• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Scam Alert


I would think this was pure BS but it just happened to Star & I.

We received our Alltel bill and there was a $9.99 charge on it for "Purchased Items". I called Alltel to inquire as to what I "purchased" and they could only tell me that it was from a "third party" and more or less pay it or else! We went over to the local Alltel store and was asked if I had lately received a TEXT MESSAGE? I told them we do not have that service and have only received messages from Alltel. "Not so" said he. ANYONE can text you even if you don't have the service. I had recently received a text from DADA.NET and after seeing it was an advertisment for downloading music, I ignored it. MISTAKE!!! It was a telemarketing company offering music. By not answering them back with a "NO", I automatically accepted the offer and was on the hook for $9.99 MONTHLY!!! According to Alltel it is entirely legal and there is nothing they (or any other cell company for that matter) can do about it. They took it off my bill and I had our phones blocked for any future "offers". So people, be warned and do not ignore any offers from any person or firm or you may not be so lucky to be informed about this SCAM!!! And don't think if you are on a "NO CALL" list it won't happen. NO CALL doesn't apply to texting!

How can something like this be legal? It is a open scam and in my mind downright illegal!!!

Jim & Star
I would be writing a email to them expressing your thoughts.

In order for your subscription to be activated though from phone, you should have had to enter a pin code from what their site says.

Ive gotten a couple spam texts on my phone i just delete them and have yet to see any weird service charges.
Man, that sounds like a load of BS to me. They can't do it that way via regular phone messages or mail. It would be like getting junk mail saying that unless you send back the enclosed card (oops! forgot to enclose it..), you will be accepting a subscription to all of the listed magazines..... Bill will follow....

Speaking of which, I've got to trade in my old analog bag cell phone before the end of the month. We only carry it for emergency calls while on the road. So I have to get a new one that is digital. They try to pawn that crap on me, I'll just take the phone back to them and tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. It will be small enough, so it shouldn't cause them undue discomfort.
Man, that sounds like a load of BS to me. They can't do it that way via regular phone messages or mail. It would be like getting junk mail saying that unless you send back the enclosed card (oops! forgot to enclose it..), you will be accepting a subscription to all of the listed magazines..... Bill will follow....

Speaking of which, I've got to trade in my old analog bag cell phone before the end of the month. We only carry it for emergency calls while on the road. So I have to get a new one that is digital. They try to pawn that crap on me, I'll just take the phone back to them and tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. It will be small enough, so it shouldn't cause them undue discomfort.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Here is what was on the phone via text:

"From: 63232
Get more cool stuff on www.dada.net. This month, activate the AP News text alerts & get the latest news on ur cell! Help?
Stop2quit. $9.99/mo
3:30pm 3/21/08"

Not being text literate, I though it was from Alltel and ignored it. Tell me, what would y'all do and where would you go to cancel it even if you suspected something? If you go to their website it has a bunch of stuff to order including ring tones but no where to actually cancel anything. As I said, this should not be legal. :shrug01:
I got my first spam text last night at 3:30 am. It was gibrish, and didn't make any real sense. I hope I don't get bombed with some BS charge on my bill now. I deleted it before I thought to write it down.