• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.



New member
My neighbor was just scamed out of $2400. on an on line Corvette deal. We realize this certainly falls into the "to good to be true" thing, now that is. I found it on Auto Trader, 2000 coupe, 42000 miles, $7200. and located right here in Key West! I called and the number, not in service. My neighbor e mailed and the party e mailed back he was in Scotland' bought the car to ship there but wasn't able to import into Scotland and just wanted to get out from under it. The car was actually in Texas as he went there from Key West. It was being sold by a bonding co. in England. He e mailed the bonding co. they said wire 1/3 the $7200. and they would deliver it her in 3 days, if he was happy with it pay the balance or they would refund the deposit and take it back. He checked with Texas MV, clean title registered to the man in Scotland, he checked out the bonding co. and they were legit, he even car-faxed it. (He is a NY Cop, retired) The car never came, another exchange of e mails and now they wanted all the money and he now smells a fish.The bonding co. was somehow cloned and the clone was not for real. We know we were stupid but it really all checked out and sounded like the deal of a lifetime. Live and learn! by the way, anybody want to buy a "Seven Mile Bridge"!
My neighbor was just scamed out of $2400. on an on line Corvette deal. We realize this certainly falls into the "to good to be true" thing, now that is. I found it on Auto Trader, 2000 coupe, 42000 miles, $7200. and located right here in Key West! I called and the number, not in service. My neighbor e mailed and the party e mailed back he was in Scotland' bought the car to ship there but wasn't able to import into Scotland and just wanted to get out from under it. The car was actually in Texas as he went there from Key West. It was being sold by a bonding co. in England. He e mailed the bonding co. they said wire 1/3 the $7200. and they would deliver it her in 3 days, if he was happy with it pay the balance or they would refund the deposit and take it back. He checked with Texas MV, clean title registered to the man in Scotland, he checked out the bonding co. and they were legit, he even car-faxed it. (He is a NY Cop, retired) The car never came, another exchange of e mails and now they wanted all the money and he now smells a fish.The bonding co. was somehow cloned and the clone was not for real. We know we were stupid but it really all checked out and sounded like the deal of a lifetime. Live and learn! by the way, anybody want to buy a "Seven Mile Bridge"!
Oh Yeah,This happens allot!!!More than you can even Imagen,there has been several people around here scammed on deals like this!! If it's to good to be true,DON'T DO It!!!!:thumbsup:
Yeah, lots of scams going on. And unfortunately, the dollar value is so low that you can't get law enforcement interested in doing anything about it. Especially if there are so many false names and companies being used with the real source possibly being overseas. South Africa is a real hotbed of this sort of activity. One thing they do quite commonly is set up a scam where they want to pay for something with a cashier's check or money order that is much more than the price of the item, and have you send the balance to a third party to pay off some other debt the buyer has. Of course, the funds are all counterfeit, so when you send off your real money, you get royally shafted all the way around. I've had someone send me a counterfeit postal money order once for a camera I was selling. Luckily it didn't look right to me, so I took it directly to the postal authorities. Never heard a word about it afterwards, though.

BE suspicious of people! Most people online with merchandise sight unseen trying to stick their hand in your wallet just cannot be trusted. They will act like your very best friend up till that very instant when they finally have your money. Then *POOF*! All you have left is a bad memory that will eat at you for a LONG time.
I was selling a motorcycle a few years back and a guy tried to pull that scam on me. I was on to his scheme and played along. I now have a check(fake) for $13,500 hanging on the wall in my office. I even went to my bank and told them what I was doing and they were not interested. Hmmm?
Cashier's Check

An attorney friend once took a Cashier's Check on an "Orlando Bank" on a VW he had for sale. The purchase was on a Sat. Monday morning he tried to call the bank. It didn't exist. That little bit of education cost him $2600 back when that was a significant amount of money. Live and Learn.
Scammers suck! But they're out there:(

The Feds might be more interested than local authorities forr several reasons:

1) the "crime" spans jurisdictional and geographic boundries of several countries.
2) It is Internet connected.
3) Finally, a lot of these kind of scams can or are used to fund terrorist activities. With every agency in the world using "homeland security" as an excuse for delving into our private lives, I would think they would use the same pretext to track the $$$

I have a couple frineds with the feds that do just that:thumbsup:
:willy_nilly: It's so sad that people will do this sort of thing to others!:nonod:

I take solace in believing that... What goes around comes around.:yesnod::bash:
I only buy on site when it comes to big time money . The only way.:banghead::banghead::banghead::reddevil:
They're out there for sure.........got bit for $35,000.00

Took the chashier's check drawn out on a 3rd Fifth Bank to my bank, handed it to my bank manager and asked it be checked out before deposit.
Manager called 3rd Fifth with tracking number's and was told it was good.
Deposited into my account...........2 week's passed I called to make sure all was good w/ transaction.........bank manager said check went through and money now available my account.
10 day's later..........manager calls me and say's I need to come into the bank because check turned out to be counterfiet.
Got to the bank.......detectives waiting, FBI waiting.........sherriff's waiting.
It can be a real mess for sure. And believe me there are people out there damn good at forgeing counterfit that the best of the best can't tell the difference.
3rd Fifth had measures installed to catch these bum checks made on their bank and yet it still happened again to them.
My bank stood behind me because they knew I'd done all I could through them to avoid having a mess come about.
No, the counterfiter was never found.....or at least to this day I've never heard another word. Some 6 years ago now.:toetap05: