• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

What has happened here?

I remember when this place was somewhere to go to be with Friends.Lately I have seen alot of people,lets just say,not being so friendly.
I know everyone has a opionon,I respect that,for you that know me,I'm think of myself as a "Down To Earth" person.Most of you know me in one way or a other.But this place seem to have change lately,the bickering,complaining about this and that ,And is getting really old.I wish we all could all go back to the days when we were all friends and everyone just got along.
Maybe it's just me,and if it is,then just ignore all this,I not pointing fingers at ANYONE,just seeing if anyone else feels this way also.:shrug01::shrug01:
I agree somewhat with you BM. Some of the folks though seem to take offense when none was given. Maybe it's the stress of today's world making folks edgy. Familiarity also breeds contempt as the old saying goes. :shrug01:
Why dontcha just shush up already! o.k.

Its because I wasn't around for a little bit. Its alright, Im almost healed all the way, feeling better ect. Im posting again, Sunshine will fall from the clouds in droves...
Maybe I just hang out in some rougher forums, or I just missed what you are talking about here. Can you PM some example threads to me?
Maybe I just hang out in some rougher forums, or I just missed what you are talking about here. Can you PM some example threads to me?

Maybe I'm just getting Soft since the grandbaby arrived.No examples to give,just trying to get the place back to normal.
maybe we need a GAINT BBQ to get all of us together,like in the old days.
How's house should I show up to?:lmao::lmao::lmao: Next one to response throws the party.:eek::NoNo:
Maybe I just hang out in some rougher forums, or I just missed what you are talking about here. Can you PM some example threads to me?

Yeah I dont see it as people being too bad here... I mean there are people who try to start stuff every now and then, and of course every now and then people try to talk bad about somebody to make themself feel better or whatever the case but other than that I really dont see alot of that here....

I actually dont see as much traffic here as before if anything.....

Maybe its because I try not to be negative about stuff unless its unavoidable so I dont see what others are seeing :shrug01:
You wouldn't be referring to me in any way, would you? Most everything I say is at least partially a joke.
Times are stuff so any lil thing may set someone off.This place comes no where near some of the sites i've been on.But i think Rob wants the family feeling back :wavey: this place gives off:yesnod:.I am a Black sheep of the family :rofl1: but still try to ge along with folks.Just don't screw me or your Ass is mine:lmao: Quote:AS Rodney King Said "Can't we All just get along":thumbsup:
Maybe it's just me,and if it is,then just ignore all this,I not pointing fingers at ANYONE,just seeing if anyone else feels this way also.:shrug01::shrug01:

Hey BM, I can't speak for anyone else, but I think I understand what you mean.

I used to be very active on this site, but now, I visit almost everyday but rarely post anymore. For me, the atmosphere has changed since I first joined. I don't know why and I probably could not put my finger on what has caused the change. But, when I first started coming to this site, everyone was willing to help someone with whatever their issue happened to be, which was normally Corvette related. Through this sort of generosity among fellow (women too) Corvette owners, this site developed into a great bunch of friends with common interests.

Unfortunately, I don't see the same warmth and affection that we once had here. Hell, I'm probably to blame as much as everyone else, ...I now have some people on my IGNORE list, and I never had that before. Maybe Thor is right, and the stress of today's world has affected what we do and how we do it on this site. Maybe I am the only one that feels this way, but I don't come to this site to discuss things like, turning my house into my own personal armory, or making sure I have developed an exit strategy to leave the country that I have fought for, and love, etc. I am not saying these topics are not worthy of discussion, but I don't come here for this type of interaction. There are sooo many other sites that I can go to and do this, if I choose to do so. I come here to interact with friends that have a common interest, ...Corvettes.

One last thing, I hate to see the constant bickering going on between members of this site and a supporting vendor. To me, it does not set a good tone for the rest of the site. I also am not taking any sides in any of these conflicts. But, I try to live by the old saying, ...there are two sides to every story and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

I owe a lot to this site. Without it I would have never gained some of the friends that I now have in the Corvette hobby. I just would like to see the site be more of a Florida Corvette site and less of a bitch site.

I hope I did not offend anyone, because I really am not trying to do so.

This is still the great site it has been, just some real-life stress that any site would have. I still look at CF and run back here as a great close knit family....but all families have quarels (brothers & sisters have had tiffs since the begining of time & always will.:thumbsup:
I've read each of the post here and have to agree with most.

The traffic has dwindled a lot from previous years. Not sure why, but maybe some of you have hit the nail on the head.

The Rant Room is, like most sites (off topic, chit chat, call it what you want) the place for the political, social and non-corvette related stuff. Those places can get pretty heated pretty quickly with the topics that arise there from time to time.

I hate politics (and politicians)! They anger me. As such I tend to be too vocal at times. Yes, I've mentioned an "exit strategy" in one of my post. It's more of a tounge in cheek way of getting a point across for me.

Although I'd love to have a home on an island somewhere outside the US (Costa Rica, Honduras, Aruba etc all come to mind), I'm not ready to pack my bags and say :wavey:to the good 'ole U.S. of A and my friends and family quite yet:rofl1:

All the sites I'm on without exception and including one I'm no longer a part of, have Off Topic or Chat areas that are much more heated than this ever has been. Some are over-moderated to a point of rediculous, just to keep it semi-family friendly, where others are let loose to run roughshod over the masses:thumbsdown:

Others have the OT sections subdivided into Politics/Relligion and other sub topics, away from the general OT.

Somehow, there needs to be a happy medium found. Unfortunately, I don't really think we've found it yet:nonod:

We've also had our share of trolls, and troublemakers. Most have weeded themselves out without our assistance:yesnod::D

I've noticed a lack of participation in the last several months as well.

We used to get together and do things. we'd meet in Bradenton/Sarasota and have lunch/dinner or do a cruise (Thor my brother-thans for the awesome tour of Bradenton a while back!:thumbsup:).

We'd hang together at shows and events.

Hell, a bunch of us even got together for a road trip to St. Augustine and spent several days in a B & B there:thumbsup:
Now that was a party!:dancer01::dancer01:

These are just a few of the observations I've made over time.

I've not been as active here as I once was. I haven't been to shows or get togethers as frequently as I once did and just haven't been as "involved" as before.

Part of the reason is I no longer own a vette. :nonod:

I will again though and I enjoy living vicariously through you folks:thumbsup:

The other is time. I've been working my back end off since the wife retired (loving it though!) and just haven't had the extra time to enjoy some of the things I used to. That's coming to an abrupt freaking halt shortly!!

The other as many have said is simply $$$. Don't have the expendable income at present due to our "debt exit strategy":lmao:

Once that's done, life will be sweet!:dancer01::thumbsup:

Part of the problem as I see it, is we're all relatively "local" and as such, the bickering seems to take on more of a family fued light than a debate. It seems to be more personal when one can put a face to the name as compared to the many anonymous keyboard warriors from God knows where on other sites.

Personally, I'd like to see us go back to what made us great in the first place.


Vette owners and enthusiasts talking about, working on and driving the car we enjoy and enjoying all that Florida has to offer:dancer01:

I'm with the others.

It's time for a PARTY!!!!!:dancer01::dancer01:
Well guys, honestly myself and the mods can't MAKE this site really be anything at all. It will be the members that choose the direction this takes. One thing I have found over the years running various message boards is that you cannot MAKE a friendly atmosphere by demanding that it be so. Once you try to FORCE that to happen, guess what happens? The mods and admin have to be pricks about enforcing such rules. Which, of course, then completely defeats the goal of a friendly atmosphere. Yeah the worst can get exited involuntarily out the door, but until they reach the point where such action becomes obviously necessary, us acting prematurely then sets a tone that will be hard to recover from. I have asked the mods to always act on the side of tolerance and giving someone the benefit of the doubt.

As for get-togethers and the like, heck, I think everyone now is just watching their dollars a little more closely than before. We recently had a period of time where gasoline went over $4 a gallon, which put the brakes on a lot of people traveling much for fun. When getting the gastank filled up started getting into triple digits, the "fun" part of it was harder to find.

So there are no answers that can can come from a top down strategy from management here. We can't force you all to play nice. There are some forums here where playing nice just may not be easy to do. I could remove those forums completely, if that is what you all want, but wouldn't that then be a little heavy handed? And how many people would then get pissed about the atmosphere changing here where the management was getting too heavy handed and taking the fun toys from them?

I guess it would wind up being like the old workplace joke: ALL VACATIONS ARE CANCELLED UNIL MORALE IMPROVES! :hehehe:
^ ^ ^

Well said...

Now lets have a GAINT BBQ..or mabey even a GIANT BBQ

I agree, I want my wibbs well BBQ'd or maybe my ribs even. Heck I'd even step up and host the whole durn thing. I'd just need help with a good chef. I haven't done ribs in years and a keg can be easily obtained.

I'll check in with the Cuban lady down at unit 383 she's a great cook .If not available looks like we'll all go to Auburndale to see Kap142 .:D
I'll check in with the Cuban lady down at unit 383 she's a great cook .If not available looks like we'll all go to Auburndale to see Kap142 .:D

Sounds like a plan:thumbsup:

Hey KAP! Better fire up the grill ma' boy...

And I'll make my signature Marguaritas!~
With the exception of some vendor bashing and some heated back and forths, this group maintains a civil tone for the most part...