• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Help with posting photos on this site

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Been getting a number of requests for help with posting photos, so here's a copy of a post I made on another thread here:

2Vettes said:
Call me Helen, but where exactly is the "manage Attachments" you speak of, Rich? I know how to post a picture, but I don't know what you're talking about in that paragraph??? Of course, I may be having a

Ah, OK "Helen", let's take it step by step.

Whenever you start a new post, whether is is a NEW thread or a REPLY to an existing thread, below the section where you type in your text will be a section called Additional Options. In that section will be an area that says Attach Files

Just click on that button that says Manage Attachments

That will take you to a screen that offers you four prompts with a BROWSE button to the right of each of them. Plus there is a display of valid file types that can be uploaded as well as the limitations on each file type.

Click on the BROWSE button, which will display a folder on your hard drive in your own computer so you can find the file that you want to upload.

It is up to you to locate that file, but I assume you will know where you put it on your own hard drive in your system.

After you click on that file you want to attach, and it is then displayed in the area that says File name:, you then click on the Open button on that screen to close it and tell the system here the file you want to attach.

At this time, you can either select three other files to attach in the same method as above, or if there is only one single file to be attached, you then click on that UPLOAD button to actually upload the file from your computer to the server here. PLEASE NOTE: This is the step that people will commonly forget to do and think the system did not do what it was supposed to do. Until you click that UPLOAD button, the file is not yet up on the server.

So once you have successfully uploaded the file you want to attach, you will see a screen similar to this:

If you are done attaching all files, then simply click on the Close this window button to return you to the screen where you are entering in the text of your message. Please not that you will NOT see the photo at this time within the text area of your message you are typing in. The only indication you will see of your attached file(s) at this time will be the name of the file displayed in that Attach Files area of your current screen. Please note that attached files will display at the BOTTOM of your message you are typing.

When you are done typing in your message, simply click on the Submit Reply button, and your photo should be displayed within the message you just typed in.

So, that's IT!
Been getting a number of requests for help with posting photos, so here's a copy of a post I made on another thread here:

Ah, OK "Helen", let's take it step by step.

Whenever you start a new post, whether is is a NEW thread or a REPLY to an existing thread, below the section where you type in your text will be a section called Additional Options. In that section will be an area that says Attach Files

Just click on that button that says Manage Attachments

That will take you to a screen that offers you four prompts with a BROWSE button to the right of each of them. Plus there is a display of valid file types that can be uploaded as well as the limitations on each file type.

Click on the BROWSE button, which will display a folder on your hard drive in your own computer so you can find the file that you want to upload.

It is up to you to locate that file, but I assume you will know where you put it on your own hard drive in your system.

After you click on that file you want to attach, and it is then displayed in the area that says File name:, you then click on the Open button on that screen to close it and tell the system here the file you want to attach.

At this time, you can either select three other files to attach in the same method as above, or if there is only one single file to be attached, you then click on that UPLOAD button to actually upload the file from your computer to the server here. PLEASE NOTE: This is the step that people will commonly forget to do and think the system did not do what it was supposed to do. Until you click that UPLOAD button, the file is not yet up on the server.

So once you have successfully uploaded the file you want to attach, you will see a screen similar to this:

If you are done attaching all files, then simply click on the Close this window button to return you to the screen where you are entering in the text of your message. Please not that you will NOT see the photo at this time within the text area of your message you are typing in. The only indication you will see of your attached file(s) at this time will be the name of the file displayed in that Attach Files area of your current screen. Please note that attached files will display at the BOTTOM of your message you are typing.

When you are done typing in your message, simply click on the Submit Reply button, and your photo should be displayed within the message you just typed in.

So, that's IT!

Not working for me at all. I upload and then nothing happens. This is why i never bother with pics anymore.
Are the dimensions of the pics you are trying to upload within the specs indicated in the chart?
That might be a bit hasty.

It stopped downloading to the computer. Just blank folders. Never took clear pics anyways.

Some sites are more easy that others to get pics on. I always used Tinypic. com.
I just learned how to resize pics for another forums site. Just too much trouble to go thru if you ask me. I don't have a cell that takes pics and don't think i will ever buy another cam.
As indicated here -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?p=211168#post211168 I was able to upload the image you sent me via email. Worked just like it was supposed to and didn't give me a bit of trouble.

Just for grins, I did it again here with this post.


I am not good with computers at all other than using AOL. Never use windows or go into the computer or want to deal with learning new stuff. That was a sorry cam that never took good pics. I click upload and it shows the file and after that it does nothing. When i click close window this site gets clicked off and the window stays On two other forums it is about the same as this one and my pics post fine.