• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Great job congress

vett boy

New member
AIG was so happy about the bailout they spent $440,000 on a party to celebrate at a posh California resort.:banghead:In theory some of that was my money and I didn't get invited.
AIG was so happy about the bailout they spent $440,000 on a party to celebrate at a posh California resort.:banghead:In theory some of that was my money and I didn't get invited.

Insurance companies...go figure....:shrug01::nonod::mad:After all, it's not thier money anymore, right?
Its ironic how they once again rushed everyone into something that we are all going to be sorry about down the road...As for the AIG, I would like to see some indictments...
Guess what. I just heard this morning that the government might lend them another $35 Billions.
This is sick.
As I have been telling people for the last few months, we're ****ed no matter what happens with the election. Politicians are politicians are politicians. The President won't change that. And since nobody in an office really knows what to do, they just throw money at the problem. Which doesn't exactly help.

Is there any way to fire everyone in gov't and hire people smarter, and more talented for the jobs? That's the rub there, they will get paid for the rest of their life, so it doesn't matter what happens to the world for them. They don't care about the common citizen and what we want, and that's why AIG will get it's $35 billion. And in a few months after a few more parties, maybe another bailout. Huzzah. :NoNo:

As you can clearly see, I'm an optimist. Nothing but happy faces and warm fuzzy feeling over here.
Is there any way to fire everyone in gov't and hire people smarter, and more talented for the jobs?

Unfortunately, these individuals will get re-elected. I am sorry to say that some of the people I speak with, and who will vote in November, get their news from late night talk shows and internet blogs that don't use facts for their comments.

It is very scary but I, like you, am optimistic. :yesnod:
Ya know as much as it will pizz me off. :nonod: I'd love to see the beginning value and exit value of those who make such decisions. Bush's net value before/after office, same for VP and all those such "high" politicians. I just know it'll pizz me off! I somehow suspect that income gained from oil investments will be hugh. Wadda ya think?:confused:
Ya know as much as it will pizz me off. :nonod: I'd love to see the beginning value and exit value of those who make such decisions. Bush's net value before/after office, same for VP and all those such "high" politicians. I just know it'll pizz me off! I somehow suspect that income gained from oil investments will be hugh. Wadda ya think?:confused:


I am sure that their net worth did not go down while in office! What really gripes the hell out of me is that we all have worked very hard trying to get to retirement and they (who ever gets in office) are going to have to change the Social Security system. But what really gets me is that Congress members are not part of the SS system. They have a separate retirement plan that is very, very lucrative for the number of years they serve in Congress.

Well, if you have to fix the SS system, then give up the system the Congressional members have and put them into the SS system. Take the funds that have been set aside for Congressional retirements and put it into the SS fund. I know overall it would be a drop in the bucket, but let's make them look and act as much like the rest of us as we possibly can.

Ok, so it's wishful thinking!

Doesn't surprise me at all. Insurance is pretty much a scam anyway.
:iagree: Here here..:thumbsup:

Its ironic how they once again rushed everyone into something that we are all going to be sorry about down the road...As for the AIG, I would like to see some indictments...
They used Scare Tactics to frighten everyone. Then the media got ahold of it and next thing we knew....The sky was falling :willy_nilly:!!!

Unfortunately, these individuals will get re-elected. I am sorry to say that some of the people I speak with, and who will vote in November, get their news from late night talk shows and internet blogs that don't use facts for their comments.

It is very scary but I, like you, am optimistic. :yesnod:
There needs to be something drastic done to WAKE UP our Government!
Like Rich said before, There needs to be a "None of the above" on the Ballot. And if it (none of the above) gets a certain percentage of the vote, the two parties would have to go back and find someone else in their perspective parties to run. Someone WE the people WANT.
JAT, How and why are the parties allowed to pick who they believe have the best chance of winning the Election, and then that's who we're stuck with on the ticket... is beyond me!:rolleyes:.

But what really gets me is that Congress members are not part of the SS system. They have a separate retirement plan that is very, very lucrative for the number of years they serve in Congress.

Well, if you have to fix the SS system, then give up the system the Congressional members have and put them into the SS system. Take the funds that have been set aside for Congressional retirements and put it into the SS fund. I know overall it would be a drop in the bucket, but let's make them look and act as much like the rest of us as we possibly can.

Yea, This is yet another thing that's total BS! Congress having a separate lucrative retirement plan that is.
Congress and the White Housers get paid their yearly, in-office salary... for the rest of their lives. If memory serves. So they can live high on the hog even without their businesses. That said, the cost of a modern campaign makes their salary look like a campaign costs coupon. :hehehe:
I love it..

Too Funny!!!:lmao:

My first order of business would be to lower the vette tax! :party::party::party::party::hehehe: