• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Brown recluse spider bite

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Yes, these things ARE found in Florida. And as can be seen, nothing you want to mess around with.

The critter:

Day 3 after bite:

Day 4 after bite:

Day 5 after bite:

Day 6 after bite:

Day 9 after bite:

Day10 after bite:

No, I don't know whom the hand belongs to. This was sent to me via an email.

BTW, there has been some discussion about this not actually being a bite from a Brown Recluse Spider, but no one has been able to say what exactly it is from. Be that as it may, WHATEVER made this bite is NOT something I would want to have any where near me!
The first 3 pics look like the real thing. My son was bitten on the elbow by one and it got pretty nasty and took forever to heal... and lots of meds. I would think if it got as bad as those last pics his thumb or hand would be long gone...and Sh*t talk about painful.....
I work for a county government and one of the code enforcement officers was bitten on the thumb and what I heard he did loose his hand. What I see there is just about what was described to me. So what you see may well be actual. I believe there were a few complications that set in also, it was not just from the bite, although I understand you do not want to take a chance with one of those spiders.
i was bit 10 years ago on my right calf,my leg turned lack and oozed pus for weeks,ive seen countless doctors, i still have problems several times a year because the poision kills the cells and rots the meat.yeah i know gross,leg will swell so big i cant wear jeans,these little critters are mean,i wouldnt wish this on my ex-wife.....well maybe her
Brown Recluse, Brown and Black Widow

Living here on the nature coast I have woods around me and yes all of these critters are here. The widows especially like to make egg sacks under the manual garage door handles and they hide in there. If you are bitten get to the hospital.
my husband was bitten by one and fortunately not injected with poison. still an icky bite though. We found the spider dead in the bed so apparently he rolled over on it.
Nytro said:

I too hate spiders. :ack2:

I do like all Herps though. I have a pet Corn Snake in my office. Whenever someone comes over who I don't care for, such as a salesman, I bring them into the office and offer them a seat on the couch. It's right next to the tank where good ol' "Mr. Bill" lives.

If you don't like snakes, don't click on this link. It's a photo of Mr. Bill eating dinner.
Daytona-Flyer said:
I too hate spiders. :ack2:

I do like all Herps though. I have a pet Corn Snake in my office. Whenever someone comes over who I don't care for, such as a salesman, I bring them into the office and offer them a seat on the couch. It's right next to the tank where good ol' "Mr. Bill" lives.

If you don't like snakes, don't click on this link. It's a photo of Mr. Bill eating dinner.

Wow! Another corn snake enthusiast.... You need to check out my other sites:


:hehehe: :hehehe:

Right now I have 3,600+ corn snake eggs incubating.

This is what has been keeping me busy lately.....



I dont like snakes with a passion (well like them just scared),
But those guys are beautiful and didnt make me all shakey seeing them:rofl1: Ive never been scared of corn snakes

I came to this post because, On cnn a week ago I got to see this story
spiders found in boys ear
Now being that I have cronic ear infections, this has drove me nuts everytime my ears hurt.


Ive been to your other sites. I thought I recognized your name. Where do you find the time?

I bought my Okeetee from Kathy Love just over three years ago. He will be four years old in June. The photo was taken when he was a yearling.

All three you posted are fine looking. I really like the striped one. Is the center one a Sunglow?

Here is an two year old photo of Mr. Bill exploring my Ham Radio station.


Yeah, I've known Kathy for a LONG time.... She's good people. That's a FINE looking Okeetee you got from her!

The snakes in the photos above are (1) Blizzard Corn, (2) Fluorescent Orange Corn, and (3) Butter Stripe Corn.

I just love the genetics potentials in these critters. Been fortunate enough to be the first to uncover several of the genes we are now working with. It's actually pretty thrilling to have something hatch out that has NEVER been seen by anyone else on the planet before.

There's a BIG reptile show in Daytona Beach in mid August which is something you should think about going to if you have the time. Biggest reptile show in the world, I believe. Unfortunately we have to drive the van, so we will be vetteless there. Maybe you can bring yours and I can at least sit in the passenger seat for a few moments..... :hehehe:
If I'm not mistaken, the bite of a Florida Brown Recluse Spider can indeed have that effect. It's poison will rott the skin around the bite if left untreated immediately.

It's venom is supposedly deadlier then the Black Widow Spider which can also be found in Florida. I believe it delivers toxin that is designed to get right at your heart and stop it (sorry, forget the term for it). I have seen someone bitten by a Black Widow but was treated somewhat quickly and you could see what appeared to be a swollen vein from the bite on the hand up to the chest near the heart. Just imagine taking a pink highlighter and drawing a line from your thumb, up your arm, across your shoulder and to your chest.

They are nastly little booger!:thumbsdown:
Rich Z said:
There's a BIG reptile show in Daytona Beach

I've been to the EXPO a few time. It's a great show. Daytona Beach is only around 25 miles south of me.

This year, I'd like to attend some of seminars across the street at the new Hilton (Adam's Mark).

You wouldn't be giving one, would you?

recluse bites

I got a bite on my right hip about 15 years ago... it's nasty, I couldn't walk, I even lost my job because of that damn spider. the problem is that you normally won't feel a recluses' bite, till much later. then you better get to the doc fast, I lost a good amount of flesh from my hip. although I must admit, It didn't look as bad as that thumb!! but I did catch it early.
The thing to remember is that ALL spiders deliver a venomous bite. Some worse than others, and many dependent on whether you have a reaction to the venom. Some spider bites may be completely unknown as to a human being's reaction to the venom. Heck, there may even be spiders here that have never even been identified and cataloged. So treat them all seriously. I know I've seen some pretty weird ones around here....

Here's one I saw last year or so that had a glowing neon arrow shape on it.

Did you know that even the daddy long legged spider is poisonous. They can't hurt you though because their mouths aren't big enough to actually bite you.:yesnod: