you say, or quitting early like Harbor did. I do not quit at anything I find justifiable cause to consume my time and efforts.
Yeah you know our country/government is so awesome with all its great wisdom and technology going against a country that hardly had running water, annnd we still cant find the man we originally were after. Theyve kept us their long enough to make us the fools. There is more people overseas willing to kill us, then there are enough people in this country with no balls to stand up for themselves(all the antigun ppl), may sound farfetched, but in all reason its still fetchable( i know this isnt a word prof. but im making a point).

Im not picking on DVD(Ive put him on ignore, but when ppl quote him I cant see how someone made it through school with that kind of grammar), it was a direct comment to you. You try to be witty about someones grammar on a forum(remember this isnt class), which my comment should have stood out like a sore thumb, but you had to make a comment about a typo(oooh noes). To me it shows youre running out of words, or quitting early like Harbor did.

A ficticious story book, just like our bible ? Thats why I never followed religion, I'm not gonna base my life from something written over 2k years ago, times have changed. Unfortunately people over in the Mid. East are easily brain washed, and are willing to die for their virgins(sadly their book didnt clarify male or female, so I'm sorry for them).

Z, he waste his time here for entertainment, and to write pen pal comments to his little buddy.

LS2POWA, In your quote you say, or quitting early like harbor did. I do no quit at things that justify my time and efforts. There are times you must disengage and evaluate if it is an intelligent decision to resume the discussion. In this particular case I found no rational reason to spend anymore energy.

To BigKen and shalenss, :thumbsup:HUTCH
Ok boys and girls. The North v. South, East v. West war is over!:toetap05:

If this isn't the place for you then that's ok too, but in true southern style, ya'll are welcome here anytime:thumbsup:

We're not the Big 3-4 sites, just a Florida based family site full of Corvette enthusiasts:dancer01:

That said, it's time to stop the name calling and finger pointing and get back to the thread topic...the Big 3 bailout.

Now that they've gotten thier money, what do you think they'll do with it? Will it really make a difference? Already there are still plans to close plants, they just annoounced layoffs of workers yesterday and there's still a planned stoppage of production for the coming months.

Not that any of these things are necessarily bad in the long run, but everyone seemed to think this money would prevent job losses:shrug01:....your thoughts please and please stay on topic or we'll have to shut it down and start over.


I think they need to make full disclosure on how OUR money was spent. Down to the very last dime. They may have just allocated most of it for fat bonus checks and mega golden umbrellas for the top fat cats and just fold up anyway.

Has ANYONE talked to anyone at all who WANTED the bailout to happen? I certainly didn't! Every single person who I talked to where this topic came up did NOT want it to happen.
I'm afraid their accountability will be no better than the banks...and all I hear at this point is that they don't want to discuss it with the media reporters who have simply inquired as to how much of their portion of the bailout money have they spent/how much is left. I'm afraid we have given the auto industry billions of dollars to sell 5 million dollars worth of jets. Damn the UAW, pay the workers a livable wage (what they're getting right now should do nicely)and forget the benefits until they get back in the black. I would much rather know I have a job and can pay my bills than get the boot because the union is holding out for something the auto makers can't pay for. I think the union had it's place a long time ago, but it has gotten bigger than what it can sustain today.

"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
If everything goes according to my master plan...the whole cult drinks the kool-aid and we all go down in infamy...and I win. Do you wanna lead the way? :reddevil:

Funny! Jim Jones' cult was actually drinking Flavor-aid, not Kool-aid. Poor Kool-aid. I guess bad publicity is better then none. Merry Christmas.
If we stopped bombing countries because we dont agree with thier style of government, or thier religeon, or whatever...maybe we, as a country, would again be looked upon as the model nation to which others would aspire to be.


Z, Im not even gonna waste more than this bit of space on your response...

Im not a homosexual...your sister would vouch for that...thank you for your contribution to my financial well being:thumbsup:

Nope, we need to bomb them more. None of this pussy fear of "collateral damage". Then we don't have any more enemies left! See, violence is a viable solution to any solution! :hehehe:

Anyway, it's a joke. If you were really here just for your own entertainment then you wouldn't have taken it so seriously.


But back on topic, I talked to two people who liked the idea of the bailout. They both work at GM. And one was a Canadian. But it's okay, the CEO's will get massive bailouts, just as with the banking industry. So let's all just put on a happy face and rejoice in the knowledge that we have kept dozens of CEOs from losing their livelihood. We're so totally ****ed, but they will be okay.
But back on topic, I talked to two people who liked the idea of the bailout. They both work at GM. And one was a Canadian. But it's okay, the CEO's will get massive bailouts, just as with the banking industry. So let's all just put on a happy face and rejoice in the knowledge that we have kept dozens of CEOs from losing their livelihood. We're so totally ****ed, but they will be okay.

Well said good buddy!