• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Damn pick up trucks

Well went to Fort Myers today to do some shopping and on the way home some pick up truck witha Crap full of stuff in his bed was on the right of me and something,I think it was a piece of metal came flying out and hit the back of the corvette right on the hatch back,I was on his left and tried to get behind him to stop him,but he turned right at a light and he had another car behing him,by the time I could pull over and turn around he was gone.I got his plate #,I called my insurance company and made a claim.

Now I need to get it fixed,not too bad but deep into the fiberglass:ack2:

Can anyone suggest a good paint shop that does insurance claims to get it fixed?I would like to stay away from the stealerships if I can.So much for having a good day off:eek:





Man that sucks....... Seems like the standard procedure where I live is for people to load their garbage in their pickup truck, lower the tailgate, then drive around at high speed until it has all blown out. Saves them the expense of taking it to the dump, I guess. People around here think nothing of tossing their McDonald's bags out the window when driving down the road.... We'll find anything from a washing machine to deer carcasses in our stream............
Man that sucks!!!!!!!

Our guy we use does insurance claims, but we are kind far for you to drive :thumbsdown: too bad cause he is really good!!
Oh man that sucks:banghead:. I know how you feel as a few months ago i was at a 4way stop in my GS and got rear ended. cracked the bumper and taillight covers. :thumbsdown::banghead:
I had mine repaired at Burke's Corvettes over in Orlando. It's probably too far for you but I highly recommend them. Putting a GS back to original status is not an easy chore and they pulld it off without any problem. They even located GM factory original GS stripe kits which aren't on the shelves in your local auto parts store.

Good luck with the repairs.:thumbsup:
Dang Ray! Burkes isn't really all that far for a top quality job:thumbsup:

Mikes Body shop here in Clearwater does a lot of work for AutoXTC in Clearwater. They do a great job too but also a long way to go:(

Good luck brother.