• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

How many of you are starting to feel a tidbit of fall?!


I am this morning here in West Palm Beach. Couldn't resist and took the targa off. This afternoon is feelin' gooooooood! Who else is feelin' it?! This warrants a trip to the t!ty bar if you ask me.:dancer01:
Heck, up here in Tallahassee, Fall is definitely in the air. Got a couple of nights that dipped into the high 40s and low 50s already. Had to scrounge up a long sleeved shirt one morning when I had to run out early.

So yeah, cooler weather is definitely here.
Damn! No not that cold here. Maybe 72 degrees at the lowest but the humidity seems to be slowly fading away! :D
Yea, it's the lower humidity that's making it really nice around here. Dropped a few degrees in temp over here too. :D
Yep it's in the air.Just got back from being in NC.And fall is all over place up there.We own a place in Franklin and had to winterize the home.But not without doing a little leaf lookin on the Blue Ridge Parkway.Here's afew turkeys that were feeding near the parkway and fall pics:thumbsup:


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You know your a true southerner (or Floridian) if.................... 72 degrees and 90% or less humidity feels like fall,,,, HEHEHE:hehehe: :thumbsup:

It has been kinda nice in Tampa area last few days.
Z06 Rocket said:
You know your a true southerner (or Floridian) if.................... 72 degrees and 90% or less humidity feels like fall,,,, HEHEHE:hehehe: :thumbsup:

It has been kinda nice in Tampa area last few days.

Damn right!!!!!!:lmao: :thumbsup:
9T8Vette said:
Yep it's in the air.Just got back from being in NC.And fall is all over place up there.We own a place in Franklin and had to winterize the home.But not without doing a little leaf lookin on the Blue Ridge Parkway.Here's afew turkeys that were feeding near the parkway and fall pics:thumbsup:

Ah man! Look at dem turkeys.........that's some gooooood eatin'!!!!:beatdeadhorse5:
Rich Z said:
Got a couple of nights that dipped into the high 40s and low 50s already.

Now that is more like fall. I wish I could get some of that here. 68* is too warm for me! Of course I used to drive around with my t-tops out when it was 30*!
MADN3SS said:
Now that is more like fall. I wish I could get some of that here. 68* is too warm for me! Of course I used to drive around with my t-tops out when it was 30*!

You did what in your t-back when it was 30 deg out?:eek:
Man, I moved down here from Maryland and really HATE cold weather. When I worked for the state here, I often heard people say that they LOVED cold weather and especially snow. When asked, NONE of them had ever lived up in the North, much less been exposed to that white crap. So I always asked them "Have you ever DRIVEN in snow or on ice? Ever had to shovel that stuff so you could walk to your car? Brush off snow from your car at 6 am with a stiff breeze blowing that stuff all into your hair and down your neck?"

Of course they looked at me like I was a real wet blanket to their fantasy vision of Winter. :lmao: But if you ain't been there, don't wish for something you really have no idea about. Snow and ice only looks good in pictures. Driving in salt laden slush or hitting a patch of ice in freezing rain and suddenly finding yourself spinning down the road, completely out of control, is NOT fun!

I'm from Maryland also. Howard County. I hated the cold weather and the white stuff that came with it. Like a lot of other owners, the Vette stayed in the garage almost all winter. It's one of the main reasons that after 32 years with the Fed Govn't I took a buyout and moved down here. This is one of the pictures I keep around to remind me of winters up in Woodstock Md. That's my wife's Geo and my Daily Driver Nissan 2000.

Man that looks Cold .I know myself haven't had to deal with that kinda of snow since the blizzard of 78:eek: That Spring we pack up our things and got the hell out of dodge.We have not regrated moving down here from Indy:nonod:
I really like the cold, and have been in it alot, but the driving thing does suck. Snow is much better as a kid than adult.
I have to agree with a few points made here. The snow is much more fun when your younger than when you get old. Driving certainly is a challenge in the snow, I remember one time I had quite a ride on the way to work one snowy day, a couple of cars in front of me hit sending a pickup truck sliding from the right lane accross the three lefthand lanes, he bounced off the guard rail head first, I passed him on the right missing him by only inches at 45 mph. God I miss those days. Blizzard of 78, ya my car was in the driveway with only the antenna mast visable, no work for a week, really brought the community together, against the law to drive so you had to walk everywhere, no electricity for a couple of days so no ability to get money from the banks.

As for here, I have had my windows open for the past three or four days. The last two I have slept with the windows open at night and this morning I found myself wrapped up in my wifes arms and legs, look mom I'm a rihnoceros.:lmao:
I moved here twelve years ago from Conn. I still can't get
the smile off my face. I shoveled my last flake of snow!
I moved here twelve years ago from Conn. I still can't get
the smile off my face. I shoveled my last flake of snow!

Man, I KNOW the feeling! :thumbsup:
Snow f@(king sucks!!!!!! So does black ice.:thumbsdown: About 75 degrees down here in West Palm Beach and dry. Have had the top down every single day. :thumbsup: