• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Well,I'm Frosted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well,I finely got some time to work on my own!! It's not horrible I can repair it .But I wish it hadn't bent the the henge plate and cracked the inside structure of the door!!

PS. Rich Z,Shadow,YankMeDad :lmao: can someone move this thread to the Auto-body Forum???
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That really S--KS! I feel for you man. I hope some how you could find the AZOLE who did it. If it was parked where you said, it almost has to be deliberate.
Sorry about the damage....

and please don't take this the wrong way...but things like this will happen with the "Wal-mart mentality" with dealing with any parking lot. Its only a matter of time when the law of averages catches up to you when using parking lots meant to park Mini-Coopers, not Corvettes. And yes...even parking remotely still brings out the a$$holes who for some reason need to vent their jealousy. I always park in lighted areas as well. Just my 2 cents on that. :hehehe:

Secondly, knowing this is off subject, I'd never let non dealership types anywhere near my 06 or the 82. Most haven't a clue about the car they are dealing with, and most likely will treat it as such. Why on earth would I subject myself to that environment and take such chances?? :thumbsup:

Thirdly, again off subject a bit...when I do have the oil changed, in either the 82 or 06, both go to the Chevy dealership. I park seperately from other cars even there...and both the sales and service personnel more than understand that about Corvettes. After either car is serviced, they drive the car back to the same isolated spot for me to leave from.

If your dealership is worth their salt, they would understand you and your desires about protecting your car. They should all know that the Corvette customer/owner is a little bit more special and that we are driving the 'money' car! thumbsup:

Good luck! Hope the cost is extremely minimal to you! In fact...take another picture when fixed and lets see how good a job was done!!

Too bad about you missing the BBQ...sure would have loved meeting you! Maybe the next UCP come November!!
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Secondly, knowing this is off subject, I'd never let non dealership types anywhere near my 06 or the 82. Most haven't a clue about the car they are dealing with, and most likely will treat it as such. Why on earth would I subject myself to that environment and take such chances?? :thumbsup:

Whats Wrong Jack,you don't like my non GM franchised 1 man shop!!:shrug01::shrug01:

I can assure you,that more Corvettes go through here a year than at the 2 Local Chevrolet Dealers together,and 10-20% of my Specialty work come from them!!:D:D:D







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Of course your shop works for me!!

You iz a Corvette kinda guy, so of course you have the wherewithall to work the cars. :notworthy:

I have the same kinda guy here (Corvette Interiors Plus) that only sees the work thats required to keep the 82 running. No one around here...and that includes the dealership...can do what Ron does for my 82 that keeps it running. :peelout 1:

Love the cars you got pictured too! :thumbsup:
Man, sorry to see this happen! I cringed when I saw the 1st photos in this thread!! Glad you can fix it yourself and I hope you have her fixed up good as new soon.
But, can you give us a little tutorial on how you go about fixing something like that. Do, you clean the area out and re-fiberglass it in and then fill, do you re-skin the door, or is there another process that you will use? Maybe your misfortune will help educate us, and maybe add some additional posting while things are a little slow on the board. Also, if you don't mind, whatever process you use to fix the door, can you take some pics a long the way and keep us up to date?

Photos and Step by Step of actual repair will follow after post #34 (I hope to be painting today!!!) :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Heh I had a similar instance with no bad outcome. I parked clear the fawk out in no mans lands since all the handicrap spots were taken and I go to leave dicks sporting goods and some as you put it cork sucker parked riiiiiiight next to me. I had to get in from the passenger side and figure out a way to get into the drivers seat.

If I was alone I would be waiting for the sucker to come out and move his car. The wife would never let me pull something like that.
Its not just Vettes, any nice car seems to get this kind of attention. Some people are just morons.
If I was alone I would be waiting for the sucker to come out and move his car. The wife would never let me pull something like that.
Its not just Vettes, any nice car seems to get this kind of attention. Some people are just morons.

Yea, if I had the time and know who the perp was who messed up my ride......

As far as the hit and run a$$wipe....:iagree: MORON!!
Sorry guys,been busy and didn't get it painted till Monday!!Buffed it out today and I've got the door back on and putting the hardware back in it right now!!:thumbsup:I get to go for a Blast on SR#9 to Bat Cave in a bit!!:crazy03::crazy03::crazy03:
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