• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

End Of An ERA - LOVE IS BLUE gone!

Mr. Blue

New member
Hello friends!
You may wonder why I haven't been here in a while. Aside from health issues, the end of an era has finally come in my long history with my 1966 Corvette, LOVE IS BLUE.

On June 17th, 2010 the big truck stopped in front of my house and after I did one last long smoky burnout on the street in front of my house, I drove my life's work into the trailer and she was strapped down and taken to her new owner, Bruce Carson in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

Yes, I sold my longest and closest friend after 42 years together. While I didn't get what I was hoping for, due to the sick economy, I got enough so my wife and I could pay off our second mortgage and her '05 Chrysler, Crossfire. Between those payments we were drowning in shortfalls since she was forced out of her job into early retirement. Just not enough money at the end of each month and we kept getting deeper in debt each month.

I can no longer do the work myself on LOVE and there was no money to pay others to do the many things necessary to keep such a beast running in top conditions, so I let her go to someone who has the money and love to take it to the next level hopefully. We are keeping in touch and he has LOTS of questions each week about how this or that works and has sent several photos since he's received her, so I'll be involved with LOVE for a while at least. Not sure if that is a good thing or bad yet. Time will tell...

I will really miss each of my friends here at CrovetteFlorida.com. Over the years we have enjoyed meeting and driving together from time to time and for others we have spent countless hours chatting back and forth. Great memories.

Here are the photos of that final day. Enjoy, Glenn

Getting into LOVE for the final ride to the trailer:

TFX big rig transporter for trip to Canada:

Driver Dan directing me onto lift:

Final walk around inspection prior to loading:

One last loving look and saying goodbye:

Trying hard not to cry:

Loaded into the upper deck front spot:

Final walk away in tears:

Arrival and unloaded in Edmonton AB, Canada:

LOVE's new home in Bruce's garage in Canada:

New owner and friends removing nose for first inspection of motor:

Nose off and ready for new owner's inspection:

The new saga begins all over again....:wavey:

As you, I'm sorry to see Blue gone and understand your emotions.

She was an icon. One of the most memorable Corvettes I've ever seen. The first time I saw her, I was awestruck!

The work, the detail, it was obvious why she was called "LOVE."

She served you well and you gave her your heart and soul for 42 years. That's a hell of an accomplishment my friend!:thumbsup:

She's in a good place now, well kept and cared for, and as with any open adoptions, you'll still have plenty of contact and communication with the new "parent."

You've got your photos. memories, the sites you've been on, and other memorabilia to help you through the tough spots.

What's more, you have your friends here a CorvetteFlorida.com to help you through.

Not being an "owner" doesn't make you any less an "enthusiast."

Furthermore, just because you're vetteless, doesn't excommunicate you from the "family." (trust me on this one!:D).

As a matter of fact, I'm not sure it's possible to "escape" your friends here if you tried?:lmao::lmao::thumbsup::dancer01:
You'll always be part of the family, even if you drive a Scion:eek: (you might be the one they keep locked in the bedroom or attic when guests are over, but you'll still be a part:lmao::lmao:)

Look at it this way (it's the way I looked at getting rid of my old beater 87).
The 2 of you enjoyed many good years and miles together.
She brought you accolades and many new friends.
She brought you pleasure, and In the end, she looked after you one more time, showing you "LOVE" by providing you the finances to do what needed to be done:thumbsup:

As we all know, financial stress can be a killer, screw up a relationship and makes life miserable.

Take some time now, enjoy your new less stressful life, and remember, you're always "family" here my friend:thumbsup:

Well said Gordon . I will miss the photo shoots a lot !!:yesnod:
Not many of us can build a car like that let us know how she is doing.

:peelout 1:
Car was one of the coolest I ever saw......It will always be your creation. Props to all you did and it's going to a good owner.
Glenn, I've seen some incredible pictures of BLUE over the years, but nothing can come
close to seeing her in the flesh. I know that you've been looking to sell her for awhile, and
now you don't have to worry about doing that anymore. Tell the new owner that the
new license plate HAS to say BLUE-EH? :rofl1: Things happen for a reason, and there
was a reason (or two) to sell. Something else will come up that will take up your time
(and empty your wallet) with the same passion that BLUE did but with less of the physical
demands. Ya see, like one of my buddies says, "There's always another rodeo down the road",
and you'll find something. Keep looking ahead and don't spend too much time looking
in the rear view mirror because what's important ain't back there most times.
Keep on posting we enjoy the company and miss it when you're away, and besides.......
If you're gone for too long.......Shadow will come looking for you! :D:D
Andy Anderson :wavey:

I am awe struck at the comments you guys are posting here and in my e-mail slot.
I'm at a loss for words at the moment...and for me that says a lot.

Thanks, Glenn
You can tell it hurt to let that beautiful creation go. She was a one and only. You should always be proud of her and know that you raised it to become the badass that it is today. Whoa, am I talking about a car or a person. :D Either way, I hope she's found a new home that is at least half as good as her previous one...if so, she's got a lot of good years left ahead of her.