• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Social security (or lack thereof)....

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
You know, I'm under a year away from being able to collect my Florida state retirement benefits, and about 4 years away from being able to collect my federal ss benefits. But with all the fiscal doom and gloom on the state and federal levels, it's got me wondering if that will actually happen. Either those benefits are going to be dissolved outright, or the age where they can be collected will suddenly rise to 99 years of age.

So who is going to bail out the USA when it goes belly up? Surely the rest of the world would consider the USA as being "too big to fail" now wouldn't it?

Speaking of which, I was just reading an article where the USA is bailing out Mexico in relation to the drug war down there getting ready to topple the government. The reasoning is that Mexico is too close to the USA, and the country failing would be disastrous for our country because of that close proximity.

Now just where in sam hill is the USA getting all the money to be bailing out everyone and their brother? With jobs folding up right and left, that means federal income taxes are taking a nose dive. Or haven't they figured that out yet by just adding 2 and 2 together?
Well my freind, the people of this great nation have elected a government that will lead us down the path to socialism. The world is becoming more socialistic. This great Republic of the United States of America, once the shining star of Democracy and Individual Freedom, is starting to dim. We are allowing the government to slowly,
bit- by- bit, replace individual freedom, with communal compliance.

Did you hear that the U.N. wants to remove the US Dollar as the world standard? There are many in the government that support this proposal. If this were to happen, think about this, would any country back the Trillions of dollars of a common coin of exchange? And what standard would take it's place?

This may not even be necessary, if the value of the US Dollar continues to drop the World Exchange will devalue the US Dollar to a fraction of it's current exchange rate.

Where are those 3 million jobs this spending bill was supposed to "save or create"?

Where is the money the banks received to put back into the economy so that people could re-fi their bad A.R.M. loans? To be able to get financing to buy your first home?

Look into it, Billions were invested in foreign banks, not US Domestic banks, Billions to Foreign Banks. None to local community banks !

I am going to close my accounts with Bank of America and invest in a local bank. Bank of America was the second largest spender of our money to foreign banks. Not on my "dime".
Actually we never were a "democracy". Our government was set up as a constitutional republic because our forefathers who crafted the US Constitution knew the dangers of the "tyranny of the majority" that a democracy thrives on. In actuality, democracy is generally the step right before full blown communism.

Want to know what true blue 100 percent democracy REALLY is? It's two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner tonight. In which case, if you happen to be the sheep, democracy REALLY sucks.....

Now in a case of a constitutional republic, such a scenario just cannot legally take place. At least in theory. Because the constitution sets basic rules that not even a malinformed majority are supposed to be able to violate.

That is the beauty of the US Constitution. And the crying shame that our government has subverted and perverted just about every protection that has been written into it.
It is truly a disappointment that our country is heading in this direction. The biggest heartbreak of all, however, is that this has been mandated by the MAJORITY of American voters. Pelosi, Frank, Kennedy, and Obama have all been elected by a majority. I am now learning first hand what it feels like to be a MINORITY...:banghead:
Want to know what true blue 100 percent democracy REALLY is? It's two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner tonight. In which case, if you happen to be the sheep, democracy REALLY sucks.....

I never thought of it this way always being one of the wolves, but now in sheep's clothing this is spot on.
Did you hear that the U.N. wants to remove the US Dollar as the world standard? There are many in the government that support this proposal. If this were to happen, think about this, would any country back the Trillions of dollars of a common coin of exchange? And what standard would take it's place?

Heard that, won't happen.

Nothing out there is strong enough, even with our weak asssed dollar, to handle it.

Besides, even some of the hand wringers that voted for him are now starting to see the light.

I don't have anything against him and wish him wll in fixing our broken economy and markets. That said, I don't think he has a clue (based upon recent decisions) on how to do it:nonod:

Before we have full blown socialism, there will be revolt in this country:thumbsdown::nonod:

Lets pray it doesn't get to that point.....
Before we have full blown socialism, there will be revolt in this country:thumbsdown::nonod:

Lets pray it doesn't get to that point.....

Keeping in mind that this is a dodgy thing to say... if we head towards socialism, isn't a revolt preferred to the alternative?:nonod:
Keeping in mind that this is a dodgy thing to say... if we head towards socialism, isn't a revolt preferred to the alternative?:nonod:

I guess it depends on the extent of socialism and one's particular viewpoints.

Everyone has a "hot button" and of course, not everyones is the same.

I think the biggest issues will be taxation without representationm control of the banking system and guns.

I think those three things, or some combination thereof, could very well throw us into a revolution....especially the financial matters.

Don't wait to claim your bennies. Get them at 62, not 67 or later.
For the amount you'll get at 62, it will take you 7 or 8 years to get close to.
You can continue to work, at full pay, which will give you much more, in the long run.
Talk to a money manager and see what they say.
The bigger question is,
Will you live long enough to enjoy the extra money you waited for?
Look at it this way.
Buy a new vette now and have SS pay for it. When it's paid for, say thanks to your uncle sam and the kiddies now working to pay for it.
Just think of it as, a new vette, FREE!
Im not even going to rely on SS when it comes time for me, even if I get to that age. Im sure by that time itll be dried up or just stricken from the books.

Id say all these people going to jail like Madoff, recoup all the money hes stolen, repay the people who invested and take the rest and put it back into the systems to take care of people who need it(like people relying on SS, or disability), not people riding around in 100k $ trick cars, but live in the worst part of town, or like the woman whose decided to have 14 kids with no job and no source of income.