• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.



New member
Rich, after this winter season we are ready to leave Clearwater.
Any recommendation's on areas to look around in your area ? (or East of you)
We are not city folks, but not looking for a place in the boonies.
Well, that is kind of hard to answer without knowing you personally. Everyone likely has their own unique ideas about that they would be looking for.

And truth be known, my criteria is probably different now than it was when we first moved down here. Back then I had the reptile breeding business and I was much more highly interested in wildlife and the more wilder side of Florida. Now it seems we are fighting nature more than we are enjoying having it around us. So there can be too much of a good thing.

I don't think Connie and I moving to and living in Crawfordville was any sort of bad idea, and honestly I think we are still comfortable and satisfied living here. But like everywhere else, it seems, it is growing up pretty quickly. Living on 50 acres does give us sort of a buffer zone around the house and everywhere else. And it is nice being kind of centrally located between the state capital and the Gulf.

If it weren't for shopping on the internet, I think living in any small town anywhere could be nerve wracking for many people. I generally don't even bother trying to find much locally that I want to buy, unless it would be items you would expect to find being needed in a rural area. Since we have moved here they have build a Walmart a stone's throw away, and are finishing up on a new Publix. Route 319 is being widened and there seems to be new housing developments popping up everywhere. But still, probably no where near how things have been developed in more southerly Florida. We are only 3/4s of a mile from the Apalachicola State Forest, so if you want to get away from any crowds, you can do that in a hurry.

But that being said, if I were looking now, I find the Crystal River area to be a really nice area that I would look real close at. But that is likely to close to where you already are now for you to be worth considering moving to.

Going further east, honestly, I don't recall seeing any areas that I find attractive, but it could just be the matter of one small area or one small town that would be exactly what you are looking for, that we just have not found ourselves. But heck Monticello looks really nice in drive throughs, so that could be worth taking a hard look at. East puts you more central in the state, and I tend to like it a bit more close to Gulf coast for some reason.

West of us, Apalachicola is a really nice little town, and even Marianna further north has always intrigued me. We have driven through Chattahoochee a couple of times and found it really nice looking, and have been meaning to go back to explore it more. But it seems to me that tropical storms and hurricanes tend to strike more to the west of us than near us or east of us. So that could be a consideration too. Mexico Beach was a really nice place, until Michael pretty much wiped it off of the map. They are rebuilding, but I doubt it will ever be the same.

If you have anything particular in mind, just ask and perhaps we have been there and formed some opinions about it.

Out of curiosity, what prompted this desire to move from Clearwater?
I was born here, grew up in Largo, it has become so crowded you would not believe it.
We had property on a weeki wachee canal, got to crowded there for us.
Thats why we are looking North.
I appreciate your reply, very good info, gives us a different look at things.
I think it is going to be difficult to get away from development growth in Florida with so many people from up north wanting to move down here. I think you would have to consider the "boonies" with the understanding that it won't remain the "boonies" for very long. But heck, figure out what is REALLY important to you and work from there. Need a hospital in close driving range? Decent grocery store(s)? Shopping opportunities in easy driving distance? Draw circles on a map centered around such wants with the radius being the maximum distance you are willing to tolerate. Then look for the places where those circles intersect and that will give you the choices you have to pick from.

Just be prepared to make compromises.
Great ideas Rich. We are taking a ride up state this week and look around, you hit on the things that are going to be a factor , hospitals , shopping , etc.
Not worried about development, by the time it gets to North Fl, I doubt I will still be here.
Looks like rain in the forecast up here most of this week. Kind of unusual because normally this time of year is pretty dry.

And be aware that yellow flies are in season around here, so be prepared.

Good luck in your searching. Wish I could help more, but Connie is sick and that is central and top focus for me.
Lots to consider. Only you know what your requirements are but I can certainly understand wanting to get away from central/south Florida.

Personally I have always lived in secluded areas off the beaten trail up here in northern Florida. I'm not really a city boy. I (we) don't mind being 25-50 miles away from civilization. And housing cost being what they are now, we moved to southwest Georgia and found the prices much more to our liking. The weather's not really any different and everyone we have met is super friendly, much like the small town we lived in in Florida. So it feels like home and has everything we need or want. There is state income tax here but overall the cost of living is low. We have a 4600+ sq ft house and the electric bill has yet to hit $200.

So take your time and drive through the area and get a feel for it, see how it fits. Good luck in your decision. Coming from where you are I think you'll find much to like up this way. I lived in Pompano Beach for several years when I was a kid and have seen over time how much it has changed. I left there in 1970 so I understand what you're talking about. Left a lot of friends and family behind and many tell me they wished they had left too.
Thanks Rich, hope the wife is getting better.

After having a heart attack on Memorial Day, It was brought to my attention that I was extremely lucky to have survived it. A cardiologist I saw told me that a third of all patients with my symptoms die in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. A friend of mine in the medical field told me that that figure is quite likely tied to the number of people living in rural areas distant from the hospital. The more time that elapses from the symptoms of a heart attack, and getting onto an operating table, the less likely a person is to survive.

Not sure of your age or health situation (heck, I THOUGHT I was pretty healthy!) but I guess this sort of consideration concerning distance from a decent hospital should rise in relation to your age and health level. IMHO, anyway.
Geez Rich, Glad you made it OK.
I have been reconsidering due to the reasons you just experienced.
My brother had a similar situation, heart attack, took over a hour to get to nearest hospital, but turned out OK. (he lives in very rural Coldspring TX)
The traffic and crowds around here suck, but having a hospital near by gives me a little piece of mind. Take care
Geez Rich, Glad you made it OK.
I have been reconsidering due to the reasons you just experienced.
My brother had a similar situation, heart attack, took over a hour to get to nearest hospital, but turned out OK. (he lives in very rural Coldspring TX)
The traffic and crowds around here suck, but having a hospital near by gives me a little piece of mind. Take care