• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Some people are just damned ignorant!

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Took the vette out today to run to the post office and then took a short drive to "break in the turbos" somewhat. My wife works at Myway Seafood in Panacea on Wednesdays, so I drove on down there to visit with her for a while. While I was standing there a woman pulls up in an old pickup truck (a customer), and the first thing she does is to come around to the passenger side and pull her dog (boston terrier?) out and walk over to where the parking area is. Well I couldn't see exactly what was going on, but she put her dog down, and it dawned on me that he was probably taking a piss. I thought I saw the dog get awfully close to my car, so when she put the dog back in her truck, I casually walked over there to take a look.

Sure enough. Damned dog had pissed on my right rear wheel and tire. Tell you what, I was PISSED! :mad: I walked up to the loading area where she was standing and flat out confronted here, saying something along the lines of "Excuse me, but do you really think it is just OK to allow your dog to piss on other people's vehicles? Don't you even have the faintest idea of how damed RUDE that is?" She looked like I had grown horns or something and didn't seem to have the slightest idea of why someone would get upset over something like that. She said something lame about not having a leash for the dog, and didn't have any water or anything to clean it up with. I told her that THIS place certainly has water available and I got a roll of paper towels out of the office. So she put water in a cup and went over and poured it on my pissed on wheel to rinse it off and then wiped it dry with the paper towels. All the while looking like she just couldn't understand what was wrong with what she had done.

Hell, there are trees all around us and she has to take her dog and put him on the ground right between the vehicles. What the hell did she THINK he was going to choose to piss on? I honestly think that if she had given me a ration of crap about it I would have punched a woman in the face for the first time in my life.

I apologized to the owner of Myway and she told me people do that all of the time there. They will pull up and take their dogs out of the vehicle and the dog will crap right there in the parking area. They do absolutely nothing about it and apparently don't give it a second thought. And this is a place where people come to buy food!

While I was talking to the owner and my wife, another truck pulls up, this time with TWO dogs in the front seat. I said my goodbyes and got the hell out of there....... Certainly they would have smelled the dog piss and then done the same thing. I just didn't want to be in the papers tomorrow morning and have you guys reading about some madman shooting a couple of dogs and their owners in Panacea, FL......

Anyway, just needed to vent........ What the hell do some people use their brains for?
Rich, I would have whipped it out and pissed on her wheel! That is just absolutely ridiculous. :banghead: :mad: :mah: :bash: :spank2: :ahh: :pokey: :brick2:
Anyone know of a list of what exactly is considered to be "justifiable homicide" within the state of Florida? :bash:
Rich, I think you held your temper in check much better than I might have. As for what they use their brains for...to keep their 'roids company.:rolleyes:
I would have pissed in the window on her dog!!!

I would have pissed in her coffee. Sorry done that already...:rolleyes:

Gotta hand it to the dog....he's got good taste. Marked his territory properly.
Still, I think I would have layed a turd on her door handle.
(She most likely would have eaten it thinking it was a chocolate eclaire.....)
BTW...making her clean it off was priceless. How many teeth did she have? When I went to school up there I was amazed at the single digit IQ's and all the same last names. Made for a very thin phone book.

You know you would like to have a picture of it now. lol

BC :lmao:
Actually the woman acted like she had just had a lobotomy. I can't believe she just stood there watching her dog piss on that wheel and not think someone might not really care for it all that much. And then when I confronted her about it, she acted like she was disconnected from reality. No facial expressions, no change in voice, nothing. Completely in neutral...

Well I guess murders are pretty darn hard to solve in some areas around here. No dental records for anyone and the DNA of everyone is all the same....... :lmao:
You're kill'in me.
I was just thinking about all the trips down to Wakulla Springs. Remember the rope? That too, but I was thinking of the smoking kind.
Man, we had too much fun.
I'll never let my Daughter go to school there. I want her to at least be able to support me when I am being set in my Vette or propped up on my Harley!!! :rofl1:
what the....

I'll say this, I for one will NEVER pizz on your tire, especially after hearing about this.:NoNo:

I just don't understand the mentality of the majority of people these days!:shrug01:
In a less public setting, I believe I would have done atleast one of the things mentioned by the others.

Imo..It sure would be nice if there were (better) laws that protected personal property in cases such as this. (there are laws that are more stupid)
Allowing an animal to do their business at a public place w/out the slightest consideration for others.:banghead:

The last thing I want to do is step in something someones dog left behind. Tracking it into a store, restaurant or especially my car where it gets into the carpet.
Wow, I got heated up over this and it wasn't even my car!:D