• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Had a Great time @ UCP

Ms. AntiVenom

Vicious Evil Person
Thankyou all, It nice to meet some new faces, and see my friends!!! Ive got some photos but Im so exhausted right now:dancer01:
I was across the street doing Dyno runs on the motorcycle all day.
I had to go there to represent the Tampa Sports Bike family.
I went across the street to the Vette show and I saw the Sun Coast Corvette Club and I also got to see Glenn’s Blue love machine. WOW that thing is B A D A $ $ $ $ $ $

Great show and good seeing some of you. :thumbsup:
Thankyou all, It nice to meet some new faces, and see my friends!!! Ive got some photos but Im so exhausted right now:dancer01:

Super day. Met some new friends (Gordon, Rashelle, Jack, Traci, Greg, Dave, Linda) and had the pleasure of seeing some of my buds from past gatherings.

Wonderful day, thanks

Ken & Carrie
:thumbsup:Yes it was a beautiful day to hang with old friends and meet new ones too. Congradulations to Ken and Carrie on their WIN today in the C3 class. :dancer01::dancer01:
Oh Crap...

:thumbsup:Yes it was a beautiful day to hang with old friends and meet new ones too. Congradulations to Ken and Carrie on their WIN today in the C3 class. :dancer01::dancer01:

Mark, you are such a noser... Ken and Carrie win all the time. :lmao:

We had a good time today, Deb and I really enjoy getting together with our CorvetteFlorida.com family and wasting a perfectly good day we could be doing yardwork or painting the hallway or cleaning Paige's room, or some other such worthwhile project.

Thank you CorvetteFlorida.com for stopping me from engaging in home maintenence projects I am neither qualified nor excited to begin, and never finish.

Thank you all,

Joe B.

All I know is that I had a great day....I worked my ass off and met tons of people from CorvetteFlorida. Rich even made me another "Name Tag" and that was appreciated. Hope you all stopped by "AnteVenom" and saw the "Killer Zee". Greg did a retune on the Vette at show for me....and warned me on the way home to watch out....Well, I punch it the first time and "Holy Crap" Batman.... it sucked me to the seat and dug in. Thanks Greg and Ms. AnteVenom and the team at "AnteVenom".

All I know is that I had a great day....I worked my ass off and met tons of people from CorvetteFlorida. Rich even made me another "Name Tag" and that was appreciated. Hope you all stopped by "AnteVenom" and saw the "Killer Zee". Greg did a retune on the Vette at show for me....and warned me on the way home to watch out....Well, I punch it the first time and "Holy Crap" Batman.... it sucked me to the seat and dug in. Thanks Greg and Ms. AnteVenom and the team at "AnteVenom".


Greg knows his stuff! He really turned my car into a beast, it's like a night and day diff.

I'm ready to give you a run for your money Jim.
Can't even begin to describe how much fun it was! Hanging out with you guys and meeting some for the 1st time....:thumbsup:

Met one of our members whose selling a beautiful GS:( due to family comitments (Beautiful TWINS:thumbsup::dancer01:)
That takes a real man (or woman) to part with something like that and I commend him for his dedication to his family.
If I had the $$ it'd have come home with me. Of course then again, I'd need a new home:rofl1:

This is a great group, one I'm proud to be associated with and as I mentioned to him, regardless of what one drives:thumbsup:

To me, the love of the machine is simply what brings us together.
The friendships and bond that grows from our meetings are what forms the lasting friendships:thumbsup:.

Thanks to RichZ for putting having the forethought to put this site together and the wherewithall to stay with it until it began to blossom.:bravo:

Thanks to everyone else here for your commitment to the site, your enthusiasm :party: and dedication, and most of all THANKS for the friendship and laughs :icon_cheers:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to each of you! :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:

More Horses Coming

Greg knows his stuff! He really turned my car into a beast, it's like a night and day diff.

I'm ready to give you a run for your money Jim.

I saw your Dyno and thats pretty impressive.:eek:....I had better start saving up my money again to give to Greg and R......Look forward to are next Breakfast run.....Best of Luck with you on the Mods!!!

I saw your Dyno and thats pretty impressive.:eek:....I had better start saving up my money again to give to Greg and R......Look forward to are next Breakfast run.....Best of Luck with you on the Mods!!!


I wont miss the next breakfast for the world! Now i need some sticky tires.

If you put headers on your car you will really love the sound and the power.
Here are some pics I took.. It was a great day and I know I did not get pics of everyone Every time I saw Jim he looked like he was a busy guy..never in one place very long. I got a picture of Rich's car but he and Connie were never around when I had the camera out. Congrats to Ken.
And it was great meeting some of the forum folks. Mark is so tall I still can't figure out how he fits in that c6:shrug01:



Her car


B/M facing me..sorry don't know who he's talking to(Ragtop) ?


Deb's car



Mark ????

Bullshit session..Whats in the red cups ?




Gordon's C4


Another gathering....

The one that got away..
Those were great!:thumbsup:

That wasn't bullshit, that was a "strategy session" and it was WATER in the red cups....thats my story and I'm stickin' to it:yesnod::rofl1:
Nice pics. Hey, I'm only 5'19"! I get in my vette just fine. Of course if I was an inch taller, then it would be a different story. Thanks again for sharing the pics. It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife too.
I think Gordon is yanking everyone's chain. There were some serious fumes coming out of that cooler of his. I even think there was a biohazard sticker on the outside!!!!:lmao:
Nice pics! Sorry I couldn't stay longer. It was really nice putting faces with screen names even though I'll probably forget by the next time. I can usually remember what someone is driving before I remember their name. :shrug01:
Super day. Met some new friends (Gordon, Rashelle, Jack, Traci, Greg, Dave, Linda) and had the pleasure of seeing some of my buds from past gatherings.

Wonderful day, thanks

Ken & Carrie

It was so nice meeting you! when I finally got Greg to walk around he got to see your car in person, and 72ragtop's, he went nutty over them, Im wondering now if it is a color thing for him and that body style with him:lmao:
Carrie looks just like one of my best friends and it freaked me out at first thinking it was her:lol
Man, I couldn't even get to talk to Greg as he was busy the entire time.... :nonod:

But it was nice seeing everyone there and talking with most of them. We didn't hang around the car much, for some reason, but instead walked around to see the cars and talk to some people. The hours just zipped on by, an next thing we knew the day was over with, leaving me with a sunburned face,

Heck of a fun time! :thumbsup: