• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Where Have All the Posters Gone


New member
I've been reading and posting here for little over a year. I would log on and there was always new threads in about all the topic's/ Sub-Forums.
There was always plenty of responses.
New members are joining daily, but the activity doesn't appear to be what it was. I notice a few members who were very active, don't post much anymore and a lot of the new members don't post.
I for one don't post as much, except for in the Event and Happenings Forum because of the issue I have with timing out. I've even notice myself going to Corvette Forum more and even posting there :eek:.
Is this lack of posts a figment of my imagination or is it happening?
I've been reading and posting here for little over a year. I would log on and there was always new threads in about all the topic's/ Sub-Forums.
There was always plenty of responses.
New members are joining daily, but the activity doesn't appear to be what it was. I notice a few members who were very active, don't post much anymore and a lot of the new members don't post.
I for one don't post as much, except for in the Event and Happenings Forum because of the issue I have with timing out. I've even notice myself going to Corvette Forum more and even posting there :eek:.
Is this lack of posts a figment of my imagination or is it happening?

Lot of stuff going on this time of year with schools getting out, graduations, job, fuel prices, all have an impact.

I've notices some of the old timers (Like Ray) are not around much lately but I'm guessing it's more due to his business than anything else:( Some of the others (like Madn3ss) are back:)

We just need to generate more activity. Post more and people will respond.

I've even notice myself going to Corvette Forum more and even posting there

That might be part of the problem;)

Seiously though, I too look at other international sites as well since our (international) site is kind of DIW for now. Thats just one i choose to skip.

Pretty fed up with the petty attitudes of some and the smart arsed mod/Gods:rolleyes:.

One of the folks from there (obviously a moderator), signed into the Guru a couple of weeks back and slammed everyone with petit comments and commentary, but he did it from a proxy server.:rolleyes:
Didn't even have the juevos to identify himself (we pretty much know who it was, but chose not to identify him). I found it pretty childish and petty, not to mention pretty Charlie Sierra if you ask me, but not uncommonly par for the course:(
Since then, I've noticed an "interesting absence" of post by a couple here. Probably just a coincidence:lmao:

Things will get better with time, just keep posting and they will come:thumbsup::wavey:

We need to set up some events and generate some activity, but again, with everything else going on right now, it's just a common slowdown. I've seen it on all the sites (even CF):thumbsup:

Planning on seeing you at the 1st annual AntiVenom/HobNob/CorvetteFlorida BBQ:thumbsup::dancer01:
Lot of stuff going on this time of year with schools getting out, graduations, job, fuel prices, all have an impact.

I've notices some of the old timers (Like Ray) are not around much lately but I'm guessing it's more due to his business than anything else:( Some of the others (like Madn3ss) are back:)

We just need to generate more activity. Post more and people will respond.

That might be part of the problem;)

Seiously though, I too look at other international sites as well since our (international) site is kind of DIW for now. Thats just one i choose to skip.

Pretty fed up with the petty attitudes of some and the smart arsed mod/Gods:rolleyes:.

One of the folks from there (obviously a moderator), signed into the Guru a couple of weeks back and slammed everyone with petit comments and commentary, but he did it from a proxy server.:rolleyes:
Didn't even have the juevos to identify himself (we pretty much know who it was, but chose not to identify him). I found it pretty childish and petty, not to mention pretty Charlie Sierra if you ask me, but not uncommonly par for the course:(
Since then, I've noticed an "interesting absence" of post by a couple here. Probably just a coincidence:lmao:

Things will get better with time, just keep posting and they will come:thumbsup::wavey:

We need to set up some events and generate some activity, but again, with everything else going on right now, it's just a common slowdown. I've seen it on all the sites (even CF):thumbsup:

Planning on seeing you at the 1st annual AntiVenom/HobNob/CorvetteFlorida BBQ:thumbsup::dancer01:

Yep noticed them missing as well. Se ya on the 14th
Looking forward to it.

Come on folks. This place is centrally located and near the interstate. Lets have a party at Anti Venom on the 14th!:dancer01::thumbsup:
Beats me.... My other sites have slowed down as well. Probably more people are spending time outside and not sitting in front of the computer as much.

As for the timeout issue you mentioned, Rick, can you pinpoint it to anything specific that you do or where you post? And does anyone else have this problem? I haven't noticed it myself, so it's not something I can get a handle on if I don't have a symptom I can work with.
Beats me.... My other sites have slowed down as well. Probably more people are spending time outside and not sitting in front of the computer as much.

As for the timeout issue you mentioned, Rick, can you pinpoint it to anything specific that you do or where you post? And does anyone else have this problem? I haven't noticed it myself, so it's not something I can get a handle on if I don't have a symptom I can work with.

It comes and goes. A lot of times when I go to post it takes forever or times out. We've dicussed this issue before as it seems to be only me. I've tried Firefox which doesn't help here but it does on CF. go figure.
It occurs when trying to log on, post , just accessing a particular forum or the site in general. I would say minimum 25% of the time :shrug01:
Maybe people can't afford the things they used to enjoy. Seems this country is in big time trouble.

Ain't that the truth brother:(

And the weather is getting nice and as Rich said, a lot of people are doing things outside, taking vacations and such, that don't require a computer:thumbsup::lmao:

A lot of places are slow. It'll pick back up again:thumbsup:
I was comparing to the same period as last year. I thought with the economy more people would be at home, but then again, I'm usually wrong.

Been lurking myself here nightly and noticed lack of activity. Nothing really happening so have not posted as I used to...Will have to do something about it...Been wanting to go to some of your outings but the price of gas and my need for new tires has held me back...

I'm guilty as well. I don't start a lot of threads, only respond to most.

Time to start posting more I think:thumbsup:
:shrug01: Simple this forum does not move!

Well, it's certainly a catch-22 kind of a situation.

Most people want to post where there is a lot of traffic, but don't WANT to try to be that traffic for other members by making the effort to participate by initiating threads or trying to get more heavily involved. So since they don't see others making the effort, they don't bother making the effort themselves, apparently feeling that they need to see that traffic FIRST before they want to become more involved.

And let's face it, this site has a rather narrow focus geographically and is rather new on the scene, so to compare this site with an internationally known forum that has been around much longer is really not a reasonable means to make comparisons.

But in any event, any suggestions on how to make things better here concerning participation? How do you suggest we get participation in order to attract participation?
I have also noticed the same lack of activity. I check in here a couple times a day and to be honest, have not seen much that I would typically respond to. This time of year there is not much happening on the SW side. I do agree with Rick, with the economy in the dumper, you would think there would be more people staying home and therefore, on the 'puter. But, I am sure it will pick up in time.

:shrug01: Simple this forum does not move!


Then HELP it move!:yesnod:

It's not going to do it on it's own:lmao:

You made the statement, now offer up some solutions/suggestions.

See, as we all know, it takes INPUT to make a forum move. That INPUT isn't generated by watchers.

Before loading up that next rock, take a look at your own stats:
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 421
Rep Power: 7

Over 761 days on board and 421 posts? And a good portion of those were made early on.

Care to share the stats from some other sites you visit? I'd venture to guess that elsewhere your post count is likely up in the stratosphere?

I know my "stars" were almost completely full:lmao: in just a few years.

There's a lot going on in FLORIDA. Shows, events, cruises, parties, gatherings, etc, etc, etc, but if no one posts the information and no one posts about them, nothing's going to happen.

Bostons last Tuesday?
What happened there?
Never saw a word about it on here?


As Rich said, this forum has a much narrower focus than just the general Corvette community:thumbsup:

It's specific to the FLORIDA owners and as such, could be a much greater resource than just about any general "section" on any of the major forums. You don't have to search for it, you don't have to sift through everything from Florida to South Carolina, and many of us are truly local to one another:thumbsup:

I frequent the following INTERNATIONAL forums:

www.corvetteforums.com (not to be confused with the other one)
and on occasion:

Yet my post count is farily well up there on here and growing in other places (haven't been there a long, but I do post).
I don't thrive on post counts and really couldn't tell you what mine is or was at any particular place. I post because I enjoy the interaction.

As we can see from this, there's room on the internet for everyone. Some places just haven't caught on to that concept or are too worried about the almighty dollar $$$ to embrace it:( It obviously works for them and so be it.

This is a great place for FLORIDA CORVETTE OWNERS to meet:thumbsup:

Although each of the aforementioned sites have thier forte', none of them provide me with the local input I recieve here:NoNo:

None of them provide me with the friendships I've made here:thumbsup:nor do they provide me with the ability to actually meet many of the members through out the year.

Even the formerly HUGE CorvetteForum failed in that regard. I had to keep checking back into the section, missed a lot of posts or got them late as a result, and in the end game although I had a lot of aquintances, I only had a handful of true friends on that site (as evidenced later):(

The averages are much better here:thumbsup: but we need the people to start posting, responding to the threads and begin starting new ones:dancer01:

You'll find here that even though we may disagree, there's little if any "moderation", "editing", "locking" or any of the other free speech issues you'll find on some sites. There is some as we recently saw, but not nearly as much:thumbsup: Maybe thats a bad thing? Maybe it's a good thing? Time will tell.

What we're NOT is a COMMERCIAL SITE . As such we don't rely on sponsors or vendors to stay up and running.:thumbsup:

So...if you don't think the site "moves"...then stop complaining and help do something about it;)

Try being part of the solution and POST MORE:thumbsup:

Otherwise, comments like that are simply counterproductive and obviously not intent on making a site productive :NoNo:

I've even notice myself going to Corvette Forum more and even posting there :eek:.

Wow, just as a come out and mention something somewhat good about that other place, the members jump up and act like a** holes again. I guess I won't be going back there as often :D
well...not that anyone here gives a f*** about my opinion but when you narrow your scope of membership to one state and sponsor no events and have few supporting vendors whats to bring anyone here??? Since you don't want to run it as a business and like the small scale thats what you got. There are other small forums that have alot of activity but they sponsor/hold events and have vendors.
as for mentions of Corvette forum and individuals problems there I won't address that here. That ship has sailed yet some people are still on the dock complaining.

I think your time would be better served promoting Corvette Florida rather than promoting every other site you visit and bitching about the ones you hate.

But WTF do I know :rofl1:
I have also noticed the same lack of activity. I check in here a couple times a day and to be honest, have not seen much that I would typically respond to. This time of year there is not much happening on the SW side. I do agree with Rick, with the economy in the dumper, you would think there would be more people staying home and therefore, on the 'puter. But, I am sure it will pick up in time.


It will Rich:thumbsup:

I'm in front of the 'puter too much with my business so it allows me a little more freedom to play. We just need more people like yourself, Rick, and the others that are willing to spread the word to other FLORIDAIANS that we're not here to replace anything, just an added benefit of LOCAL input to LOCAL events by LOCAL vette owners:thumbsup:

If we can get the word out and generate some interesting topics, then the place will pick up:thumbsup:
I really enjoy the big Corvette forum! I never had any problems with any of the mods over there, thete is always something to talk about and lots of action.

Just agree to follow the forum rules and all will be fine.