• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

What has happened here?

Well I guess a lot of what's been said here seems to be referring to me. I'm not about to defend myself for anything I've said on this forum. Whatever I've said, whenever I've said it, I meant it. Tim and I tried to set up a monthly gathering, but for the most part not many forum members dropped by. We had more people from Corvette Forum then Corvette Florida. Tim sets up regular cruises, but seems no one is interested. When I post an event, I get more replies with excuses why someone can't make it. If you can't make, me personally, I don't need to hear why.

With the exception of some vendor bashing and some heated back and forths, this group maintains a civil tone for the most part...

Again this seems pointed at me and I'll say... "I call em as I see em" Actually I've held back in this area.

I hope Kap has a good turn out for some pig burning and story telling :thumbsup:
Sounds like a plan:thumbsup:

Hey KAP! Better fire up the grill ma' boy...

And I'll make my signature Marguaritas!~

I love your style Gordon. You say Let's party and then somehow Kap volunteers his house!! I love it!! :lmao::lmao:
I'm game for anything as long as the day and date of this momentous occassion works out. Mary made some really great pulled pork last year at the Venice show and it could feed quite a few folks. Cooking ribs correctly may need more than 1 grill depending on the number of folks. I usually spend at least 4 hours or more cooking a slab or two. Knowing Kap, the beer will be plentiful and cold. :thumbsup:
Not to change the subject,but speaking of food,dont forget the show on the 28th of Feb. in Punta Gorda,
Mary will be cooking some home made grub that day for all of our friends,Hell even if your not friends yet ,come by and have some food.:lmao:
But we do all need to have another get together sometime soon.
I wish I could make it to some more shows that my friends put on,but I have been so busy lately with work.No excuses though,I need to see my buddys soon.:thumbsup:
Well I guess a lot of what's been said here seems to be referring to me. I'm not about to defend myself for anything I've said on this forum. Whatever I've said, whenever I've said it, I meant it. Tim and I tried to set up a monthly gathering, but for the most part not many forum members dropped by. We had more people from Corvette Forum then Corvette Florida. Tim sets up regular cruises, but seems no one is interested. When I post an event, I get more replies with excuses why someone can't make it. If you can't make, me personally, I don't need to hear why.

Again this seems pointed at me and I'll say... "I call em as I see em" Actually I've held back in this area.

I hope Kap has a good turn out for some pig burning and story telling :thumbsup:


Don't take things so personally. I didn't get the feeling that any of this was directed at you or anyone else specifically.
I saw it as more of a generalized statement aimed at the group. A question that truly needed to be addressed.

Unlike many forums, we don't hide our junk (maybe we should), but instead, try to air our opinions in a constructive manner for the betterment of the site and everyone here, without the threat of banning, editing or moderation.
We've been condemned for that in the past. Heck, I've even been singled out personally by another mod from another site, as (in a nut shell)"lacking" in moderation "skills"(WTF ever that means?:lmao:) for not banning, editing and locking threads the person felt "inappropriate."
Still, it's not likely to change.

No ones asking you to change nor would I personally want you to. You are you and accepted here for who you are! You're a rough edged, stodgy, no BS old fart that tells it like he sees it:thumbsup:
Wouldn't have you any other way brother:D

Tim and I tried to set up a monthly gathering, but for the most part not many forum members dropped by. We had more people from Corvette Forum then Corvette Florida

How many members do we have in the Bradenton/Sarasota area that frequent here regularly?

I'm going to guess that the ones that do, show up when they can.

If you want to help out, help spread the word among the other forum groups about this place as well.

You will usually find that most places, any mention of another forum is met with less than enthusiastic response by the admin/mod staff:rofl1:

try to pm someone about the Florida site and let it get back to the "staff.":eek:
You won't like what happens next:lmao:

The information you just posted, would likely by redacted (like this: ******** *******) in many places.

I try to get the word out to other Florida vette owners/members on the other sites I frequent. This site makes an excellent addition to the big national sites and will never be a threat to them. Thats just not what we're about! But some will never understand that. It's just the way they are wired.

The sites I have listed in my sig, are Corvette Florida friendly sites:thumbsup:
Sites whose staff/owners and moderators don't get pissed off at the mention of a visit here. We have members here that are members of each of these as well.

So, how about a hand promoting our site to the other vette owners who may never find it otherwise? Can you imagine the parties and gatherings that would be possible should the site grow with more local members in specific areas?:dancer01:

As for vendor basing, I haven't really noticed any true vendor "bashing."
What I have seen is commentary that dealt with specific complaints, issues and opinions. Thats what the BOI section is for. Its a section that you generally won't find on other sites simply because they are $$$ driven.
It's also a section that can as we've all seen, be pretty heated at times.

As we all know, some places won't let you make any negative comments regarding the quality of a vendor or his/her products, even if it's documented and supported, regardless of the benefit to the vette owner and site member. We simply don't practice that here.

If there's a substantiated problem that does or could effect the vette owner/member, then we want the members to know about it for thier own good and safety.

I would suggest that before posting a complaint, one seeks all available remedies short of court to resolve it and once resolved, if resolved, post the outcome as well.

I'm always here to assist my fellow vette owners as well if requested.

Also, most places won't let a vendor or member advertise a commercial product or service (or one they "think" is commercial) without tossing $$$ at the site first.
Again you just don't see that here:thumbsup:

Tim sets up regular cruises, but seems no one is interested.

I don't for the most part, do Sunday cruises. But, if I still had a vette, you can bet your ass I'd be there for most others!

I'm sure there is more interest than you might guess.

Recent inflated fuel prices and the sucky economy in general, have kept a lot of people home. But you know, you can't let chit like that keep you from enjoying life!!

As Ahhnold once said...I'll be bach!:rofl1:

I get more replies with excuses why someone can't make it. If you can't make, me personally, I don't need to hear why.

Again, to each thier own brother, but I would at least like to know who is and isn't coming. Also, knowing "why" a person or group can't make an event can sometimes help in the planning of future events. Just a thought.

Again this seems pointed at me and I'll say... "I call em as I see em" Actually I've held back in this area.

I really think you're reading too much into it, but that[s just my opinion.
You keep calling them as you see them my friend. as I said, most that know you wouldn't have it any other way:thumbsup:

I hope Kap has a good turn out for some pig burning and story telling :thumbsup

Then why not come on out, support the group and see who shows up?

I'd love to see you again anyway bud:icon_cheers:

I love your style Gordon. You say Let's party and then somehow Kap volunteers his house!! I love it!!
I'm game for anything as long as the day and date of this momentous occassion works out. Mary made some really great pulled pork last year at the Venice show and it could feed quite a few folks. Cooking ribs correctly may need more than 1 grill depending on the number of folks. I usually spend at least 4 hours or more cooking a slab or two. Knowing Kap, the beer will be plentiful and cold.

Thanks Mark.

Actually, I've been wanting to have everyone over to our place for a party,but...I don't have agrill:banghead::banghead:

and I want to wait until the weathers warmer and have a pool gathering/grill out (yeah! I'll buy a damned grill!:lmao:Been looking at the "Big Green Egg units).

I say we hook this motha up and lets make it happen!!

Not to change the subject,but speaking of food,dont forget the show on the 28th of Feb. in Punta Gorda,
Mary will be cooking some home made grub that day for all of our friends,Hell even if your not friends yet ,come by and have some food.
But we do all need to have another get together sometime soon.
I wish I could make it to some more shows that my friends put on,but I have been so busy lately with work.No excuses though,I need to see my buddys soon.

:dancer01:Amen brother:thumbsup:
Well I guess a lot of what's been said here seems to be referring to me.


When I wrote my post and mentioned the bickering between some members and vendors, I certainly was not pointing a finger directly at you. In fact, over the last couple months I can recall at least three other vendor issues that did not involve you. I think there is an appropriate post in the BOI when someone has had a problem with a local vendor. It just seemed to me that these posts have led to on line arguments over what did, or did not take place.

I would like to emphasize that I AM NOT TAKING SIDES ON WHO IS RIGHT OR WRONG in any of these issues! I was just making a comment that I believe the bickering can be detrimental to the tone and mood of the site. To me, if a BOI post goes more than the original post and a rebuttal, then obviously the parties have not sat down to try to find a compromise and what we will hear in subsequent posts are opinions filled with unsatisfied anger by both parties. In my opinion, and I maybe the only one that feels this way, the BOI was not established to facilitate an on going argument. Maybe I am wrong on this point. Hell, it would not be the first time!


In your recent post you mentioned the vendor bashing. I just want to clarify that I was not talking about vendor bashing. As I mentioned above, I think there is a place for informing the members of issues in the BOI. It's the bickering that has taken place that concerns me.

I am sorry that my post has created such a response. I was merely trying to respond to Rob's original post. I too am a little concerned that we have lost something here that I thought was pretty special for an internet site. And again, I apologize if I have offended anyone, that was not my intention.


Your post certainly didn't offend me. I think you're on point. That was what I was saying in my previous novellete:rofl1:

I didn't mean that we have had vendor bashing. Sorry if it came out that way...it was late.....

The BOI is a benefit for the members to alert them of a possible problem with a vendor or product.

That said, I agree with you that before posting a complaint, the parties involved need to try to come to terms. Put your stuff in writing and exhaust all possible means short of small claims court, to resolve the issue.:thumbsup:

Once a negative post hits the internet, it can do immeasurable damage by spreading like wikd fire.

We're on the same page my friend:thumbsup:
Hey BM, I can't speak for anyone else, but I think I understand what you mean.

I used to be very active on this site, but now, I visit almost everyday but rarely post anymore. For me, the atmosphere has changed since I first joined. I don't know why and I probably could not put my finger on what has caused the change. But, when I first started coming to this site, everyone was willing to help someone with whatever their issue happened to be, which was normally Corvette related. Through this sort of generosity among fellow (women too) Corvette owners, this site developed into a great bunch of friends with common interests.

Unfortunately, I don't see the same warmth and affection that we once had here. Hell, I'm probably to blame as much as everyone else, ...I now have some people on my IGNORE list, and I never had that before. Maybe Thor is right, and the stress of today's world has affected what we do and how we do it on this site. Maybe I am the only one that feels this way, but I don't come to this site to discuss things like, turning my house into my own personal armory, or making sure I have developed an exit strategy to leave the country that I have fought for, and love, etc. I am not saying these topics are not worthy of discussion, but I don't come here for this type of interaction. There are sooo many other sites that I can go to and do this, if I choose to do so. I come here to interact with friends that have a common interest, ...Corvettes.

One last thing, I hate to see the constant bickering going on between members of this site and a supporting vendor. To me, it does not set a good tone for the rest of the site. I also am not taking any sides in any of these conflicts. But, I try to live by the old saying, ...there are two sides to every story and the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

I owe a lot to this site. Without it I would have never gained some of the friends that I now have in the Corvette hobby. I just would like to see the site be more of a Florida Corvette site and less of a bitch site.

I hope I did not offend anyone, because I really am not trying to do so.


I agree with you ! Butt! I don't have anyone on my ...."IGNORE"... list cause everyone has something to offer !!!!....& I 'M probably on your list???..."SWAMP RAT"....
I agree with you ! Butt! I don't have anyone on my ...."IGNORE"... list cause everyone has something to offer !!!!....& I 'M probably on your list???..."SWAMP RAT"....

:rofl1:I wouldn't sweat it my friend. I'm probably on a couple of ignore lists as well:lmao::thumbsup:
Maybe I'm just getting Soft since the grandbaby arrived.No examples to give,just trying to get the place back to normal.
maybe we need a GAINT BBQ to get all of us together,like in the old days.
How's house should I show up to?:lmao::lmao::lmao: Next one to response throws the party.:eek::NoNo:
How come the party not at Xtreme? It said "Next one to response throws the party":lmao::lmao::rofl1:
Thats ok ,we will have one up there when they open the new shop:thumbsup:

We will still do what we do now but we are going to be a full blown race shop as well, we will have the 2 race cars we are building there and HOPEFULLY if we play our cards right one of the 2010 Camaro kits TOO that we will be building !!!

We are not sure of the date but when we do ALL is invited !!!!!

We can have a GRAND OPENING, BBQ PARTY and have Backyard come over and detail cars ALL IN THE SAME DAY !!!!

Whoo hooo sounds like a party !!!

Have you found a location in Tallahassee yet? I'll try to drop by and see you when you get it open.

We will still do what we do now but we are going to be a full blown race shop as well, we will have the 2 race cars we are building there and HOPEFULLY if we play our cards right one of the 2010 Camaro kits TOO that we will be building !!!

We are not sure of the date but when we do ALL is invited !!!!!

We can have a GRAND OPENING, BBQ PARTY and have Backyard come over and detail cars ALL IN THE SAME DAY !!!!

Whoo hooo sounds like a party !!!



We will still do what we do now but we are going to be a full blown race shop as well, we will have the 2 race cars we are building there and HOPEFULLY if we play our cards right one of the 2010 Camaro kits TOO that we will be building !!!

We are not sure of the date but when we do ALL is invited !!!!!

We can have a GRAND OPENING, BBQ PARTY and have Backyard come over and detail cars ALL IN THE SAME DAY !!!!

Whoo hooo sounds like a party !!!

