• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Presidential Inauguration


Road Trip!
Given the state of the economy, the rising number of unemployment, the national deficit, foreclosures, you would think that they would have scaled back some of the costs associated with this upcoming event. The $$ to be spent could have been better spent elsewhere. Dont get me wrong, I am still all for an inauguaration being that it will be historical in nature and all but 10 plus balls scheduled is a little too much...And whether it is for Obama or McCain had that come to pass makes no difference...

What does the Corvette brethren here think?
I opened this up and was reading, But this ad was next to it

All I can say is damn, My daughter was tested for gifted in kindergarten and her I.Q was 132....:lmao:

I dont want to have anything to do with the inauguration.. I will wait to give credit when we know for sure if he is an American and an inauguration means something.

unless its Arnie:rofl1:
I've yet to meet a politician who wasn't in some way or another, arrrogant and thought he/she was worth more than they really are.:thumbsdown:

Extravagant spending on something as useless as an inauguration...is arrogant!:thumbsdown:
Like I mentioned in my earlier post, Democrat or Republican, I am pretty sure either would have done the same regardless of how many are sleeping in the streets that night...It is just what all politicians do...and we have no say as usual in the matter...
Like I mentioned in my earlier post, Democrat or Republican, I am pretty sure either would have done the same regardless of how many are sleeping in the streets that night...It is just what all politicians do...and we have no say as usual in the matter...

I agree and IMO, they're all useless as tit's on a boar hog!

That much $$$ (for either party) to have an inauguration ball and all the trappings, is obscene given the state of the economy...unless he's paying for it himself. Then party on...:dancer01::dancer01:
just found the price tag for the new president assuming power and here it is: How much will this shindig cost?"

The short answer? More than $150 million — and yep, that's the most expensive ever. (By comparison, George W. Bush's 2005 inauguration cost $42.3 million. Bill Clinton managed with $33 million in 1993.)


opps forgot from Yahoo News.
just found the price tag for the new president assuming power and here it is: How much will this shindig cost?"

The short answer? More than $150 million — and yep, that's the most expensive ever. (By comparison, George W. Bush's 2005 inauguration cost $42.3 million. Bill Clinton managed with $33 million in 1993.)


opps forgot from Yahoo News.

Pretty sad huh?! Considering we are in a "recession." All these people do is print more paper money and devalue the dollar versus our gold in our Fort Knox.

That's the answer. Where is all this bailout money coming from? The Federal Reserve's mint. They just print the s#!t up like a copy machine. Hell, if it's that easy, then I should be allowed to print up my own money too. It's ridiculous. Why don't all these high-and-mighty, long-in-the-tooth hippy liberals from Hollywood and New York pay for it all since they obviously don't have a problem with Socialism yet they never check the box on their 1040s to pay more?!

I think it's absurd. It is what it is. Just another inauguration for f@(k's sake.:shrug01:
I've yet to meet a politician who wasn't in some way or another, arrrogant and thought he/she was worth more than they really are.:thumbsdown:

Extravagant spending on something as useless as an inauguration...is arrogant!:thumbsdown:

They are all just crazy.......

I remember years ago reading how our "representatives" voted to build a brand new congressional gym for themselves. Cost was something like $30 million or so. And I bet they get into their limousines and have their drivers take them there. Actually I wonder how much they actually use it? Probably sitting vacant most of the time while they are out partying. :rolleyes:

BTW, we haven't been on a gold standard for a very long time. They severed that tie just so they COULD have the federal reserve print up money upon demand. Matter of fact, for a period of time, it was ILLEGAL for Americans to even own gold!

Connie and I have been figuring out how much we have saved up for retitement, and it scares me to think that the money we have saved may become worthless from inflation in very short order. When things get really tough with the economy, printing up new money to try to get us to spend our way out of the recession is exactly what they will do. With nuclear, chemical and biological weapons being so prevalent across the world, they are afraid to start a major war to end the recession. THEY may get hurt this time.
Start investing in gold or buying gold for retirement. Our money is for sure on a straight shot to crap value, gold on the other hand will always be taken everywhere else.
I was talking to my FedEx driver today and he mentioned that he had heard that the government was going to just print up 2 TRILLION dollars of money to try to pull the government out of recession. Well that's going to be just ducky. Get ready for a gallon of milk to cost $100, because the value of money will plumet like a rock. Yeah, runaway inflation is sure going to cure recession............ :nonod: Dumbasses........
The government should just be hush hush about it, and float the money out to ppl so inflation doesnt happen and the american dollar doesnt lose more value then its worth already. Prolly a good thing I dont even drink milk.:hehehe:
You could hurry the hell up and buy some "black" gold. And I'm not talking coffee either!

Oil is the new gold so however owns the oil, will own it's share of the wealth. Also, fast food restaurants seem like a good idea right about now.:crazy03:
Yeah, but black gold fluctuates worse then yellow gold. I keep investing in brass an copper though :hehehe:
Now that the all the hoopla is over, Congrats to the new Prez, lets hope him well and lets get back to our overdue bills, unemployment checks, foreclosed homes, pink slips, tanked 401 K plans, vehicles waiting for repossession, etc...
Now that the all the hoopla is over, Congrats to the new Prez, lets hope him well and lets get back to our overdue bills, unemployment checks, foreclosed homes, pink slips, tanked 401 K plans, vehicles waiting for repossession, etc...
Now that the all the hoopla is over, Congrats to the new Prez, lets hope him well and lets get back to our overdue bills, unemployment checks, foreclosed homes, pink slips, tanked 401 K plans, vehicles waiting for repossession, etc...

Come on man, give us some indication of how you really feel?:lmao::lmao:

I'm wit-cha brother:thumbsup:

lets see if he performs as well as he speaks?

If so, we're in good shape to come.

If he's just another Amway salesman, we're screwed!

But I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt:thumbsup:
As my Cajun friends would say: "Laisse le bon temps roules, Cher" or loosely translated "Let the good times roll my friend."