• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

A word about forum sponsorships...

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
The forum sponsorships is something I set up so that sponsors can advertise their company at the top of a forum signifying their support for this site by sponsoring a forum. It is an acknowledgement of their financial support as well as their participating support when they lease a sponsorship slot.

But please note that this doesn't mean that a single sponsor "owns" that forum and the content within it. If you will note, each forum can have multiple sponsors, even if they are direct competitors. Matter of fact, any one sponsor can also sponsor multiple forums, if they desire to do so. My hopes are that sponsors will also be supportive of this site by providing their expertise when needed in order to help out a member who needs it.

Now, if a company wants to have their own forum, then most certainly they can control the content within that forum since they have moderator rights there. But in the other general forums, no, this is not the case at all.

There isn't any problem here that I am trying to address with this post, just want to make certain that everyone understands how I designed this to work. I am sure that some things are not obvious, and also obviously, I don't run this site like many of the other Corvette related sites around the net.

Also, as a side note, I think it is well known by now to long time members here that I do NOT require anyone to be a sponsor or paying advertiser in order for them to post messages about their own company, merchandise, or services. From the beginning, this site was built and designed with the MEMBERS as the top and foremost priority and focus. So my desire is to have the members have access to any and all information that they may be interested in, without my holding the providers of such information at ransom demanding that they pad my wallet in order to provide such information. My goal for this site is for everyone here to have the opportunity to find anything and everything of interest to them at all times without my standing in the way making monetary demands on those people who would wish to provide that information to them. If someone wants to offer a special deal on something that benefits the members here, then yes, I am all for that. I don't REQUIRE them to pay me first in order to help out the members on this site.

Yeah, I know some will think "Well why should I pay to advertise if I can do it for free?" Yes, that is true and a valid point. But truth be known, I really don't care either way. This site is for the members. If you give them what THEY want, then I am satisfied with that arrangement. If you decide to get a banner ad or a forum sponsorship to make yourself more visible in your support of this site, then that is fine with me as well. But I am not holding your feet to the fire FORCING you to do so in order to interact with my friends here.


Rich Z.
We are on here because we like the site, and we get along fine w/the other most active sponsor. This is like the "Corvette Family" site!:thumbsup:
We are on here because we like the site, and we get along fine w/the other most active sponsor. This is like the "Corvette Family" site!:thumbsup:

That is what I had hoped this would become. And I sincerely hope it will stay that way.

We're all in this for the fun, and because we love Corvettes. The fact that this is pretty locally oriented means we can very well meet up with nearly every other member here sooner or later. I think it's a pretty cool thing that we all could have friends everywhere in the state to call on if we're in their neck of the woods. :thumbsup:
I forget Im a vendor so I had to click after I thought about it:lmao: I get worried about posting in other peoples forums sometimes.
I know Mr. Revxtreme dont mind me doing it, as I dont mind if anyone post in my threads ect.
Its just a forum I like to type bad in to pass my time.

These are my IRL friends, I dont even go to other forums anymore. and we are vendors there too.

but if there is an issue with my thread hopping let me know and I will watch myself.
I forget Im a vendor so I had to click after I thought about it:lmao: I get worried about posting in other peoples forums sometimes.
I know Mr. Revxtreme dont mind me doing it, as I dont mind if anyone post in my threads ect.
Its just a forum I like to type bad in to pass my time.

These are my IRL friends, I dont even go to other forums anymore. and we are vendors there too.

but if there is an issue with my thread hopping let me know and I will watch myself.

That was one of the points of this thread. Just because someone sponsors a forum, that does not mean that they OWN it. I was afraid that some might think that, and in so doing, inhibit the posting of topics of interest by parties who would otherwise be inclined to do that.

A message board like this should be ALL about information sharing. And it is my intention to try to make certain this takes place here.
Think i ticked off a vendor here on the site talking about Stoners and Zaino.

I am not pushing any one product, i was stating what has worked well for myself in the past. Sorry if i upset anyone, i will recomend any product that works good.
I Have noticed a real lack of flamers.It's probably the friendliest forum out there.

So I can get to know everyone better my goal is to live with each and everyone of ya next year for one week.
Think i ticked off a vendor here on the site talking about Stoners and Zaino.

I am not pushing any one product, i was stating what has worked well for myself in the past. Sorry if i upset anyone, i will recomend any product that works good.

That's the way it should be here. I don't want anyone here to be afraid to recommend a product, service, or facility because they think it may be stepping on someone else's toes. Personally I WANT to know about ALL products and how they worked for the people using them.
I Have noticed a real lack of flamers.It's probably the friendliest forum out there.

So I can get to know everyone better my goal is to live with each and everyone of ya next year for one week.

Well, with 2285 registered members, it looks like you'll have a place to live for the next 44 years......... :lmao:

When you get to my turn, be prepared to clean snake and rodent cages for the week. Your bunk will be in the rodent building...... All the rodent chow you can eat. :hehehe: