• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

An Introduction To Corvettes Anonymous


New member

For those in existing clubs, those seeking a club, or for those who want to be affiliated with something bigger than “local”, let me introduce you to Corvettes Anonymous

NOTE What follows is a full revision that is in response to the posts by JimZ06 and 9T8Vette below.


1. What is Corvettes Anonymous?
Corvettes Anonymous is a non-profit, International Tongue In Cheek Support Group for anyone who is passionate about Corvettes ~ whether they own none, one, or several.

2. What is your purpose?
Our Mission Statement is “To actively support anyone’s passion for Corvettes, to assist them in any way we can, with Their Problem An additional purpose is to assist those less fortunate in life’s circumstances, through our donation of proceeds from retail sales to selected charities.

3. How did Corvettes Anonymous come about?
The idea and the philosophy had been jelling for about a year, but the name didn’t come into being until the 2006 Corvettes In Venice show, sponsored by Venice Florida Corvettes.

After the dinner party, several Show Goers were sitting around discussing the cars they once owned, have now, wish they owned, and / or the ones that got away.

Since the group was represented by enthusiasts from several areas of Florida, they also were talking about how cool it would be to belong to a Nationwide Association ~ be traveling outside one’s home area and bump into someone who recognized the logo and also belonged.

Suddenly someone stood up and said,

“Hi, my name is Pedro and I have a problem!”

Corvettes Anonymous was born!

4. How are your charities selected?
On the basis of function and the percentage of money that actually gets to those in need.

The Founding Chapter is currently supporting a local Community Services Food Bank, to which we deliver canned & boxed foods, personal hygiene items, and baby goods. Last July, we delivered almost 600 lbs and in January '07 we delivered close to the same amount.

5. Do you also support other types of charities?
Yes. We are also support Isaiah’s Inn, another local non-profit organization that provides short-term needs for shelter, food and clothing of those less fortunate families who are motivated to become economically self-sufficient. Approximately 80% of their families are single parent moms. Last year 96.5% of all monies spent by Isaiah's went directly to their families.

6. So, Is Corvettes Anonymous a Club, an Internet Forum, or a Retail Vendor?
None of the above. Think of Corvettes Anonymous as being similar to a software program that runs in the background. It is an Association that does not compete with other Corvette clubs or Internet Forums for membership.

Most of our members are also members of one or more Corvette clubs in their local areas. Likewise, several of our members prefer to remain outside the regimen of structured clubs. Many are members and Supporting Members of one or more Internet Corvette forums.

As an Association, we support Corvette Clubs and Forums by assisting to promote them and their activities and by our participation in their events.

The Retail side of Corvettes Anonymous exists to support the charities as indicated above.

7. Addictions of any kind are a serious matter. By your name, aren’t you taking that a bit lightly?
The Founders of Corvettes Anonymous are acutely aware of that issue. It is never our intent to take any debilitating addiction lightly or in jest.

We also believe that whether one’s hobby is collecting stamps, model railroading, or in this case Corvettes, there is a positive side which is the joy and camaraderie to be shared with others. It is that part of "The Problem” to which Corvettes Anonymous is are referring and wants to promote.

8. This is all well and good, but why would I want to become a member of Corvettes Anonymous?
Whether it is membership in the National Model Railroad Association, National Association of Rocketry or being a member of an online Corvette Community, the Founders believe the answer lies in the fact that Associations like these transcend membership in a local club.

Apparel and accessories readily available from these associations demonstrates that members are proud to be involved with something larger than local and want others to know about it. And in our case, it is about the "Tug-on-the-leg".

Part of the attraction for Corvettes Anonymous is the possibility of going to a local event in or one outside one’s home area and bumping into someone from “God Knows Where” who is wearing a Corvettes Anonymous shirt, some other apparel, and / or has a decal on their car.

The Founders also believe another primary attraction to Corvettes Anonymous is the charitable aspect of its Mission Statement. We may be being philanthropic on behalf of others but we believe there is a satisfaction in knowing that one’s contribution (whether through retail purchases, donations, or physical effort) goes to a worthy cause.

9. Does someone have to own a Corvette to be a member of Corvettes Anonymous?
No. They just simply will have an appreciation for Corvettes and share the passion and excitement.

10. Is there a requirement to become a member of Corvettes Anonymous in order to purchase retail products or to donate to the charities?
Once again, the answer is No. Anyone can purchase or donate as they wish.

11. If there is no requirement, why bother at all?
We are working on several perk options to be included in the Official Corvettes Anonymous website that will be available only to Members.

For example, one of the most unique aspects is an O-t-In feature allowing members to have their own private email vis-à-vis sarah@corvettesanonymous.com Details on this and other programs are available on our website.

12. How do I become a Member?Anyone who makes an initial purchase of $40 or more, will receive a full membership packet and can participate in all of the opportunities offered to the entire membership.

13. What is the next step?
Whether you are interested in becoming a member of Corvettes Anonymous or not, I would like to invite you to view our current products.

14. What is expected of me as a Member?
Just that you embrace the philosophy that you may have a problem, that you vow to help others by conveying your understanding of their problem and finally that you will wear your purchases to events in your area and assist us in rolling out Corvettes Anonymous.

Those of us already involved with Corvettes Anonymous see this as somewhat of a “movement” so it is our desire to roll this out as widely as we can.

In just a few short months, we have grown from the initial dozen or so to an International Association with over 100 members. Our members range from age 15 to 80+ and are scattered from North & South California to Canada, to several members in The United Kingdom.

I sincerely do hope you will join us!

15. One last question ~ How do I know if I Have A Problem?
Funny you should ask!
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Tom, I can't tell if your kidding or not, but I will tell you that if this is a no-kidding club/organization and my wife finds out about it she'll make me join in a heartbeat!!!!! You should have patches made with the logo on them. I would wear it on my flight suit!
Hi, my name is Jim and I am a Corvette-aholic!:D
JimZ06 said:
Tom, I can't tell if your kidding or not, but I will tell you that if this is a no-kidding club/organization and my wife finds out about it she'll make me join in a heartbeat!!!!! You should have patches made with the logo on them. I would wear it on my flight suit!
Hi, my name is Jim and I am a Corvette-aholic!:D
No Jim he's not kiddin 'I saw on Corvette Valley that MMC5 has a section for Corvettes Anonymous.Purdy cool thing he got goin on there . Yes I have a Problem i am Vetteaholic:crazy03: :welcome: MMC5 to our Florida Forum.:wavey:
9T8Vette said:
No Jim he's not kiddin 'I saw on Corvette Valley that MMC5 has a section for Corvettes Anonymous.Purdy cool thing he got goin on there . Yes I have a Problem i am Vetteaholic:crazy03: :welcome: MMC5 to our Florida Forum.:wavey:
Jim and 9T8Vette - No, this isn't a joke in the sense of not being for real, but it a spoof on our afliction for Corvettes!

Looks to me like both you boys Have A Problem!

Check out our current products and if you are interested send me an email at tom@corvettesanonymous.com

There is more to the FAQ on Corvette Vally than here but one thing I'd like people here to know is about the offer to become a Charter Member.

Maybe I can edit the original introduction post. :shrug01:

Anyway, let me know if you are going to The Ultimate Party. I'll be there.

Btw, 9T8, I'm ALSO from Indpls, so in keeping with an inside joke between my wife and me, I have to ask.... What High School did you graduate from?:rofl1:

Jim, we are getting prices on patches. I like them too, but the problem may be the minimum order. So far, I have about a dozen requests and only need 38 more! :)
MMC5 said:
Jim and 9T8Vette - No, this isn't a joke in the sense of not being for real, but it a spoof on our afliction for Corvettes!

Looks to me like both you boys Have A Problem!

Check out our current products and if you are interested send me an email at tom@corvettesanonymous.com

There is more to the FAQ on Corvette Vally than here but one thing I'd like people here to know is about the offer to become a Charter Member.

Maybe I can edit the original introduction post. :shrug01:

Anyway, let me know if you are going to The Ultimate Party. I'll be there.

Btw, 9T8, I'm ALSO from Indpls, so in keeping with an inside joke between my wife and me, I have to ask.... What High School did you graduate from?:rofl1:

Jim, we are getting prices on patches. I like them too, but the problem may be the minimum order. So far, I have about a dozen requests and only need 38 more! :)
Hello everyone, Just wanted to share that i joined the Corvette Anonymous and i think it's purdy cool:dancer01: .For us Non-club and You Club members this is a way of hookin up at shows and Cruizes without going to meetings and such.i will be meeting with Tom tomorrow to pick up my shirts and cap.We will be wearing our shirts and cap at the Ferman's show.Hope to meet with ya'll at the show.Big Tom is the Man you will need to PM and get the whole scoop.Believe me i was alittle puzzled how this all works,but Tom inform me that only requirements is to HAVE FUN :party: and Spread the Word.We are becoming nationwide with members in NC,GA,IN,CO, and some others that Tom could tell you about.So Guys and Gals PM Tom and see what you are Missing:thumbsup: :yesnod: :usa_flag:
Hey 9T8, that was a pretty :cool: post. Thank you very much!

I've been working my tail off getting shirts out. Am supposed to get caps this afternoon, so am looking forward to hooking up with you Fri.

Rich sent a note about CF folks meeting at a McDs Saturday AM. If I can figure out where it is, I will be there!

If any CF member wants to purchase a cap or order a shirt while @ McDonald's they will get the 15% Charter Member discounts.

Remember there us NO requirement to become a Member of Corvettes Anonymous and through 12/31/06 the Membership Contribution is waived to members of CF who join through the Forum.

Shows are a little different. Shirts, etc are at full retail price. However, if someone does join at a show and donate the Membership contribution of $20, they will receive a 10% discount.

Based on the orders we've already received / shipped, that donation gets recouped pretty quickly.

Sooo, here is the advantage to CFers @ McDs. Purchase or order at the restaurant where the member contribution is waived, and receive a 15% discount.

We'll need a 50% deposit for all orders ~ that will be the same at Ferman.

I'll now return you to your regularily scheduled programing, while I return to packaging mail orders! :rofl1:

Tom :wavey:
MMC5 said:
Hey 9T8, that was a pretty :cool: post. Thank you very much!

I've been working my tail off getting shirts out. Am supposed to get caps this afternoon, so am looking forward to hooking up with you Fri.

Rich sent a note about CF folks meeting at a McDs Saturday AM. If I can figure out where it is, I will be there!

If any CF member wants to purchase a cap or order a shirt while @ McDonald's they will get the 15% Charter Member discounts.

Remember there us NO requirement to become a Member of Corvettes Anonymous and through 12/31/06 the Membership Contribution is waived to members of CF who join through the Forum.

Shows are a little different. Shirts, etc are at full retail price. However, if someone does join at a show and donate the Membership contribution of $20, they will receive a 10% discount.

Based on the orders we've already received / shipped, that donation gets recouped pretty quickly.

Sooo, here is the advantage to CFers @ McDs. Purchase or order at the restaurant where the member contribution is waived, and receive a 15% discount.

We'll need a 50% deposit for all orders ~ that will be the same at Ferman.

I'll now return you to your regularily scheduled programing, while I return to packaging mail orders! :rofl1:

Tom :wavey:
Your welcome Tom. Dam i 'm having Fun already. I have been a member for a few days and gettin patted on the back already:thumbsup: :wavey: I must have a Problem:crazy03:
Hey Hey Hey. (I took 9T8Vette's lead)

:wavey: Your looking at one of the Newest members of Corvettes Anonymous. I sent Tom (MMC5) a PM and then gave him a call. He Seems like a truly genuine Individual, and I'm glad I took the leap.
This organization does some pretty great and selfless things, and I just wanted to jump on the ban wagon!
C Ya at the show Tom.

ynkedad said:
:wavey: Your looking at one of the Newest members of Corvettes Anonymous. I sent Tom (MMC5) a PM and then gave him a call. He Seems like a truly genuine Individual, and I'm glad I took the leap.
This organization does some pretty great and selfless things, and I just wanted to jump on the ban wagon!
C Ya at the show Tom.

:welcome: Thanks for joining the team ynkedad .I am new at this as well, and like you said this group does great things.:yesnod: And we get to meet other folks with a Problem:hehehe: And having some fun with our Corvettes :dancer01: :thumbsup:
ynkedad said:
:wavey: Your looking at one of the Newest members of Corvettes Anonymous. I sent Tom (MMC5) a PM and then gave him a call. He Seems like a truly genuine Individual, and I'm glad I took the leap.
This organization does some pretty great and selfless things, and I just wanted to jump on the ban wagon!
C Ya at the show Tom.

Aw Shucks! :o :o

Great conversation Ray and I'm looking forward to meeting you at Mickey-D's!

Your Charter Member number will be #011. You are More Than Welcome to use the logo and number in your sig or your email, if you chooose.

Btw, got that note ~ TKU Big time!

Now if someone would tell me where that Mac's is....:confused:

C U SAt! :wavey:

TBV Ultimate Corvette Party


There's a map on the thread "TBV Ultimate Corvette Party" on page #9 (submited by Jim Kill):thumbsup:
9T8Vette said:
:welcome: Thanks for joining the team ynkedad .I am new at this as well, and like you said this group does great things.:yesnod: And we get to meet other folks with a Problem:hehehe: And having some fun with our Corvettes :dancer01: :thumbsup:
I hear ya dude:thumbsup:
:wavey: Thanks for the welcome as well!:dancer01:
To everyone who has already become a member of Corvettes Anonymous I want to express my most sincere Thank You! To each of you I met at Ferman ~ and to 9T8Vette, who I kept missing ~ What a Wonderful Experience.

The show was its usual incredible bash! Probably one of the top 5 Bay Area shows! My email has driven me :crazy03: today!

As a result of the show, we have added some exciting new products so Here is a link for you to check out.

Please bear with me 'cause I'm trying to get the official website up and PayPal in place. :ack2: Soon I hope! :)

Anyway just email me for details. Don't forget Christmas is looming large and we need to allow for order building & shipping. :eek:

Thanks Again To All!

Tom :wavey:
I can personally attest to the help that I have received from Corvettes Anonymous. I am in no way cured, but it helps to know that I am not alone and that other suffer from the same conditions. :yesnod:
Join us on the counseling couch.... :thumbsup:
And the doctor is....

Cute, with shapely legs and beautiful feminine figure and beer and wants to ride in my C3?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :reddevil:
Hey Tom,

First off...Thanks for calling to check up on us!:thumbsup:

Secondly, pick a day you and your group want to come up, but like I said, the car show is the 3rd Saturday of every month and begins around 4:30pm, I think. The time is on the link I sent you.
They have DJ's plating old time Rock N' Roll, beer, mixed drinks, wine, water and soda available to buy. Lots of places to eat (probably have a line though :banghead: ), A few shops for the Ladies although, not too many shops at the Square where the car show is, but the other Square has lots of them, and more places to eat.:crazy03:

Oh, The car show consists of Classic and Antique cars/trucks.

Every night, both squares have entertainment, from live bands to DJ's. Lots of dancing etc. Although, it doesn't start till 5pm and always ends at 9pm. (kind of late I know).
If you all are crunched for time, ya's can get here around noon, shop, eat check things out etc. at one square, then caravan to the car show at the other square, check it out then head home or get a hotel room in the villages. Up to you.:thumbsup:

SteveK said:
I can personally attest to the help that I have received from Corvettes Anonymous. I am in no way cured, but it helps to know that I am not alone and that other suffer from the same conditions. :yesnod:
Join us on the counseling couch.... :thumbsup:
Well Steve, there Is No Cure...but part of what will help you feel better was dropped of at the USPS this morning! Keel an eye on your mailbox! :dancer01:

And speaking of that Couch Session "The Doctor" is working overtime to get up to date. Anytime you want to send a pic and your sad tail of woe.... either Nurse Rachett or Nurse Goodbody will pull up a chair for you. :rofl1:

T :wavey: