• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Three years old....

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
I was checking on an old thread I posted on this site back when I set it up, and just realized that this site is now three years old. Darn, time sure has skipped on by, hasn't it?

I had hoped this site would be doing better than it is after this long of a time online, but I guess it could be worse. I guess we just don't have large enough of a base of members where discussions can keep alive and get other people interested in joining in on them. But who knows? Maybe things will take off in the next three years...... :thumbsup:
I was checking on an old thread I posted on this site back when I set it up, and just realized that this site is now three years old. Darn, time sure has skipped on by, hasn't it?

I had hoped this site would be doing better than it is after this long of a time online, but I guess it could be worse. I guess we just don't have large enough of a base of members where discussions can keep alive and get other people interested in joining in on them. But who knows? Maybe things will take off in the next three years...... :thumbsup:

Hey! That's cool. My Grand daughter turned 3 last night:dancer01:

You know, I don't think it's all that bad for 3 years. Sure it could be better and probably will be in time.

The biggest problem I see is the petty animosities between internet sites:thumbsdown:

Most won't let you mention another site without being banned, edited, suspended or otherwise treated like a 2 year old.:nonod::rolleyes:

When you set this up, IIRC, it was not for "profit."

It was for the good of the Florida Corvette community to give them a place to hang out in addition to the national and international sites:thumbsup:

It was to give them a place to set up gatherings and meetings, car shows, help each other with thier rides and generally, interact with other Florida Corvette owners.

I realize most sites have regional sections, but this is the ONLY site dedicated to the Floirda Corvette owner/enthusiast.

I took a risk last night and spoke with another Florida member on another site via pm and invited him to the BBQ. He was looking for things to do with other Florida vette owners. Found out he's actually already a member of this board.
Said he had to work today but will start checking back more often for activities.

I'm sure there are a lot of vette owners that signed up in the early days when traffic was much slower and less going on, got bored and left. Look at the member ship list and see for yourself.

If those people had signed on to the "big boards" in the early day, they may have found the same thing. Very few internet sites start big.

It takes people like those that we have here, willing to stick it out through good and bad to try and make it work.

I personally thank those folks for everything they do here:icon_cheers::IThankYou::IThankYou::IThankYou:

Now, what can we do to make it better?

1) Spread the word!
Everyone needs to try to get the word out! I've gone as having cards made and handing them out at a stop light to fellow vette owners.

2) More involvement in threads. Pipe up!It's your board. Say something. Get involved. We're here for YOU.

3) Start threads.
Doesn't really matter what. As long as it's relevant. Just remember that political and religious threads are always a powder keg! Sure, they stir up post counts, but I've also seen members turned off and run away by them here and elsewhere. Feel free to start them but I try to stay away from them when I can. I've even gotten so tired of reading them on one national board, that I quit going for a long while and now, just skip right over them. Redundant and boring IMO.

Anything vette related is fine as well. PIctures, videos, tech articles, shows, HPDE's parties, all good stuff.
Humorus, thought provoking, informative...you know the drill.

The Roadhouse is always "Stimulating.":lmao:

4) Try to work things out with other board owners (administrative). I've spoken with other board owners on the subject and have listed some in my sig that have not been necessarily adverse to our posting our link publically or mentioning activities going on here, on thier sites:thumbsup:

That list may change shortly or appear elsewhere (other than my sig) for brevity sake).

5) Invite non-users to our gatherings. Once people get a chance to meet each other, you'd be surprised how often they become involved. Personally, I like being able to put a face with the screen name.

6) Plan more events!

We need more things like the BBQ, shows, HPDE's etc and people to organize them and keep track of them.

We have a "Calendar Girl" now who is going to keep the calendar up to date and hopefully, in peoples faces:thumbsup:

If you need to have an event "stuck" get hold of me or one of the other mods and we'll usually be happy to accomodate you.

Rich, in the end, I think you've done a hell of a job putting together a place for Florida Corvette Owners/Enthusiasts
to gather:thumbsup:

And you've done it pretty much on your own dime.

Thanks to those who have donated sponsorship $$ and those vendors who have signed up to help out.

Everything helps:thumbsup:

Together, we can make this place happen:dancer01:

Well said Gordon. I'm grateful for all the friends I've made on this Forum. Thank you Rich for all your hard work. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Well said Gordon. I'm grateful for all the friends I've made on this Forum. Thank you Rich for all your hard work. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks Mark.

It's been my pleasure to meet such great people and an honor to do what I'm allowed to do here.

Thanks folks.

C U At the BBQ
Hey, I'm a newbie and I visit here daily. I like this site. I do hang on the other forum regularly, but this is my local site... Agreed, I will try to get more involved. Have fun at the BBQ. Sorry, I couldn't make it.
Hey, I'm a newbie and I visit here daily. I like this site. I do hang on the other forum regularly, but this is my local site... Agreed, I will try to get more involved. Have fun at the BBQ. Sorry, I couldn't make it.

Hey brother. We're happy to have you here as well. I think most of us hang on other sites as well. There's room for everyone:thumbsup:

Any input is greatly appreciated.

There will be more get togethers/parties coming out of here:thumbsup::D