• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

GM sues replica Corvette maker


Island in the Caribbean.

General Motors is suing a small Ohio company for building replica versions of its iconic Corvette sports car, court documents show.

Mongoose Motorsports of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, specializes in replicas of the 1963 Corvette Grand Sport, the rarest Corvette model. Only five originals were built, and they sell for millions when they come up for auction, The Detroit News reported Sunday.

Mongoose replicas sell for less than $90,000, but GM is demanding Mongoose stop producing them at any price, the News said.

GM is suing for trademark infringement and says the replicas, which the automaker calls exact copies of the Corvette's design, have irreparably harmed their iconic brand.

"This is not an homage," GM spokesman Tom Wilkinson said.

Gary Krause Jr., Mongoose operations manager, was unaware of the suit until being contacted by the News.

"That's news to me," he said in a telephone interview. "I really would rather not go into any detail."

Source: http://www.upi.com
How is it damaging to GM? They're not making/selling them anymore....personally, I wish someone would start making 57 Chevy's again....
How is it damaging to GM? They're not making/selling them anymore....personally, I wish someone would start making 57 Chevy's again....

I agree. That's horsechit!!

More of GM's worthless whining:rolleyes::banghead:

Instead of concentrating on trying to stay afloat and do a solid business, ot seems they'd rather take aim at a small business, filling a niche market that they (GM) no longer care to fill!:mad:

If they care so much, why did they not offer the molds to the public themselves?

General Motors, (just in case your head is far enough outside your azz that you can actually hear?), that company has been around for years, not hiding from "you're prying eyes" and done the once great GS a real honor!:thumbsup:

You on the other hand, you greedy bastitches, have done NOTHING but gouge the buying public at every opportunity, ask for hand outs to make up for your inept business model, and rape the vette buying public by "branding" everything that touches a vette (even if it also fits a Camaro!) the guise of "elite customer loyalty.":rolleyes::rolleyes:

Instead of whining and crying about "trademark", why not hop on the bandwagon WITH them and start handling aftermarket and NOS parts for the cars...now there's a damned novel idea:rolleyes:

Instead, it seems you'd rather wait until someone else has taken all the risk, perfected the mold, done all the startup, and waited for it to become a bit profitable, before you "decided" that they were in violation.

You of all had the opportunity to do this yourself, yet chose not to take the risk?

If you're truly concerned over the companies handling of "your namesake", why not work WITH THEM instead of against them, to ensure the product meets "your approval" (I'm sure it far exceeds anything you've done;)) and share in both the profits and the costs.

Sorry for the rant, but these idiots at GM just piss me off!:mad:
Can't handle thier own business without a handout from "US" yet want to tell everyone else what to do:mad:

BTW-85...someone does:thumbsup:
Agreed...well said Shadow! Who was it that said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery??:yesnod: Why wouldn't the General do all they could to perpetuate the Corvette legend???
Agreed...well said Shadow! Who was it that said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery??:yesnod: Why wouldn't the General do all they could to perpetuate the Corvette legend???

Thanks brother. You'd think huh?

If they (GM) were still making them, or even making parts for them, then I could understand it.

This is just petty BS:thumbsdown:
Yeah.... I'd like to hear their argument about how a body style that they haven't made for over 40 years is going to be harmful to them by someone else making the replicas. The only way they COULD support that argument is IF they are intending to reintroduce that body style in the future. Heck, even patents expire in 17 years. :banghead:

The judge should just throw the case out of court and the defendants file a countersuit claiming abuse of process and defamation of character. I guess libel could be on the table as well, since falsely claiming someone has violated the law is one of the few clearcut ways to win a libel lawsuit.
Really now! Can you imagine the public response if GM announced they were offering a 1963 split window coupe for 2012 with the choice of LS-2 or LS-9 engines? (full factory warranty) Do you think they might sell a few?
This may be a poor analogy, but how is that different from the companies that build and sell Shelby Cobra replicas? Does Carroll Shelby or Ford get a piece of that action? :shrug01: I can think of waaaay better uses for GM to put the bailout money to.:yesnod:
Really now! Can you imagine the public response if GM announced they were offering a 1963 split window coupe for 2012 with the choice of LS-2 or LS-9 engines? (full factory warranty) Do you think they might sell a few?

Maybe this will light a fire under GM. Pretty much tell them that if they don't, someone else WILL. :thumbsup:
All excellent points--especially for those of us who have been involved with Vettes over the years. Until the C5 came along--what quality. I promised myself in the mid 70's never to darken the doorstep of another GM dealer, except for Corvette, due to the way they treated me on warranties and service--and I still stick to that promise. Most GM dealers are worse than Toyota Dealers--but at least Toyota builds a quality product. Just my two cents.:banghead:
:lmao::lmao::lmao: .......here's your :twocents: back.

You might want to hang on to that;)

Along with GM, We've had numerous Toyotas and Toyota products over the years.

Can't say I've had any real issues with any of them to speak of:NoNo:

The one or 2 little minor issues I've had, they've corrected in a matter of minutes or hours and without a peep. As a matter of fact, they've gone above and beyond by replacing the entire radio/CD system instead of trying to repair it as the warranty suggests.:dancer01:
It was "we're not gonna fix it, we're gonna replace it! Have it in here for you on Monday" and we were done:thumbsup:

You can beat these thinngs to death, run them into the ground, and still find a decent trade or buyer for them:D

My present DD is a ScionXD, a bastard stepchild of the Toyota brand.

That thing is a workhorse!

Great economy, comfortable for what it is, and quick, again for what it is. And dependable?

It's no vette, but no inherrent squeaks and rattles either.

All my 4x4's, 83 LB P/U, 74 FJ40 LANDCRUISER, and my 89 FK62 LANDCRUISER WAGON are all workhorses.

I'm hoping that, GM, since we paid for them to "get it together", will actually start doing so with the GS and future editions, and get back to making "Quality" "dependable" cars and trucks and stand behind thier warranties:thumbsup:
All excellent points--especially for those of us who have been involved with Vettes over the years. Until the C5 came along--what quality. I promised myself in the mid 70's never to darken the doorstep of another GM dealer, except for Corvette, due to the way they treated me on warranties and service--and I still stick to that promise. Most GM dealers are worse than Toyota Dealers--but at least Toyota builds a quality product. Just my two cents.:banghead:

Not lately...

I agree with you Melsy (see my previous post).

I sort of liken the present Toyota brand to having (God don't let me step on anyones toes here:eek::toetap05:) an Oriental bride.

When you first meet them, most are very patient, almost subservient, and willing to please.

Give them 20 years in the states and it's "who do I look like fool? Betty Freakin' Crocker?"
Get the f**k up and fix your own damned dinner...:rofl1::rofl1::lmao::lmao:

Toyota has somehow "adopted" the Western civilizations "work ethic":rolleyes:and level of "honor, trust and loyalty", which, if they don't change, is very likely to send them down the tubes.

Man up to your defects and QC issues, fix them, recall them and make sure they don't get repeated!
Patent's and copy right laws have been broken. They Moongoose
deserve a law suit and to lose. Do the right thing--it is always
the easiest way. They should of contacted GM and asked permission
to copy.