• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

CCW saves the day, apparently

Well it's obvious that those people weren't brought up as I was. They should be thankful that he's even alive.
It appears the mindset is, it's ok to take whatever you want and no one has the right to interfere with that, except maybe the police. Kind of a looters attitude.
I suppose this thought process was passed down through generations perhaps. At least it gives that appearance with the statement given by the family member(s). Totally asinine. What is this world coming to?
"Better to have and not need then to need and not have". Those who know fully understand.:thumbsup:
So he should have just walked away and minded his own business..Sounds like they should throw that b**ch in jail right along side him.:itsok:
So he should have just walked away and minded his own business..:itsok:

If you connect the dots using that logic it's conceivable that these individuals are Democrats. And Democrats, being like minded, typically believe in entitlements. Hence the motive for robbery was justified(in his mind)I'm sure.

And this same political party is against the "stand your ground" laws in the 23 states that allow you to defend yourself, or others, who face life threatening harm. A legally armed bystander presents a threat to those who use this method to "shop". That interferes with the Thug lifestyle for sure, so I follow the logic that his family has exhibited. And this is the same political party that believes if we all just give out firearms to the government, we'll all be safe and live happily ever after. Do you see a pattern here? :rolleyes:
If you connect the dots using that logic it's conceivable that these individuals are Democrats. And Democrats, being like minded, typically believe in entitlements. Hence the motive for robbery was justified(in his mind)I'm sure.

And this same political party is against the "stand your ground" laws in the 23 states that allow you to defend yourself, or others, who face life threatening harm. A legally armed bystander presents a threat to those who use this method to "shop". That interferes with the Thug lifestyle for sure, so I follow the logic that his family has exhibited. And this is the same political party that believes if we all just give out firearms to the government, we'll all be safe and live happily ever after. Do you see a pattern here? :rolleyes:


I found it interesting in the aftermath of the Zimmerman crap that the segment of the population most likely to be affected negatively by the Stand Your Ground law would be so adamantly against it.

I'm sure the crowd engaging in their little "knock out" games aren't very appreciative of citizens throwing a wet blanket on their "fun", now are they?

The Stand Your Ground law ceases the coddling of the perpetrators and more rightly helps victims stand against perps without fear of the legal aftermath when the family, as shown in the original post here, want to go after the REAL victim with civil action.

If you raise your children to be animals, they will likely be treated as such. So whose fault is that?

I found it interesting in the aftermath of the Zimmerman crap that the segment of the population most likely to be affected negatively by the Stand Your Ground law would be so adamantly against it.

I'm sure the crowd engaging in their little "knock out" games aren't very appreciative of citizens throwing a wet blanket on their "fun", now are they?

The Stand Your Ground law ceases the coddling of the perpetrators and more rightly helps victims stand against perps without fear of the legal aftermath when the family, as shown in the original post here, want to go after the REAL victim with civil action.

If you raise your children to be animals, they will likely be treated as such. So whose fault is that?

By golly Rich I think you've nailed it.
If anyone needs a reason to get a CCW permit, I think this will suffice.

Sounds to me that people need to be prepared when walking near people in a group. Give a wide berth and put your hand on your gun....

Stay ALERT to everyone around you....

This apparently is just a GAME to those critters.
It's just such a shame what our country has become. Granted this appears to be generally happening in the northeast right now, but I'm sure it'll catch on in other areas too. One lady was 78! People will be afraid to go anywhere alone. Like he said, that could be your mother!
The people who get caught when playing that "game" need to be treated VERY harshly. Either by the law, or by the intended victims who don't play by their rules.
This is a crime that physically injures innocent, non suspecting citizens. There is no warning involved. It's barbaric. Perhaps a barbaric punishment would fit the crime. In some countries the authorities would probably cut the suspects hand off or have them flogged. Unfortunately they'll just get their hand slapped here unless it was the judge's wife that was the victim.
Ok you LEO's out there help me with this one.

This appears to be hit and run. My wife carries a CCW, some DOG hits her and takes off, she pulls her CCW and fires, who gets the ride downtown? :shrug01:
This will get sticky. Indications are that these are black hoodlums playing the game. If you shoot at one or more of them, it will be considered race related, but their attacking you will not.

Even stickier will be that your shooting AFTER being attacked might be looked at as being revenge rather than defense if someone like that dumbass state attorney Angela Corey handles the prosecution. Personally, I would look at it as a justifiable extermination to keep such vermin from attacking others in the future.

But I am not a LEO, attorney, nor judge, and never played being any of them in a movie.
Ok you LEO's out there help me with this one.

This appears to be hit and run. My wife carries a CCW, some DOG hits her and takes off, she pulls her CCW and fires, who gets the ride downtown? :shrug01:

If he hits her and runs, the threat is gone. You can only defend yourself(and other)while the threat is present. Bullets in the suspect's derriere would suggest the suspect was retreating.
Also, after taking a hit like those in the videos, it would likely render her unconscious and unable to retain possession of her weapon.
That is the problem with this cowardly crime. It's practically impossible to defend against, unless as Rich said, you have your hand on your gun at all times.
My exact opinion. There is a video of a perp who takes a swing at a lady and she ducked. She's reaching in her purse as the fool runs away. If she has a CCW and knew the law or had second thoughts about the consequences that's probably where she stopped, just reaching.

And the LEO's are accused of profiling?? Guess I'll line up behind them on this one.
Yeah, I've often wondered about this sort of thing. Where is the line between "brandishing" and pulling out your gun in anticipation of needing it for protection?

If someone snatches your wallet and runs, and you catch up with him and tackle his ass, is that assault on your part? If someone stabs you and while the perp is walking away you shoot the SOB, are YOU in legal jeopardy for stopping him in the only way you can and not allowing him to escape scott free?

I guess that's why defense attorneys pull in the big bucks.