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An Electable Ron Paul Triumphs In New Hampshire

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
An Electable Ron Paul Triumphs In New Hampshire
by Allen L Roland

Ron Paul, the protector of our once sacred constitution, seized the moment in New Hampshire by finishing a strong second in the Republican Primary and gleefully announced to a stunned Republican establishment that he is not only electable but dangerous to the status quo.

Libertarian Congressman Ron Paul has been bucking the trade winds of the Republican establishment for years and making little headway in his efforts to defend the constitution and protect our liberties. Last night in New Hampshire, Paul shocked the establishment with the help of the youth, Independents and a beaten down Middle Class by finishing a strong second to Mitt Romney and shattered the myth that Ron Paul is non-electable. Watch this 15 minute video of his victory celebration and witness a Ron Paul with the wind at his back and finally seizing his moment in New Hampshire.

It is my opinion that, minus the main stream media sponsored myth of non-electability, Ron Paul would have garnered at least 30% of the New Hampshire vote ~ which would truly have him nipping at Mitt Romney’s heels.

Now watch Doug Wead, Senior political advisor to Ron Paul explain the Republican Party’s best kept secret ~ Ron Paul Is Electable and Can Beat Obama !

Why? Because as Wead explains Paul is incorruptible, has integrity and matches up against Obama better than any other candidate. 4 minute Video

Then there’s Jesse Benton, Ron Paul’s youthful Campaign Chair Interview with Piers Morgan After Paul’s N.H 2nd Place Finish ~ where Benton predicts Paul will continue his momentum in South Carolina as people begin to realize that he is the only conservative alternate to Mitt Romney ~ and that Paul’s enthusiasm and honesty is contagious. 4 minute video

Then there’s the highly intelligent Bruce Fein, another Paul Senior political advisor, on Fox explaining that Ron Paul “Is the only major candidate who is hawkish on defending Americans in America ~ and not all over the world“ who eloquently outlines Paul’s campaign strategy and appeal. 5 minute video

Wednesday morning I was interviewed for 90 minutes by Mike Harris, on the Republic Broadcasting Network, and we entertained questions from listeners regarding Ron Paul’s strong finish in New Hampshire and the response from across the country was unanimous ~ Ron Paul is electable!

Not only that but there’s a wide cross section of this country that support his candidacy regardless of the Main Stream Press’s attempt to marginalize his campaign .

A white Catholic man from the Northeast called and shared his worry that Paul’s candidacy would be such a threat to the establishment that they would attempt to stop him ~ much like the Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King were stopped ~ because his message and presence was so needed at this time.

A black man from Chicago stressed Ron Paul’s moral integrity, character and honesty which have been so sadly lacking in the White House.

A woman from Louisiana commented on the hypocrisy of both Gingrich and Santorum in contrast with Paul’s honesty and integrity.

And lastly a Texas neighbor of Dr. Paul spoke movingly about Paul’s down to earth friendliness and how, as an OB, he has delivered over 4000 babies and has a direct or indirect relationship with virtually the whole town ~ how often he sees him riding his bicycle and waving to his neighbors and that what you see with Ron Paul is what you get in real life or in the political arena.

I was moved by these unsolicited comments from across the country and am now firmly convinced that the myth that Ron Paul is non-electable has been planted and continually stroked by the Republican establishment who are deathly afraid of not only Ron Paul’s message and its consequences to a Party that is still married to Wall Street and the Military/Industrial complex ~ but that Paul is the real thing (a true conservative) in a cast of pretenders and a constant reminder to the establishment of how far they have strayed from their core beliefs.

Watch out South Carolina and Florida ~ Ron Paul finally has the wind behind him and he is most certainly not only electable but dangerous to the status quo and Republican establishment.

Ron won't get the nomination as many feel his views are to radical .The problem is that those views are exactly what the founding father had intended for this country .
Yes I'd vote for RP ,Yes I'd vote for Newt ,No I would not vote for Obama (socialist) or Mitt (socialist)
If Ron Paul is not on the ballot, I will write his name in. If the ballots these days do not allow write-ins because of the digital scanning nature, I will rip it up and throw it in the trash where it belongs.
Unfortunately the Rick and Ron show has about another week of steam left, then it will be the Mitt & Newt show with Newt coming out ahead of the stuffed shirt...just my opinion...
Yeah, well the media is definitely doing a full court press to try to suppress Ron Paul. They are completely ignoring the fact that Ron Paul came in SECOND after Romney in NH, claiming the race is only between Romney and Gingrich.

Pretty darn obvious that they are trying to railroad Ron Paul out of the running and thereby limit OUR choices concerning who we can vote for. Quite frankly, I GREATLY resent that sort of crap that are pulling.

So yeah, I can see why the powers that be want to control the internet. Certainly would leave us completely at the mercy of the "bought and paid for" media with this painful little thorn called the internet pulled out of their butts.
Unfortunatly IMHO RP is un-electable, not because I disk like him, although his foreign policy is in fantasy land...But mainstream across the country would not vote for him...His foreign policy IS radical...Especially speaking about Iran, "LET THEM GETA NUKE, IT'S THERE BUSINESS" wtf ??...I do believe we should bring ALL our troops home from where ever they are, Germany, S Korea, Japan, and so on...Let those countries take care of them selves, enough BS with them...Is the media fair with RP, no, but the media sucks anyway. That's the way it's always been...If voters who want Barry out of the white house, don't rally around who ever the GOP nominee may be? than you will guarantee that Barry gets another 4 years... Then whats ever left of our country, as a super power will be gone...Can you say European Socialism...
Ron Paul is only going to be un-electable if people allow themselves to be railroaded into whatever the powers that control the media choose for them. Personally, I just flat out refuse to vote for merely the lesser of two evils any longer. Matter of fact, looking over this Mitt Romney dude, I'm honestly not sure of who the "lesser" would be anyway. My opinion is that Romney would just sell out the USA to the highest bidder for his own personal profiteering. That appears to be his expertise in the business world, and certainly being put into position of president of the USA would give him enormous leverage for more of the same. Would that be better or worse than where Obama is trying to lead us? :shrug01: Not really a decision that I want to be part of. So I would rather vote FOR someone that I hope would do a better job than both of the poor offerings that appear we are going to have dangled before us. In other words, I am voting for REAL change.

It's just time that people stop being led around by their noses by what the controlled media SAYS we SHOULD do. That just is not a good enough option for me any longer. If people TRULY believe that Romney would be a better choice than Obama and ANY ONE ELSE available to vote for, then more power to them. But I believe it really is time to STOP voting for evil, even if you believe it is only of the "lesser" type.
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Ron Paul only salvation would be a total makeover....no one is taking him serious and his handlers are the ones to blame...

Prediction: Obama vs Gingrich with Obama winning by narrow margin....just how I see things....