• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.



Cabin Rental...
On the day we arrived (Aug 3rd), we hadn't been at the cabin 30 minutes when the Cleaning Lady knocked on the door. She welcomed us to the cabin, then pointed out the floor in front of the refrigerator. She explained their had been a leak of some sort, which came from the Air conditioning Unit inside the house. She wanted to make sure we knew the hump in the floor was there, and we didn't trip over it. I explained to her that I already had and it was an accident waiting to happen. She said to be careful and left shortly after...

On our 3rd day there Tyler and I went to Helen Ga for a day trip. When we returned to the cabin (early afternoon) there were 3 vehicles in the driveway. The cleaning lady was there, a relative (father or grandfather) to the owner and a repairman, who was inside the house already. The cleaning lady handed me a phone, telling me that Wendy (the rental agency liason) wanted to talk to me.

Wendy advised me that She thought we'd be checking out THAT day, and had already made arrangements for the repairman to come out and look at the A/C unit and floor, thinking we'd be gone. She told me that she (Wendy) was unaware that her Co-worker had already made arrangements with us to stay an extra night.
NOTE: This arrangement was made several days before our arrival date and is on the Contract that we signed.

Wendy apologized for the mix up and inconvenience and told me we had to leave the house, stating that it was too dangerous for us to stay there with the floor being damaged, and that it had to be repaired.
Wendy advised me of two places (rental homes) they could move us to. We chose the one on a creek.

Well, the new home didn't have nearly the same amenities as the one we were forced to leave, and was way smaller to boot.
NTM, it wasn't secluded at all (as we were told). It was in a Sub division (community) of sort, where the homes were "just a few feet" from one another and the creek was really small compared to the river at the house we had to leave!
The home had limited premium satellite channels (compared to the house we had to leave), No ice in the freezer (apparently the ice maker had been turned off or is broken), a tiny park like grill and NO grilling utensils whatsoever.
The house was HOT inside when we arrived and had only two ceiling fans (one in the living room and one in the upstairs bedroom but, none in the downstairs bedroom). The A/C unit never allowed the house to get below 82 degrees, The upstairs porch's doors didn't lock. There was no DVD player (as advertised), only a VCR player (and just a few movies) located upstairs in the bedroom where the TV didn't get Satellite at all.
Also note..The telephone didn't have free LONG DISTANCE svc like the house we had to leave. And our cell phones couldn't get svc in the area.
To top it all off...the house they sent us to, was $25.00 less expensive.
Once I returned home, I advised Angel of the situation with the floor, a/c, us having to move etc etc. and we decided to wait, and get our deposit back and to see if they were going to compensate us for the $ amount difference, before we called to complain...About two weeks later, Angel calls the rental agency (Wendy) to see where our check (deposit) was and to voice her concerns.

Well, (according to the rental agency) the Owner is keeping $200.00 of our $250.00 security deposit. Claiming that We the RENTER are at fault for the floor damage because, We didn't tell anyone of the problem with the A/C unit, And We allowed the floor to get damaged as a result.
Also, the owner is claiming that the electric bill was higher than normal during our stay. Which according to the owner, was a result of the faulty A/C unit that We didn't report to anyone. So we're responsible for part of the "higher" bill.

QUESTIONS: (1) If no one knew (as Wendy now claims) of the problem with the A/C unit and the damaged floor, why did the cleaning lady warn me of the hump in the floor. (2)Also, note that SHE (Wendy) had already scheduled an appointment for the repairman to come out to fix the A/C unit, and to look at the damaged floor for the day that SHE thought we were leaving, prior to us even getting to the rental!!!? (3) Why did they rent the cabin to us to begin with? (4) How in the hell is ANY of this MY fault???

Below are the two houses. The first link is to the house we were forced to leave. The second link is to the smaller house they sent us to.
:shrug01:9 months ago I complained of water running on out on the garage floor of my apartment. My garage is below my apartment. They said the air conditioner was dripping water into the hot water safety pan and was going down the overflow. Nothing was done.
Two months ago I complained of water stains appearing on my garage walls. They tried to fix it with paint, but I said no.
Saturday I asked them if I should report the mold growing on my garage walls to the Health Dept. They said what mold and on Monday they came and looked. They tore down a section of ceiling and water flew all over. A lot of mold, black in color. Everything is saturated, and wow what cheap construction. I can't believe it passed inspection. After getting water and drywall junk over my stuff they left.
Tuesday I asked what was going to happen and was told they are waiting for everything to dry out so they can inspect it.
Funny no one has fixed or even mentioned the AC leaking water on the floor in my utility closet. I wish I was as smart as them so I would know how it was going to dry out.

Ray sorry for the Hi Jack, but some people just amaze me :shrug01:
Ray, I'd say it's time to lawyer up and take these jokers to court (or at least threaten to). They obviously knew of the A/C unit leak and the floor damage and you shouldn't be responsible for any of it. I'd at least get a lawyers advice about how to proceed. Good luck.:thumbsup:
Ray, although I'm a little trashed at the moment, this is a no-brainer even for me!

Shoot a letter to this prick explaining in no uncertain terms, how dissatisfied you are, how you intend to put all this crap on the internet, and that if you're no issued a refund of your FULL deposit (and maybe even some compensation for your trouble and inconvenience, you're gonna make his ass waste 6 times that amount on a mouthpiece when you tie his ass up in court:thumbsup:

Want me to write it (when i sober up thatis)?
Man, sorry to hear about these jokers ruining your trip. How did you pay that security deposit?

Further, an attorney would cost you far more than that $200. Especially being out of state. And something tells me they are familiar with this sort of thing. Could be an ongoing scam they run to make extra money off of forfeited deposits for bogus damage.

You could try a better business complaint or see if the rental agency is under an association with some sort of arbitration oversight committee. Call the agency and bump it up the chain of command. The higher you go, the better chance you have of getting it resolved.

Or you could just keep quiet and rent the place next year. Some judiciously placed dead fish or urine in the heating system could "improve" the atmosphere of the place. :reddevil:

Good luck!
Shadow is correct .Trip Advisor is one site.

I am?:lmao:

Whoa! Cool, thanks!:thumbsup:

Seriously though Rich, although I mentioned an attorney, he doesn't "need" one at present. In fact all he "needs" he's sitting in front of as he posts:thumbsup:

A nice :reddevil:"informative" letter to this joker or the leasing/rental agency informing them of his intentions will likely work just fine.

As you mentioned also, a call and/or letter to the BBB/association, etc, will help.

And in his letter he can forwarn the individual that he/she may be liable for attorney fees and court costs.

Even if this knucklehead is used to pulling this scam on the unsuspecting, I would be willing to wager that when confronted, he'll back down:thumbsup: Most of these scammers look for easy prey. When there's a likelyhood of government intervention (ie the health dept., law enforcement, housing, courts, etc) most of them don't want the added attention.

On the other hand Ray. Has he ever met you? I can see it now.

Ray looking down at this scammer, casting a shadow over this SOB with that I'm gonna eat ya for dinner look in his eye, asking this fine upstanding individual if they could possibly come to some sort of agreement:lmao::lmao::thumbsup:

Seriously Ray, let me know if you need help?

Ray, although I'm a little trashed at the moment, this is a no-brainer even for me!

Shoot a letter to this prick explaining in no uncertain terms, how dissatisfied you are, how you intend to put all this crap on the internet, and that if you're no issued a refund of your FULL deposit (and maybe even some compensation for your trouble and inconvenience, you're gonna make his ass waste 6 times that amount on a mouthpiece when you tie his ass up in court:thumbsup:

Want me to write it (when i sober up thatis)?
The Shadow knows!!:thumbsup: He composed a E-Mail for me to a Rude Internet inquirer about my Harley that was as Rude as the inquirer and Funny as Sh*t!! I ended up selling the dude the bike with no Reduction in Price!!!:thumbsup::lmao::lmao::lmao:

PS It's all is posted in the Roadhouse!! :thumbsup::lmao:

Tell them that if they don't refund your money, that you will fly up there, walk into his/her office, stand on his/her desk, and piss on his/her head. :crazy03:
Tell them that if they don't refund your money, that you will fly up there, walk into his/her office, stand on his/her desk, and piss on his/her head. :crazy03:


Depending on this other clowns height, Ray might not even need a desk:yesnod::rofl1: