• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Its Halloween


That means I will be scaring the crap out of all that come venture into my driveway.

I only get one night a year, so I take NO prisoners!!

Last year I had a crowd of about 40 people across the street. watching drinkin and laughin.

Yes, small children WILL cry tonight!!!

If anyone is in the the area and want to stop by just call:

Can you imagine the poor children who ring Rich's doorbell, the door opens, and there's thousands of snakes crawling around....:eek: :eek: :eek:
Several years ago I decided to get with the Halloween spirit, but I was stuck answering the door. I bought a rubber mask that was different, it just looked like a creapy old man with white hair. It had toned down features giving it a realistic look while being extremely creapy. I wore a black turtle neck shirt, held my arm and hand in a fixed-bent and contracted posture while talking in a slow creapy voice. I would say,"would you children like some candy" in a slow and old voice. The house was black with justy a small lamp to one side to illuminate my profile from one side. I had some kids run away from the house before they got their candy. After realizing my appearance was too scary for the little kids, I surveyed my trick-or-treaters before opening the door. If they were little, I left the mask off and acted normal, that might have been scary enough! Over the next few months talking with my neighbors I learned how effective my mask and act had been. The lady next door, accompaning her little son, was so freightened she almost bolted from my front door with her little boy. Another neighbor told me her little son now points to my house when they drive by and calls it the "haunted house."

My goal was not to traumatize the kids and ruin Halloween for them, so if I see a frozen face with the mouth open, I remove the mask and say "Happy Halloween"! Tonight, after the little kids have gone with their parents and before the next wave of young adolescents arrive; I will make the transformation. Would anyone like some candy?
Throw caution to the wind.

:wavey: Go for it, scare the Hell out of them.:reddevil:
This is our/your time to get even with them, before they turn into Teenie bopping Azzholes. (Then you'll wish you had).

Sure, you'll scar a few of the good ones too, and they'll need therapy for the rest of their lives. :rofl1: Not to worry though, therapy is the in thing for kids these days anyway. You'll just be making sure their parents are getting a bang for their buck.:D

Have fun making a few of them wet themselves (parents too). Then call it a night, and rest assured you'll save on the candy expense for next year.:hehehe:
Get Ade to take some pictures. I'd love to see the setup.

BTW, you don't need a costume to be scary Ivo! :hehehe: