• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Do your part for border security!!


New member
DO YOUR PART !! Click on and then put the crosshairs on them and pull the trigger. It sure does make one feel better! Try it!!
Take out your frustration with our OPEN BORDER!

Not PC, but sure helps with the frustration! (with apology to any Mexican members!)

I wonder how well this game would have been received 100 years ago if it was showing ships loaded with immigrant men, women and children coming from Europe being blown out of the water along our east coast...Just my .02...
I wonder how well this game would have been received 100 years ago if it was showing ships loaded with immigrant men, women and children coming from Europe being blown out of the water along our east coast...Just my .02...

Probably not well. Then again, immigrants (and criminals in some cases) were the ones who settled the country in the first place.

The immigrants you mention helped make the country what it is today. As well, once they made landfall, they did whatever they could to help the US and themselves become a part of this great country:thumbsup:

100 years later one of the biggest problems facing our country...illegal immigration:(

Todays immigrants are living off the taxes you and I pay, the welfare system you and I pay for, and not contributing to the effort. In many cases, these same immigrants are sending the bulk of thier earnings back to relatives in thier mother country and not fueling the economy here. Many of the immigrants (as portrayed by this "game") refuse to learn the language, sunmit to the immigration regulations, or defend our country. There's a lot of "take" and not a lot of "give" :(

If these were "legal" immigrants being "shipped" to the US, I'd dump this like a hot potatoe. Thats not the case.

I'm not anti immigrant. I am Anti-illegal immigrant!

my $.02

BTW, 2 of my best friends were native Cubanos who defected here as children with thier families. Both are US citizens, both earn very comfortable incomes (attorneys and such) and both contribute to the system:thumbsup:

I have no problem with a person wishing to escape a tyrant or dictatorship. But once it's done, get legal:thumbsup:

The vast majority of the Mexican immigrants never seem to get to that step:(
Probably not well. Then again, immigrants (and criminals in some cases) were the ones who settled the country in the first place.

The immigrants you mention helped make the country what it is today. As well, once they made landfall, they did whatever they could to help the US and themselves become a part of this great country:thumbsup:

100 years later one of the biggest problems facing our country...illegal immigration:(

Todays immigrants are living off the taxes you and I pay, the welfare system you and I pay for, and not contributing to the effort. In many cases, these same immigrants are sending the bulk of thier earnings back to relatives in thier mother country and not fueling the economy here. Many of the immigrants (as portrayed by this "game") refuse to learn the language, sunmit to the immigration regulations, or defend our country. There's a lot of "take" and not a lot of "give" :(

If these were "legal" immigrants being "shipped" to the US, I'd dump this like a hot potatoe. Thats not the case.

I'm not anti immigrant. I am Anti-illegal immigrant!

my $.02

BTW, 2 of my best friends were native Cubanos who defected here as children with thier families. Both are US citizens, both earn very comfortable incomes (attorneys and such) and both contribute to the system:thumbsup:

I have no problem with a person wishing to escape a tyrant or dictatorship. But once it's done, get legal:thumbsup:

The vast majority of the Mexican immigrants never seem to get to that step:(

:iagree: Si Senor:lmao:
Well said Shadow! Both sets of my great grandparents came here legally, started a business or got jobs and worked hard, learned the language and made a good contribution to society and gave back until the day they died. I have been to many countries, and lived in some for a while, NONE of them would tolerate what we do, in fact one country will NOT let you become a citizen even after living there 20+ years. I find it amazing what we tolerate, then are blamed for all the worlds problems and are the bad guys for not letting criminals overrun our country. We can't even take care of our own veterans let alone those others who need help. Legal immigration, I'm all for it. Illegals, get out, I don't care how bad you have it, come here legally or go to jail then get shipped home and lose ALL chance of coming back and becoming a legal citizen. end rant.
You dont even want to hear my thoughts!!!

try living next to 50+ of them
Having to send your kids away for christmas so they can sleep.
driving down the road and seeing a line of nice old houses with the exception of one.your neigbors
Ferman is next door, or so it seams

Ive got 40-50 of them living in one house 3 doors down, they shower in the side yard with a hose, have beer bottles and other trash scattered all over the yard, real nice neighbors.A real addition to any neighborhood! As far as that goes what country wouldn't love to have these leaches on society???As far as the immigrants that came by ship 100 years ago they did it legally. Big differance between legall and illegal!!!
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O Yeah, Our 7 year olds(and I) had the pleasure of seeing one of them use the 5 gallon bucket toilet, they had by the chainlink fence:lmao:

And there are 3 lawnmower sheds behind their double wide, and all of them have bunkbeds on each wall and extention cords hooked up to their window units.
Ive got some privacy fence up now,

P.S. Did you Illegals light fireworks till 2 in the morning on christmas eve also? That seemed to be this years problem,
No offense intended by my earlier post. I am myself a naturalized citizen who has been in this country since 1959 and strongly believe in legalized immigration. Where I was coming from was that I just thought the game was in bad taste.
Just come here legally, learn to speak, read and write english, just like my forefathers did back in 1846. Learn to become part of this great melting pot, not make it into your old country.
No offense intended by my earlier post. I am myself a naturalized citizen who has been in this country since 1959 and strongly believe in legalized immigration. Where I was coming from was that I just thought the game was in bad taste.

:thumbsup:No offense taken here my friend:thumbsup:

As I mentioned, I have several friends that are in the same situation...naturalized and extremely productive citizens:thumbsup:

As far as bad taste? I though of that too, but it's one of the freedoms our citizenship extends to us...the right to have bad taste:yesnod:
As far as bad taste? I though of that too, but it's one of the freedoms our citizenship extends to us...the right to have bad taste:yesnod:

This is an EXCELLENT point! The true cost of you having the freedom to do what you want is that you have to put up with what other people want to do, even if you don't appreciate or approve of it. Once you attempt to deny them that right, you implicitly give them the opportunity to deny YOUR rights as well. Or, more succinctly, Live and Let Live.
O Yeah, Our 7 year olds(and I) had the pleasure of seeing one of them use the 5 gallon bucket toilet, they had by the chainlink fence:lmao:

And there are 3 lawnmower sheds behind their double wide, and all of them have bunkbeds on each wall and extention cords hooked up to their window units.

P.S. Did you Illegals light fireworks till 2 in the morning on christmas eve also? That seemed to be this years problem,

How in the hell is ANY of this legal???:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly:
How in the hell is ANY of this legal???:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly:

The police told us it was "a culture clash" and that i need video proof, all of the code inforcment that has came to see the conditions come at the time they are out working, One of these days something will come of it, everytime a go in my house and sit down I hear "dint doot dint doot"
I found the mute button but you have to walk out there everyday and cock the shotgun, that gets tireing
Ive got 40-50 of them living in one hose 3 doors down, they shower in the side yard with a hose, have beer bottles and other trash scattered all over the yard, real nice neighbors.A real addition to any neighborhood! As far as the immigrants that came by ship 100 years ago they did it legally. Big differance between legall and illegal!!!

Wrong! We did not have statutes in place that would've determined that 100 years ago. By today's standards, they would be considered "ILLEGAL!"

Not defending illegals but......I can think of entire segments of the population who are U.S. Citizens that are much, much worse!!!!!!! At least, most illegals work and keep to themselves because they know that I.C.E. is a phone call away. Again, how can you point the finger when you clearly have three pointing back? People want "so much" for them to "get out" when no one wants to look around them and solve the issues within. It's a catch 22, a double-edged sword, whatever cliche you want to use.

How can you blame an employer for hiring illegals when you have millions and I do mean millions of lazy-a$s homegrowns that won't lift a finger as long as they are collecting the government cheese?! Many employers that are out in the field will tell you, they don't have much to choose from. Let me ask you this, how many "homeless" people have ever asked you for "ayuda?" My answer to you is very little if ANY! I think everyone needs to get over it. It's very easy to sit here and complain and rant and whine, but apparently most people are no different then how they view the "illegals!" And by that I mean "A PROBLEM!" That's right, if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem! If you don't like something, then do something about it.

We've allowed it to happen. Come on, look around you. "Press one for English, Oprima el dos para espanol," Univision, Telemundo, etc., "Page one is English, Para espanol mire pagina dos," need I say more? We've conformed to their standards, NOT the other way around. Can you blame them for their lack of assimilation when we never enforce it? Remember, after the Native American languages, Spanish, not English was the first language spoken in what is now the United States. Oooo, that hurts to think doesn't it?! How can we force people to "speak english" or "english only" when it's not even our official language?! Don't believe me, check it! English is the "de Facto" language of the United States, not "official.":mad:

Got a problem with illegals, screw the cops, call I.C.E. Don't want to call I.C.E. and pass up the ransom money they offer for turning them in, then keep calling the cops. Record all evidence with video or photo if possible, document all occurrences, save all police reports, etc. Cops won't do anything, take the landlord to court....suit his a$s. Hit him/her in the pocketbook where it hurts, etc. I speak from personal experience!!!!
Or, continue to do nothing and whine and b!tch on the internet. After all, it's your tax dollars, it's your property value, it's your life!:D

BTW, the game is funny as hell!:lmao: I don't care who you put in it.:peelout 1:
I agree the game is funny as hell. Just to bad we couldn't go down to the border and do it for real.. That would take care opf the problem asap..As far as the immigrants that came a hundred or so years ago they wanted to melt in asap.They did not want to make this country Mexico north..And by the way there was a place called Ellis Island, they didn't just break into our country.We need to do like Arizona and Oaklahoma have done and fine the hell out of anyone who employs illegals.. That is a start to getting ahold of this problem. I agree try calling ICE, SEE IF YOU HAVE ANY LUCK GETTING THEM TO SHOW UP!