• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Today's News


truth seeker
OK, today we read that Pres. elect Obama will rescind the "don't ask, don't tell" policy allowing gays to serve openly in our military.

Let's summarize...the new Pres. has yet to take office and so far we have the above, a new CIA Director who knows nothing about security, and are awaiting confirmation of a Sec. of the Treasury who is accused of tax evasion. God help us..:shrug01:
Time to pull out all my money from the banks before he decides to use it for government upgrades.
Rescind means to take away. So this will mean gays/lesbians will be allowed to serve without having to keep hush hush about it. Id like to talk to some ppl who think gays in the military is wrong, I didnt think sexual preference kept one from popping a towlie in the head at 100m.
And given the state of the economy and all the suffering going on, next Tuesday alot of $$ are going to thrown away on the inaugaration gala. I am all for some celebrating this day but it should be done with some responsible restraint...
And given the state of the economy and all the suffering going on, next Tuesday alot of $$ are going to thrown away on the inaugaration gala. I am all for some celebrating this day but it should be done with some responsible restraint...

You're equating "responsibility" with "politics"! Are you on crack?:rofl1:

It's going to be an interesting four (4) years to say the least.

As far as the policy on homosexuals serving in the military, I've always thought it was archaic, and rediculous.

All this moralistic bullchit is detrimental to our national secutity!:thumbsdown:

Most other countries allow people with, shall we say "other" sexual orientations" to serve in their military and it seems to be working ok for them:thumbsup:

The Brits, Aussies, etc.

Personally, I don't give a tinkers dam what you do off duty (sexually) as long as when the chit hits the fan, you stand your ground a fight!!!

Besides, we potentially lose a lot of qualified, top flight personnel due to some idiots ideological belief that if you're gay you can't serve.:shrug01:

Not only potential warriors but intelligence people, support staff, you name it?

Many moons ago I knew a Lt. (Navy) who was as gay as the day is long. He was an excellent Naval officer, an Military Intelligence type, and very good at what he did.
He was alos quite a decent person and one that you'd never have guessed his preferences when in uniform or in the "straight" society.
He worked out in the gym with us and could dead lift a damned truck as well!:D

He was "semi-open about his sexuality but had to be "careful" so as not to let the military find out???

This was long before the current (previous) policy and before alternative lifestyles were more socially accepted.

I think he finally ended up leaving the military as a result.

In doing so, we lost a potential career top notch military person and that person lost thier chance to serve the country.


Sexual preference aside, it's about time we unscrewed our heads from our assses and let those that qualify to serve do so!

If the persons "preference" makes them otherwise unsuitable for military service, then so be it...off you go!

But otherwise, stand aside and lets move on with the defense of the country.

As for this inaguration....all i can say is....it figures:nonod::rolleyes:

BTW-Anyone see or hear about the prez elects new "limo?"

Sounds more like an APC to me:lmao:
OK, I must agree....In my day (dark ages) gays were looked upon with disdain in the military and it was generally believed that their ability to react under duress in combat situations was questionable ( and untested). Personally, I see no relationship between combat performance and sexual preference but until such time that we see specific examples, this will remain a subject of controversy and debate.

The real point of my original post was that this is yet another example of the movement of our culture toward irresponsibility and lack of accountability. Discipline simply does not exist anymore. Corporations (and individuals) expect to be "bailed out" for making irresponsible financial decisions. The fact that a person has shirked on their taxes does not disqualify him from being Sec. of the Treasury (responsible for IRS). Is national security such a low priority that we can have a CIA Director with no prior security experience? Should we continue to be more concerned about the mistreatment of the perpetrators (prisioners) of 9/11 than the familes of the victims?

The $700B+ economic bailout will create a welfare state of unprecedented proportions and continue to reward personal (and corporate) inaction, irresponsibility, and poor decisions. Inept leadership won't help either...:yesnod:
:shrug01: I just came out of my post-election depression and they pull this kind of crap... If everyone wanted him because of race, I wish they would have at least looked at Alan Keyes. He would have been great..

BTW Screw Acorn!
Today/next week?

You haven't seen any thing yet.
All Boboma, talks about is how good it's going to be.
BS! We, as a nation, will suffer. The only thing I can see happening is more taxes and no freedoms.
This socalled leader, is not who you think.
He is not a born here American. He is a planted person that has conned the country into believing that he is on our side. (The people)
Most of you, do not remember that nasty Russian Prick, standing in our country, banging his shoe on the table, saying that "they will over take us, from the inside".
Well, they have.
We have a one party government, inplace, next week.
We are screwed, big time.
If the congress, doesn't give it to him, he'll just pass Executive orders, to reach his goal.
His goal?
Complete control!
Next time you vote, for anyone,remember those that are in and vote them out.
From the local level to the top.
There was a TV show, last season, JERICO.
Get use to it. It will happen.
Not the bombs but the take over. He wants our guns and our freedoms.
Only you and I, can stop him. Vote them out.
Remember RED DAWN? It is comming.
Just got a call!!!!!

My son inlaw, just called me to say goodbye. again.
He got a call at 0530, telling him to report at1700.
He didn't tell me where he was going or for how long.
This is his 4th tour, in 5 years.
Very short notice?
Guess so.
What's the rush? He didn't know and couldn't talk any longer.
Anyone here about any activity coming up?
You haven't seen any thing yet.
All Boboma, talks about is how good it's going to be.
BS! We, as a nation, will suffer. The only thing I can see happening is more taxes and no freedoms.
This socalled leader, is not who you think.
He is not a born here American. He is a planted person that has conned the country into believing that he is on our side. (The people)
Most of you, do not remember that nasty Russian Prick, standing in our country, banging his shoe on the table, saying that "they will over take us, from the inside".
Well, they have.
We have a one party government, inplace, next week.
We are screwed, big time.
If the congress, doesn't give it to him, he'll just pass Executive orders, to reach his goal.
His goal?
Complete control!
Next time you vote, for anyone,remember those that are in and vote them out.
From the local level to the top.
There was a TV show, last season, JERICO.
Get use to it. It will happen.
Not the bombs but the take over. He wants our guns and our freedoms.
Only you and I, can stop him. Vote them out.
Remember RED DAWN? It is comming.

I don't think it's that bad, but it's going to be intereting.

Essentially, he has 2 years to get his chit together and do something productive.

If he fails, or God forbid, we're attacked again, he and the entire reigning party, are screwed, blued and tattooed:D

The powers will shift once again, and well, hell, who knows?

Frankly the "party system" gets in the way of whaTS actually good for the country! Not sure there's a better system thougn?
OK, I must agree....In my day (dark ages) gays were looked upon with disdain in the military and it was generally believed that their ability to react under duress in combat situations was questionable ( and untested). Personally, I see no relationship between combat performance and sexual preference but until such time that we see specific examples, this will remain a subject of controversy and debate.

The real point of my original post was that this is yet another example of the movement of our culture toward irresponsibility and lack of accountability. Discipline simply does not exist anymore. Corporations (and individuals) expect to be "bailed out" for making irresponsible financial decisions. The fact that a person has shirked on their taxes does not disqualify him from being Sec. of the Treasury (responsible for IRS). Is national security such a low priority that we can have a CIA Director with no prior security experience? Should we continue to be more concerned about the mistreatment of the perpetrators (prisioners) of 9/11 than the familes of the victims?

The $700B+ economic bailout will create a welfare state of unprecedented proportions and continue to reward personal (and corporate) inaction, irresponsibility, and poor decisions. Inept leadership won't help either...:yesnod:

Man did you hit the nail squarely on the head my friend!:thumbsup:
As long as we continue to appoint (or annoint) the inept and incompetent, we'll continue to be at risk.

As far as gays and lesbians go, everyone's ability to react in combat, be it the LEO on the street or the soldier on the battle field, is untested until the 1st time the chit hits the fan:D Same goes for the alternative lifestyle types.

I've worked with LEO's that we knew were gay & lesbian, and each time the crap hit the fan, they handeled themselves admirably.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Better than at least one of my "straight" knuckle dragging Sgts. did when his chicken chit arse refused to assist us in a bar fight!!!:mad:

Bottom line my friends (IMO) is each and every one of us should take personal responsibility for guaranteeing and ensuring our freedom and protecting our families. We need to ensure that we take care of our finances so we owe no one (or minimally owe at least), thereby bolstering our position that we can care for ourselves, our friends and families should the need arise:thumbsup:
My son inlaw, just called me to say goodbye. again.
He got a call at 0530, telling him to report at1700.
He didn't tell me where he was going or for how long.
This is his 4th tour, in 5 years.
Very short notice?
Guess so.
What's the rush? He didn't know and couldn't talk any longer.
Anyone here about any activity coming up?

What does hit do and for whom?
I sure hope that everyone with a bad scenario for Obama is wrong. If they aren't, then we are so totally screwed. :(

As for serving in the military, if you are able to enjoy the freedoms they (armed forces) fight for, then you should be able to go fight for those rights you enjoy.
I sure hope that everyone with a bad scenario for Obama is wrong. If they aren't, then we are so totally screwed. :(

As for serving in the military, if you are able to enjoy the freedoms they (armed forces) fight for, then you should be able to go fight for those rights you enjoy.

Amen...on both counts:thumbsup: