• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Are We Having Fun Yet?


Road Trip!
The excitement on this board regarding this event is electrifying...are we going to have a good time in less than two weeks or is this where you get in line for a wake?

I have seen more excitement prior to root canal surgery than I have in the past couple of weeks...

What is going on?????????????????

I think it's just that everybodys busy with other things right now? I don't really know and I'm sure that on the mega boards there are threads on threads regarding the Caravan.

A lot of people just don't have the time and/or the expendable income anymore:(

That's what really sucks!:thumbsdown:
Just like Shadow said, life and the economy hum drum right now. we were going to do the caravan and decided to back out and stay home to conserve our funds.
Rich - will be joining you guys on Daniels rest stop...

JCB_NJB - See ya in Lake City...


We also have a slightly modified schedule. We are headed up with the caravan but we are leaving BG on Sunday morning and headed back to FM. Not sure where we are going to stop Sunday night, but hope to be back home Monday at a decent time.

We've had a change of plans, also. We're skipping the caravan but will be at the NCM on Saturday for a few hours. Maybe we'll run into some of the Florida folks!

We also have a slightly modified schedule. We are headed up with the caravan but we are leaving BG on Sunday morning and headed back to FM. Not sure where we are going to stop Sunday night, but hope to be back home Monday at a decent time.



We will be with caravan most of way up...make a day of it Thurs @ NCM and head down to fla panhandle for a couple of days of r&r...Could not see hanging around NCM when all tours were snatched up on the first day...Maybe we will have better handle on things for the next caravan
Traci and I...

are leaving from Ferman (Tampa) on the 1st and staying in Lake City...pretty much traveling with, and following, the Florida caravan to the NCM. Hope to see some you at the BBQ and the NCM...and say hi if I don't/can't recognize you! :wavey:

I have a CorvetteFlorida.com transfer on the back window of the convertible...and most of your should recognize my vanity plate: 321 NASA :dancer01:

Should be a fun week!! :hehehe:

I'll post a few pictures when we get back!:comp1:
Sorry we had to miss this, but the timing is just too bad for us. Got WAY too many things going on right now... Hope you all have fun there...
I backed out when I found out that the 3 nights in Bowling Green were going to cost me more than a mortgage payment!

Then there was at least 4 more nights in motels coming & going, the dogs needed boarding that entire time, and when I tried to sign up, all the tours were booked full.

That was the end of that plan.
We got back from the caravan on Monday. Had a great time! We saw Armando and Jim at a rest stop in South Pittsburg, Alabama, but never saw them again the rest of the trip. We did see Nasajack during the caravan out of Florida, but never saw him or his car after the caravan. We spotted his plate 321 NASA, so we know it was him. We waved when we passed him in our Z16, but I am sure he did not know us.

The museum was a mad house (in a good way). Corvettes everywhere you could see. With those sorts of crowds getting food service there, or trying to shop in the store was going to be problematic. If you have not been to the museum since the expansion, it is worth the trip. They are also planning a new motorsports park just on the east side of I-65. I think they are gathering the funds for this, but from what I understand, they already own the land.

To me, the hit of the trip was Road Atlanta. I have been to a number of road courses but RA is different because of the elevation changes. Very nice course. It does remind me of the Jefferson Circuit at Summit Point, but much larger. The Jefferson Circuit is 1.1 miles (I think) and RA is 2.5 miles. Anyway, the hot laps on this course kept a grin on my face for most of the week.

I hope everyone made it home ok.

We had a change of plans and didn't do the caravan as planned but did stop in at the NCM on Friday. For all the crowds and vettes there we ran into Rich 427 and his wife, Joyce in the gift shop. We got to see the bricks we bought a few years ago and toured the remodeled museum. Nice job!
I also got to drive HWY 129 (the Dragon) from No Carolina into Tennessee. I'm still smiling about that! My husband, Robert took pics of the road.......lots of fun.
Linda, Sorry we missed you at NCM...we headed back south on Friday to do panhandle visit...glad you and Robert got to do the Dragon finally.

Rich, good to see you and your better half at rest stop at beginning and later on...I agree, the track was a highlight for us as well even though we did not go on it.

Caravan through SW Florida the first day was very orderly, so kudos to Carrie for her leadership on road...heard the east coast caravan was the opposite...After Florida, it seemed to turn into a free for all from what I saw...some individuals were driving like they were on the track before they ever got there, but I guess that is the nature of the beast...All in all had a great time while it lasted...

NCM staff did well considering what they had to contend with...