• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Another horrible build gone wrong:

As a large business owner I have never spoke to a "customer", former, good, bad, or otherwise, the way BP is talking to James. It is beyond me. I am #1 in the world (FACT) because I and my employees treat every customer like gold. I would write a check for $50000.00 before I would let me good name go bad but that would never happen because we have not had a reject, return, or unhappy customer in 12 years. Thats what seperate the good from the bad, the successful from the wannabees. Your statements remind me of my days in high school - how old are you? By the way I am not in the performance business but rather a "Merchant of War". I mfg and sell products in support of our American Troops and other (Friendly ONLY) foreign governments.

Well you since you are so ready to write the check from what you misread can I have one as well. He is not my customer however he was a former friend.

That is NOT real money - that's chump change. You have no idea and never will - Just what I expected. You are WAY WAY outside your league.

Maybe I should fund James legal fund.:dancer01:
I am done playing with you!

Reputation is Golden. I am well aware and have all the details related to the entire fiasco.

It is very unfortunate that one would put his reputation on the line for money. I wouldnt do it for $10,000,00.00.

If James, whom I barely know, wants my opinion I will provide it for free.

Businesses that do not stand behind their work need not exist.

I am successful because of situations or businesses that operate with THEIR best interests in mind...............I take the high road and it pays back in aces. When one understands this they will realize great success and rewards.

James, unfortunately chose the wrong company to begin with.
I have always loved corvettes and now run one of the largest organized Corvette Clubs in Florida

So,What is it you want?? A metal or a chest to pin it on??:shrug01:

My guess is you need the chest!!:thumbsup:

I'm no rocket scientist,but from the looks of things that engine was "Butchered" and the man has the right to be pissed!!:thumbsup:

What I really wanna know is,Who called that "Butcher" an "Engine Builder"??:shrug01:
Reputation is Golden. I am well aware and have all the details related to the entire fiasco.

It is very unfortunate that one would put his reputation on the line for money. I wouldnt do it for $10,000,00.00.

If James, whom I barely know, wants my opinion I will provide it for free.

Businesses that do not stand behind their work need not exist.

I am successful because of situations or businesses that operate with THEIR best interests in mind...............I take the high road and it pays back in aces. When one understands this they will realize great success and rewards.

James, unfortunately chose the wrong company to begin with.


"I'd rather explain the price of Quality,Than apologize for anything less" :thumbsup:

It's kept me buisy for over for over 30 years!!:thumbsup:

"I'd rather explain the price of Quality,Than apologize for anything less" :thumbsup:

It's kept me buisy for over for over 30 years!!:thumbsup:

This is my last post on this subject: one thing I have learned is that the most stubborn people to try and convince otherwise once we have our minds made up are us Corvette owners. That said, all you guys are so quick to burn BPP at the stake for being guilty of incompetence, fraud dishonesty and theivery--but you're unwilling to consider all the facts and you're overwhelmingly willing to take as true an angry and vengeful customer. And just a reminder James you are the one who made the slanderous/libelous statements about BPP so be carefull or you'll get more letters from paralegals and 2nd year law students, obviously the letter the attorney sent was so over your head maybe it's time to get more remedial since you're so clearly a special needs owner. With Ernie's permission, I am posting the "parking ticket" attorney's correspondence to James. James contends this is an extortion letter to cease and desist. After reading this letter, you come to your own conclusions as to James' credibility in all this:
P.O. Box 614
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
(954) 295-4143
(954) 781-6441 FAX

Mr. James Removed
address Removed
Tamarac Removed


Sent via U.S. Regular Mail, Certified Mail and Process Server

Dear Mr. Removed

Be advised that Charles Leeds, Esquire has been retained by BPP President Ernie Francis regarding defamatory false statements made by you on various internet forums including but not limited to Digitalcorvettes.com & Corvetteforum.com

Your statements contain references pertaining to services rendered by BPP and include several defamatory, false statements about BPP and its Officers. Your statements and actions pertaining to my client constitute defamation of character. My client has responded/explained to you personally and has responded in said forums why your claims against BPP are erroneous and without merit. My client has made every effort to resolve this matter amicably yet you continue making said defamatory statements against BPP.

Your misinformation and false defamatory statements have irreparably damaged the Company’s reputation as customers are resigning as a direct result of your actions. Accordingly, your statements have caused irreparable harm to my client. My client demands you IMMEDIATELY take all necessary action to cease and desist making further slanderous/libelous statements against BPP and its President.

ONE TIME OFFER OF SETTLEMENT: the above notwithstanding, My client realizes that litigating this matter will be extremely costly, so BPP is making this one and only offer of settlement to be finished with this matter once and for all. If you agree to settle this matter for the Sum of TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2500.00), cease and desist any and all defamatory statements made against my client, sign/get notarized the enclosed release and return to my office, my client will immediately remit and mail you a check for same. THIS CORRESPONDENCE IS FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES and presented with the intention of reaching a final settlement prior to filing civil suit, and not intended to be binding should litigation become necessary in this matter.

Failure to agree to the above IMMEDIATELY shall result in further civil legal action against you; my client has authorized me to take all civil legal action to resolve this matter, including but not limited to seeking civil injunctive relief against you in Broward County Circuit Court and seeking all damages as permitted by Florida Law including but not limited to punitive damages.


Charles Leeds, Esq.

if James is incorrect regarding this issue, how many other issues in this whole can of worms is he being less than forthcoming or accurate??? In this and in everything in life that is based on conflict there are (at least) two sides to every story. Look to your own experiences and you'll see this to be true. Now why doesn't James and his new friends from RE go trade in their vettes for a couple of used ford festivas and ride into the sunset together and open a bed and breakfast in Vermont where they can sell vitamin supplements to post menopausal men like themselves.

One more personal note, as of today I no longer have anything to do with Ernie BPP or the majority of the existing Corvette club; this has been nothing more than one big headache due to 3-4 people, I just want to go back to my law firm where Im dealing with criminals rapists and child molesters who make are much nicer and easier to deal with than corvette owners. All I wanted to do was have some fun and comradery. I am forming a new club with a 12 member max and sponsor free and ego free with a hint of mechanical knowledge.
Boiler Plate

You can find this verbage in one form or another 10,000 times on the internet.

My advice James is to take it to the limit. Retaining a lawyer does not make one right. However, it does, in most cases display one has something to hide from the general public and in this case, potential future customers. A settlement is an admission of some sort of wrong doing - one cannot disagree on that.:reddevil:
Classy Gentlemen?


Now why doesn't James and his new friends from RE go trade in their vettes for a couple of used ford festivas and ride into the sunset together and open a bed and breakfast in Vermont where they can sell vitamin supplements to post menopausal men like themselves.
Actually he is not

He records seminars for other people. He is a sound and recording man well person. :lmao:

Quote: Your misinformation and false defamatory statements have irreparably damaged the Company’s reputation as customers are resigning as a direct result of your actions.

......................and they should. :wavey:
Wrong again James! this is Scott. After hearing about this from Ernie I could not take it anymore. Ernie never called you a liar Digital Corvettes did.

It was not an extortion letter it was a settlement letter Einstein to give you money, and a ceist and decist letter to stop talking trash about someone. I am the one who wants to fund this slander matter not him!
You were the one who contacted Mesa racing directly not Ernie to do upgrades.
James I don't want to go on any further about this subject. You have found new friends who are in the same businesses you are now there customer. since this original post I have received several pm's about this. It really is not a can of worms that should be opened. Here is just one of them and I have more

Watch rev xtreme


If one was to do some checking they may find rev extreme is two faced. Here's a small sample of a post I started and mentioned how they screwed me out of $80.00 for a trans fluid change. Notice how rev extreme took over the thread. Not only did he take over this one, he started two more just explaining all the facts. The facts are simple, he charged me $80.00 more then what I was quoted and to this day has never offered a refund. I believe he currently has a car in his shop that has blown since they worked on it along with two or three more over the past year or so. There is also a current corvette Florida forum member thinking of suing because he spent over $30,000.00 dollars at rev extreme and his C6 still doesn't run right. Oh yea, rev extreme blew his first motor and said they would rebuild it if the owner would pay for the parts.
I don't want my name mentioned about anything other then the $80.00 I was personally cheated out of. The other info is just a heads up that all is not fair and rev extreme has most the locals hoodwinked because of his forum campaigns. Do some homework and find out why he keeps moving or how many shops he's attacked on the forums.


There is NO case of a motor built at RevXtreme blowing up since we have owned it period. Total fabrication and lies. Please post up the customer so he can respond with the truth.

On the transmission flush & fluid change, average dealer charges $185 plus for the service, I quoted a lower price as an estimate and when he picked the car up our counter charged him the standard price. His complaint was not made to me in private to rectify it but in a public forum so the damage was done.

On the James motor, lets all step back to the beginning. The customer brought a low mileage sound running Z06 in for a heads/cam/forged piston build. When pistons are swapped the motor needs to be removed and completely disasembled and any competent builder inspects all bearings and journals and any damage severe enough to cause a low oil pressure issue would be very clear and evident. James was told by BP that new bearings, a new oil cooler, new pistons, and new rings were installed at the time....so BP's engine builder basically had done an entire rebuild of the motor and it left with what, 11-12-16#'s of oil pressure and noisey as heck? How can that be blamed on the customer? And when it's brought back and rebuilt AGAIN with similar results in short order? Every shop can make a mistake, and we are not immune from it....but when we do it is fixed in short order at no cost to the customer and everything explained to the customer.

We build motors every day here for the street and all out championship race applications and have NEVER had a motor leave and look like that in so short of a time. And ANYONE is welcome to stop in and watch us build motors from scratch....all is out in the open and the quality and care is second to none.

Throw all the mud you want, but this is all pretty clear. A customer came and paid $15,000 (not an $180 transmission flush/fill & filter change) for a simple motor build and has nothing but junk to show for it. And BP has NOT made it right, just sicked the koolaid drinkers on the customer and done all they can to discredit him.
There is NO case of a motor built at RevXtreme blowing up since we have owned it period. Total fabrication and lies. Please post up the customer so he can respond with the truth.

On the transmission flush & fluid change, average dealer charges $185 plus for the service, I quoted a lower price as an estimate and when he picked the car up our counter charged him the standard price. His complaint was not made to me in private to rectify it but in a public forum so the damage was done.

On the James motor, lets all step back to the beginning. The customer brought a low mileage sound running Z06 in for a heads/cam/forged piston build. When pistons are swapped the motor needs to be removed and completely disasembled and any competent builder inspects all bearings and journals and any damage severe enough to cause a low oil pressure issue would be very clear and evident. James was told by BP that new bearings, a new oil cooler, new pistons, and new rings were installed at the time....so BP's engine builder basically had done an entire rebuild of the motor and it left with what, 11-12-16#'s of oil pressure and noisey as heck? How can that be blamed on the customer? And when it's brought back and rebuilt AGAIN with similar results in short order? Every shop can make a mistake, and we are not immune from it....but when we do it is fixed in short order at no cost to the customer and everything explained to the customer.

We build motors every day here for the street and all out championship race applications and have NEVER had a motor leave and look like that in so short of a time. And ANYONE is welcome to stop in and watch us build motors from scratch....all is out in the open and the quality and care is second to none.

Throw all the mud you want, but this is all pretty clear. A customer came and paid $15,000 (not an $180 transmission flush/fill & filter change) for a simple motor build and has nothing but junk to show for it. And BP has NOT made it right, just sicked the koolaid drinkers on the customer and done all they can to discredit him.

I do not know James well, I do not know BP at all other than following the vette industry for a few years (and the "J" incident). Outside looking in it seems BP&E have a big problem - NO Integrity. I would worry too much about what they or their cronies have to say - I actually dont know your company but reviewing the website but you seem to run a tight ship. Word of Mouth from satisfied customers will always prevail.:thumbsup:
I do not know James well, I do not know BP at all other than following the vette industry for a few years (and the "J" incident). Outside looking in it seems BP&E have a big problem - NO Integrity. I would worry too much about what they or their cronies have to say - I actually dont know your company but reviewing the website but you seem to run a tight ship. Word of Mouth from satisfied customers will always prevail.:thumbsup:
That is I WOULD NOT WORRY too much!
Update from James! He just picked his car up from another SE Florida shop that put a new shortblock in, took 1 week total and now runs quiet as can be w/50 to 70 PSI oil pressure. No noise, no low oil pressure, quiet valvetrain, and running strong.

Don't know any other details other than next week he is scheduled to return for oil change & final tune.:thumbsup:
Update from James! He just picked his car up from another SE Florida shop that put a new shortblock in, took 1 week total and now runs quiet as can be w/50 to 70 PSI oil pressure. No noise, no low oil pressure, quiet valvetrain, and running strong.

Don't know any other details other than next week he is scheduled to return for oil change & final tune.:thumbsup:

This is true!!!! I got my baby back and running strong!!! Thank you all who helped me by listening and or giving advice. I appreciate it all. I want to give a special thanks to the guys at RevXtreme!!! I have to tell you all....They helped me in every way with this, from diagnosing the parts to listening to me cry about it for the past 8 months....and they did it all for FREE!!!!! They did this because they are amazingly excellent and professional people that realize it is not only about money but people come first. Thank you RevXtreme!!!
It's just me one of the "hoodwinked locals". ;)

Yes, Tracy, Karen and their Team at RevXtrem have a loyal following of customers. He has earned this by providing quality work at a fair price and most importantly, he stands behind his customer's satisfaction. :thumbsup: